I gave one skimander a manablade so it never casts and the other got a healing tome or something to replace their swap ability, with swap back I mean when the enemy does the cast thing and I lose dps as the speed bonus was position sensitive
Tama looks very fun and interesting. First run after month of not playing it.
mana gen with hydrims into tizik for feedback loop to 999 speed and def(repulsor)
the old trick of dumping the self stun masks on chikita to then average the speed, it is one of the best ways to run shackles as well I think but I dont know the new meta
krogg can stop normal attacks nearly with speed and 4th evolution
the build is a bit low on dps as I have fused everything into managen/speed/spell power (a dual +100 int skull on the krogg)
just thought about shuriken with that speed and tizik and if stacks but
energy charm triggers from each of mudgill's attacks, and it's active ability makes it attack 4 times. If you can get the mana cost low enough it can basically refund its full cost each time its used
PLOT TWIST: we are the bad guys, as we go on further in endless, the enemies get desperate because we are repeatedly killing them. The bosses are not really bosses anymore, they are just trying to protect their villages. Further on, we completely exhaust all natural resources, thats why the campfire and nests stop appearing
yep, with my mudgill build, basically spam attacks and energy charm gets mana being fully charged for the next cast, the ascetics melt my fighters faster than i melt theirs.
fortunately since mudgill is aggressive he recharges super bar rlly quick, and i am very conservative how i use it, so everytime i meet a team melting build i just use grand guard. Seras i originally thought he could work out with poison damage but at the speed mudgill melts the enemy his damage is irrelevant
Im pretty new to this game so hopefully you can understand my suprise in dealing damage in the 8 digits. Turns out great heavy shackles really is op and my krog and slagg really thrived because of me stacking pulverizers, shattershards and living armor on them . I saw my krog deal 200k damage in one battle and my slagg heal 62k hp in another. Crazy for me
Mine is 4 defenses and 2 supports, also how do you have 4 slaggs? I want to test something with wyrmlets if you can have that many, also I know a perfect route that gives you all 6 at max evo, its complex tho
i got 4 slaggs by getting slagg eggs from 2 bosses and 2 nest used egg sense (i didnt use any eggs until i got all 4) also i know know to get 6 max evo i just got too many wounds and got worried
finished loop 23, maxed out atk/def on all monsters finally, kabu bug reached 999 speed, defense, and int, but atk won't max out for some reason. I want my run to end so I can attempt to use mudgill and scutter in the engine, means i'm gonna have to waste some item slots on shackles though to max bulky
I have had a Dire realization, Krog is the best character in endless, even more than scutter and mudgill. Radiating him gives him slam and stagger, along with bellow+chorus, meaning he is a minor healer, deals thousands of damage per cast at max power, but more importantly
he reduces all enemy turn gauges by 10% per attack, and with beatdown triggers from max speed urso that happens faster they can attack... You see where this is going, and could have made my run immortal if I didn't Radiate Tizik
I save foods and items for a whole run then sell them all at a cheap forge and upgrade my items so I don't have to scrounge around for food to boost my stats, but the only stats that matter left are my tizik's int.
i mean that is kinda hard, maybe you should add like a innate (every (insert disable) reduce the effects caused by disable by x%) like on the bosses, because without the gradually reducing effect of disables dealt to a enemy, with enough mana regen/speed/stuff you can always move fast enough to outrun the duration
also wyrmlet with the elixir thingy and the magic manipulation allows for a extreme boost of power on every monster during moments of need, and healing salve can heal 12 wounds every use (assuming max amt of monsters)
Wyrm is very good with Elixir and Salve though it should only be applying on 2 other monsters instead of the whole party currently. (So 6 wounds unless something is broken lol)
Scutters steal shell would be good for that too but its currently isnt interacting with enemies' def as intended, in high loops (currently is reducing def by a much smaller amount than intended)
Will my progress be saved if I exit the game, or will it be lost? I'm playing the browser version because I am playing a Chromebook :/ If not will there be one implemented at any point?
yay loop 20, all I have left to max stats on is atack spam urso, then shieldshrooms and powernanners become sell items just like quickfish and maginuts are
for the purposes of triggering items is Scutter's twin attack two individual attacks, trying to pick a candidate to deal damage at max possible rates in my next run and its between scutter and mudgill right now, this would decide it, or I could just put both in an urso engine and run a tenacious+bulky variant rather than bulky+guardian like this run.
scutters is a single attack, things like gravity hammer would only trigger on the closest target. Hmm the fact that its going up makes me think it might be from tactician or maybe tizik. hmmm. Is Kabu dying/triggering strong shell at all in these battles?
oo u coulda got the crown there really early. All I'll say is you get it from all blessings and it is one heck of a held item. Good job with your run and I like the team composition!
all my monsters have 100+ speed besides my 0 speed triple shackled urso during battle for some reason, but still 438 base speed kabu is... insane. I don't know how i did this but I wish i did whatever this is to my krog, because he has radiant tome to heal my team out of the little damage they take and generate super fast
that was my thought too but I tried merging it with some monsters and items and so far havent been able to cause any weird spd values. so i suspect its something else (maybe in battle) that might have reacted to crown of spring weirdly
crown of spring is godlike, I have become pact thanos and blessing thanos. Thanks to the power of savescumming, spyglass shackles, heart of the sea, and stick effigy. I AM GOD
yeah XD, can't believe it took my so many loops, but at least I made the right choice after 13 loops of the spring crown. Also I'm beginning to think something
I think that...
