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(1 edit) (+1)

Hi, I have a couple suggestions. Please make the game longer and add a x3 speed option. I think a couple new monsters are also needed, and nerfs to the ones too powerful, like Wyrmlet, Urso, Slagg, or Skimander.


I do have some plans for longer runs, but just havent landed on how yet.  Definitely keep an eye on future updates


Loop runs could be kind of fun!


mudgill op it has thrash


Fun game! Urso is pretty broken TBH. I just feed him a bunch of mana reduction and now everyone can attack as fast as machine gun.

(1 edit) (+2)


Also Wyrmlet and Urso are far too broken, please nerf


Congrats on your win!  There is actually a minor nerf that will affect Wyrmlet mainly (A cap to bonus mana regen).  He is meant to be a little op to make up for how weak he is in stage 1 tho :D

Hey I have a question, can I please help with the pixel art? I am so in love with this already and would love to help.

Im really glad you enjoyed my game, I cant accept outside art though due to still trying to decide where and how far I want to go with this.  Fan art and designs inspired by it are cool though! 

Oh okay, but can I make designs and send them to you for you to adapt how you want?


Just did another playthrough, I managed to get to the last boss using Tuskal (tier 2), Tizik (tier 2), Gheist (tier 3) and Karakei (tier 2), and then I lost. 

I learned 2 things:

  • Technicals and Defensives are very strong, Aggresives are there to fill out your team.
  • It's best to use a maximum of 4 Monsters, and try to get them all to tier 2+, with more importance on maxing out the Technicals.

Sorry for the late reply but the next update will be bringing something that will help out larger teams, and improve later game decisions between more monsters vs evolutions.


Thank you! Excited for the update!

Deleted 322 days ago

that isnt supposed to happen.  Did you happen to kill the last enemy in the battle with it?  Also on the screen with the Select Team button, theres a version number under the left window, what is it showing? 

Deleted 322 days ago

thanks for the details!

(1 edit) (+2)

Add a skip button to skip fights if they go on for too long(the button could appear when the battle goes on for 1-3 minutes) , i had a karakai with the item: living root and the passive: calcify, i noticed while fighting the juggernaut that it heals, so the battle just kept going on forever because my karakai healed while also getting defense and then the juggernaut kept healing 150 whenever it was low.

that's an interesting situation, I'll try to do something about that 

(2 edits) (+1)

Bug report + Suggestions: 

Sometimes, I don't have a cooldown for repositioning, meaning I can move the monsters infinetly. I don't know what causes it tho.


The events between battles are great, but I believe when someone reads "Requires monster with 30+ strength" for the first time, they could get scared that they'd loose the monster. In general, I think the descriptions of items and event options should be slightly refined.

Also, when I played the game for the first time and saw the "Lasher", I wondered if there was an option to somehow play with the Lasher on your side.                                                     So what if, after defeating a strong enemy, you get the option to either:

- Purify the monster and have a weaker version of it on your side, maybe with some debuffs, as to balance it.

- Harness some of it's power, similar to blessings. For example, gaining 1/4 of the boss' strength and receiving a health debuff, or swapping your current attack with one from the boss.

Currently the only way to have an enemy on your side is to equip a void beacon, which summons 1 enemy to help you, though only the weakest ones.  Theres also a few items that replace your active ability with ones enemies have (The quiver, the holy book), which I do want to add more of those.  Ive def considered ways to get enemies on your team permanently but dont have any clear plans yet.  

also I think I tracked down that No Swap Cooldown, it was related to browsing the monsters in the compendium.  


The game is way too short, add back infinite mode pls yes.(the games is really good btw)

I would like to add more in the way of modes, just dont know how those will look yet!

(1 edit) (+1)

Some feedback:

so, I've really enjoyed this game, it's a bit difficult, but that makes it even more interesting! I think the monsters and bosses are really creative, and I love how all monsters have their own, unique playstyle! Also, I love how you're able to choose your team and use "food" on them, according to your own, personal style. Personally, I'll use a "Technical", and a "Defensive" monster at first, and evolve both of them before Zone 2, then get some eggs, and have a team of maybe 3-4 monsters, atleast one of them being maxed.

I think the combination Gheist + Strigeye is extremely good, and I try to get this combination in almost all runs.

Zone 1 boss is usually easy, I defeat him most of the time, Zone 2 boss is a bit harder, but if you have atleast 1 defensive monster, he's not that hard. Zone 3 boss is extremely hard, and I could only beat him once, with 2 monsters maxed.

In my first runs, I tried going only one type of monster, failing miserably with aggresive, and getting to Zone 2 using defensive.

All in all, really great game, there *are* bugs, but none of those that I experienced were game breaking, mostly some small, annoying visual bugs, and I will keep reporting when I find some.

Great game, great replayability!

Congrats on the win!  I will admit the zone 3 bosses are prob a bit too strong but I have some plans for new stuff in the future that should help with late game, in addition to more balance changes.   I always love seeing which monsters people like, Im happy so far its been pretty varied between responses :D

(1 edit) (+2)

Another quick update, looks like the previous one might have been the wrong version.  Also addressed another very specific case where where both sides die at the same time, fingers crossed every situation where it happens is now covered.  It will still register as a win, but you still lose the wound.  Supers/Transcendent Band should be refixed.  

Also Added a version # display on the start game screen on the left.

Mix Balance Change to Karakai, Shelled Stacks now give 3 Def, and it starts with 30, so it will lose less per hit and start with more.  

Thanks for your continued support!

(1 edit) (+1)

Thank you so much!

I just beat the game yesterday, and am still playing it, trying to find new strategies and learning all the abilities of the different monsters!

I appreciate the great work!

(1 edit) (+1)

Also, there was another bug that I didn't report yet, but I think you fixed it now, or atleast the way you wrote the code fixed it by itself.

The glitch was:                                                                                                                                                        When opening the compendium, sometimes the screen would become pink. When closing the compendium again, it would become normal color again.

I thought someone else already reported it, so I didn't.


Looked like this

that's due to the browser/webpage and out of my control. Similar to selecting text you can highlight a whole game window in itch cause its embedded, typically by clicking and dragging from outside the game window to a spot inside or on the opposite side of the game window.  Clicking should deselect it and remove the highlight, but webpages can be a bit finnicky with where it registers it.  Maybe I should provide a downloadable version tho hmm


Oh ok, I guess a downloadable version would be great, only problem is having to reinstall it everytime there's a bugfix/update.


Bug report: 

Sometimes, at the end of a battle, the screen zooms in, and it's pretty annoying because I can't properly see all of the items. I also don't know if there is a connection between "Kabu", the monster I used, and that glitch, Because I've used that monster during all runs where this glitch has happened to me.

Still, I love the game, especially being able to create your own squad and "upgrading" their stats using food.

Great game!


Quick update I think that using the super causes it :/


Thanks for your continued reports, glad you are still enjoying it. just put out a new update, hopefully its sorted out now.  Details in the main comments.


Hello! I have just played the game for the first time, and I really like it! 

But when I killed the boss, my last monster died, so the boss and my monsters were all dead at the same time ):

sorry, that was supposed to have been fixed last patch.  I'll try to look into it more to see if there was some deeper issue. 

It happened again :/


nice game


(1 edit) (+1)

quick little bug fixes, Transcendent Band cant be used to infinitely revive with a support monster, Items with a % based stat change should now no longer change to a non-percent change when merged (Heavy Shackles wont give -40 spd after merging), if both teams die at the exact same time it should now be treated as a win for the player if you still have wounds left, also Moon Witnesses now properly have 75 Int instead of 10 so their laser beam should be scary again.

(1 edit) (+1)



oh  no , found another bug. when the last monster is defeated at precisley the same time  as the last enemy, the game stops. here, look:

oh no, thats a really unlikely event!  Ive gone and made it so this situation counts as win (as long as you still have wounds left). 


oh yay!


Hi, really enjoyed your game and really looking forward to whatever comes next(if anything. The animations are crisp, good variety to the monster active and passive abilities and  I liked the random events that felt unique and impactful. I came across very few glitches none super game breaking(listed below)

-When using Tuskal and Hydrim I could use the Trancesdent band to infinitely use the life force super over and over again in one battle.

-The maxed Wrymlet would sometimes create other tier 1 monsters randomly that I could use in battle. 

-Wrymlet also sometimes glitches and has his resting animation looking up constantly. 

-The compendium says there is still one common item(food I think) that is unknown in the top  right even though I've done over 35 runs(maybe very ,very unlucky?).

-When using super orb sometimes the screen doesn't full zoom back out fully. 

-Compendium button doesn't always work but usually does. 

Overall usually minor issues that did not affect gameplay and were pretty rare. I would love to see some sort of meta-progression but I very content with its current state.

It is clear that a lot of time and effort was put into this game and I really want to congratulate you on this achievement.  Thanks Jay! :)  

Thank you :D! A few questions,  fid you encounter super orb zoom issue today?  I just released a patch that that should have addressed that bug, but if not do you remember which super you were using?  I gotta look into the Band, and Wyrmlet spawning more monsters, that's a new one for me lol.  As for the food item, I did just add a new one today (looks like a carrot), if not that there is also a fairly rare one that looks like a berry.  

I do have a few more plans for the future, hopefully I can get them done!  And thanks for taking the time to report stuff too.


:D LOVED THE NEW UPDATE! Super orb issue zoom all fixed, yay. Really enjoyed having a tank/debuffer in the group with Karakai. I think the move to add INT was very good so that you can better distinguish casters and physical attackers from one another. I dont know if you meant to reset the compendium in order to get me to play more, but I've almost completed it again so its fine. Also all my stats were reset(dont really care tho). I liked them new distinguishable boss icons, the color coding and the balance changes to some of the items. I still haven't unlocked one of the common foods in top left but I think its just a bug(I got the Strange Fruit already). I completely support any changes you've made so far and am still looking for new monster/item combos. I tried doing the Transcendent band glitch and it still works but the Targoth just one shotted my only defensive monster(tier 2) with his super so I couldn't win.  Thanks so much for making such a good game!:D

how do i merge item

when you find a forge, drag 2 items into the slots.  Then it will say how much it costs, if you have enough click the button and it will take both items and give you the new one. (it will have particle effects on it to show its a merged item)


ok thx man love your game :)

thanks, glad you like it :D

(1 edit) (+1)

i had a lot of fun playing! are you supposed to be able to spam space for life force? it seems like a bug

(1 edit)

oops haha that is definitely not supposed to still be there. that will be gone in the next patch, thanks for letting me know


found a rather large bug. the beginning select screen glitched out and I could take as many as I wanted, even those not on the screen. the effect was even reproducible durring battles, I could still drag more to my team, but they were invisible.

woah thats a new one, can you remember what lead to the selection screen breaking?  

(1 edit) (+1)

honestly i have no idea. maybe it was lag? maybe it was me dragging too fast? I don't know. I was also able to get multiple copies of a monster.

thanks for the report, I'll keep an eye out for it.  so far havent been able to cause it on my end

fixed now :D it was due to the selection button still being clickable for a few moments while it was disappearing


you just have to double click where the "select team" button will be before it fully appears.

that helped so much, thanks


loving the game! looking for some tips/strategy. is it better to get a team of six or start evoking before that? 

So I like to go for more evolves over larger teams.  The biggest reason is when you get to the 3rd zone you have to be really careful about enemies who your whole party, or ones that seek out your weakest monsters.  I usually try to have all my monsters at their 2nd form by then, or 2 monsters in their 3rd form.   Naturally this partially depends on the monsters you are using, for instance Kabu, the beetle, does well fully evolved, but things like the Krog(frog), or Chikia(the orange bird) give more benefit to a larger party.   Generally if I feel like I have extra really nice items, that also pushes me to use more monsters, vs if Im struggling to find things to equip I lean more into evolving the ones I already have.  


When I used the super orb on an aggressive type, the screen didn't go back to the normal size after the animation (this was the second time I used the attack)

thanks for the details, I *think* this will be fixed in the upcoming bug fix patch


u can spam the orb artifact and constantly attack

thanks for the report, do you mean the super orb?  Can you give any details of how you spam it?


find the odd one out

I dont know, they all look like friends to me :D


exactly it was a trick question

(1 edit) (+1)

Amazing game! I have played for many many hours, I love it.  

I was thinking about developing a game like this for a long time: singleplayer-autobattler like pokemon, etc, etc. And I searched and searched the internet for ideas and found your game... And It's all I was looking for!

There are certain mechanics that I personally don't like at all or find simplistic. But, you know, those are the typical thoughts that come to you when you look at it from a creator's point of view: "I'd do it this way", "I would change this for this other"... Things like that —Always happen to me. Especially with the games that I like to the point that I imagine myself developing them. 

Oh, god, seriously, I'm loving it.

Having said that, I have encountered some bugs:

-In the event in the 3º floor with pilgris (the fire monster), the creature fusioned with the incorrect item. He fusioned just with the penultimate one equiped, I remember.

-When I unequip the vampirism fang item (the item that decreases the hp), the creature keeps the decreased hp.

-Sometimes when I use the artifact supers the zoom keeps in the screen.

For this time, that's all. 


I was thinking about your game and I would also like to ask you: how you have solved the system that calculates which position (for a creature) is the closest to attack ? 

I'm reasoning that it would be the best...

Maybe, from a position, simply calculate what is the physically nearest? (Vertor2.Distance() or something)

I was spinning it and it occurred to me to ask you. Of course, I understand in advance that you may not want to answer this xd.

I think I have written too much, It's a headache for me to write in English. Anyway, a greeting and thank you very much for giving us this game, Jay.

First, thank you for the kind words, I'm glad you liked it enough to write so much!  I also get the feeling of "I would change this" when playing games, so maybe mine will inspire your too!  If some things seem simplistic, originally this game was supposed to be a 2 week project.  I just kept working on it for 5 more months and it got somewhat bigger :D.   The bug reports really help too, I will have to look into them.  Im not sure I understand the first one though was it this event? 

For the Closest Distance I actually used to do a distance check but I wanted the front row to always be hit first, so I changed it to be explicitly: Hit the enemy in front of you first, if nothing there, hit the space above that, if nothing there hit the space below that. If theres nothing in the front row, it does the same check but for the back row.  This way its predictable and always the same, even if I move things around.


I'm enjoying this a lot! I just have one bug problem that bugs me a bit, when I use the super it stays zoomed in like you are still doing the supers, I just wanted to let you know that, I would ask if you could not have the zoom in? I just wanted to ask that. Other than that single problem, I'm in love with the game and I hope everything goes well for developing this game.

(1 edit)

Sorry that happened, do you remember which super it was?  If it was an attack did kill all the enemies?  Also were you able to use another super later?


I am still able to use the super, but it's just random with which super I use, and when I do use the super it does fix it, but I just wanted to tell you so you have the problem in mind

thank you, I'll try to track it down!


This game is incredibly fun and unique, I really love it. It's the perfect length - just long enough and challenging enough that you feel invested, but short enough that if you lose you want to keep trying again with new strategies and approaches.

The monster designs are really charming in their simplicity, too. I think I love everything about it. It took me a lot of experimenting, but I managed to win the game twice with two different strategies - using a full team of 6 monsters, and using just 3 and focusing on powering them up as much as possible.

Really fun game, I'm a big fan! Definitely one of my favorite games on

Thanks that really means alot :D  were there any monsters that you liked the most (appearance or playstyle)? 


What a fun time! I was so close to the win on my second run, but right before defeating the final boss, I got my last wound (really should've gotten that 6th monsters). Great time though!


Ah that is so close!  It's definitely tough not knowing what to expect, well done though, and on 2nd run too

(1 edit) (+1)

at the boss for the first time wish me luck Edit: I Lost :(

thats really far, well done, the bosses are super tough!

(1 edit) (+1)

got rotting forest blessing on first event the first fight was ez since  all enemies had 0 damage

Edit what is better

Nice :D When it comes to merging the order only changes what the final item looks like and its name, they will have the same stats either way so its all personal preference. (I would choose the banner cause visually it reminds me of the group healing and looks stronger)


Very good autobattler. I can't stop playing it for a week


That's.... a really difficult game (Or I'm too bad at it :P).
But the game is awesome, really fun to play!

Thanks!  There's a big updating coming by the end of the month so it should at least make the early levels easier by adding more options :D 


super sick game, dude! took me a few hours but I finally managed to get a full team of second form monsters. Loved it!

dang that's some dedication, glad you had fun with it!

(2 edits) (+1)

Great game, figured out how to break it to win every battle without starting it, get a monster to 0 mana, not sure if it's intentional.

thats definitely not intentional haha but I was wondering if it would be possible to achieve.  It's already set to a 10 mana limit for the next update tho so get those free wins in while you still can :D


Very nice performance, I liked this!

thank you, glad you enjoyed it :D


In you second last section on the map you have an egg and some kind of crystal which doesn't show on the legend, is it some hidden level?


That was just a big oversight by me lol, crystals on the map indicate the aurite crystals event (they will always be in the same column as eggs atm).  These are used to evolve your monsters. 


Good stuff! Really like the idea- I don't normally enjoy auto battlers :D

Thank you! I dont usually either so I was trying to make my own spin on them :D 


This was fun :D


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