I am becoming the villain here, turning my monsters into machineguns as I murder armies upon armies of enemies, constantly forcing their 3 great leaders to retreat as I take them out in under 10 seconds (i play double speed). My monsters also haven't suffered a wound in 10 loops, the last one I took was in loop 4 near the boss
PS i mean I am evil for going on 14 loops, everyone else here that plays normal mode is not evil, but the person who used iron will+spyglasses a few months back to become unbeatable was absolutely demonic though
what are the regional blessings? I have all pacts, dark rune, and every regional blessing besides the bottom one, but I can't seem to find that last regional blessing.
oh so i need rotting forest (i spent 30 minutes reloading to try and get a blessing in zone 4, and then learned you can fuse 2 items to a monster), Thanks!
-Changed Herbalist station count limit to 3 instead of no limit
-Silent Vow now silences the user instead of preventing regen.
-Radiant Aurite now will not be wasted if the target already had one used on it.
-Nerfed Juggernauts Suppression ability to only apply once per cast even if there are multiple Juggernauts. The healing penalty is also capped to -80%.
I killed my save xd. After killing the final boss, I had a void monster and clicked on the "select monster" button without the name of the monster itself. Now the village does not work for me completely ):
thats a bug, the void monsters were never supposed to be placeable on your team. I will get a patch out shortly that should fix it, your save *should* be fine.
← Return to game
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why is skimander not seeing more play? he hits like a truck
extreme speed skim is kinda op at the moment lol
I find his swapping pretty annoying but he is still pretty op
I just gave it mana blade or a different abillity or do you mean the occasional swap back?
The swap back, though I'd imagine you planned for that in your build so it would be less annoying
I gave one skimander a manablade so it never casts and the other got a healing tome or something to replace their swap ability, with swap back I mean when the enemy does the cast thing and I lose dps as the speed bonus was position sensitive
I tried SniperArchery's Urso engine and its pretty broken with litterally anybody
I managed to get to loop 17 with it and then gave up because it was so boring
Tama looks very fun and interesting. First run after month of not playing it.
mana gen with hydrims into tizik for feedback loop to 999 speed and def(repulsor)
the old trick of dumping the self stun masks on chikita to then average the speed, it is one of the best ways to run shackles as well I think but I dont know the new meta
krogg can stop normal attacks nearly with speed and 4th evolution
the build is a bit low on dps as I have fused everything into managen/speed/spell power (a dual +100 int skull on the krogg)
just thought about shuriken with that speed and tizik and if stacks but
got a vorpal harvest +10 now
who would win? legendary scythe of soul reaping or 1 speedy ninja boi
this is a pretty advanced build but looks like it still went pretty far! Krog is great as a damage dealer late game
speedy bois
also most dmg was 0 and sometimes a monster would take something like 67 dmg and its 100% of the damage
O: For a second I thought they all had tailwinds for maximum speed. These are much more dangerous.
the 2 parras laying flat on the ground was pretty funny in the first image.
how did you manage 4 of the same monster, or is that just a visual bug and you only got 2?
i give up
even without my items, my monsters are near invincible
lol even with items my monsters die
I stopped playing for a week and my (non iron will) record got broken
really nice team though!
+95.00001% bonus dmg for enemies or enemies get +95.00001% bonus dmg
hmm I should probably use some formatting so it doesnt show those weird floating point imprecisions
my mudgill has done nothing but suck. Dealing 5% of my total team damage is impressive for it. How can it become good
shackles (only if you have at least 1 other bulky monster though)
you can use it as a meatshield
also mudgill's chunk ability deals dmg based off the targets hp so it is always good in late game
turn it into a machinegun with improved mana stone
+3 improved mana stone
how is my pyris consistently dealing more damage than my tuskal. I find that pretty impressive
wait, can you clarify why the energy charm works so well with mudgill? because im new to this and not smart
energy charm triggers from each of mudgill's attacks, and it's active ability makes it attack 4 times. If you can get the mana cost low enough it can basically refund its full cost each time its used
good lord that has potential. Thank you for explaining that veritable treasure trove of power. I thought hunters quarry was good lol
hunters quarry is better for a more supporty role :D (unless you throw something like an energy banner on him to give abuncha mana to allies)
PLOT TWIST: we are the bad guys, as we go on further in endless, the enemies get desperate because we are repeatedly killing them. The bosses are not really bosses anymore, they are just trying to protect their villages. Further on, we completely exhaust all natural resources, thats why the campfire and nests stop appearing
I think its funny how a few ascetics can do more damage to my units than targoth spamming armaddon
yep, with my mudgill build, basically spam attacks and energy charm gets mana being fully charged for the next cast, the ascetics melt my fighters faster than i melt theirs.
fortunately since mudgill is aggressive he recharges super bar rlly quick, and i am very conservative how i use it, so everytime i meet a team melting build i just use grand guard. Seras i originally thought he could work out with poison damage but at the speed mudgill melts the enemy his damage is irrelevant
armageddon.exe has stopped working
that was great editing, not a scratch on your team
good lord that is a loooot of synergies
if meditation gardens didn’t have a limit i would try obtaining every max synergy
thats just because tizik turned him into a machine gun. I was more suprised about slaggs healing capabilities
dang thats really high! Most of Krog's damage comes from his hp when you get that late in the game
this is a no dying allowed zone
Rats are cool, I need more Rats
I just drew abunch of little rat adventurers for a sprite pack actually lol
GASP GIVE RAT i am a part of the rat gang
you can see one of them in the preview screenshots :D the others have different gear (warrior rat, archer rat, wizard rat)
slime lords
bottom left slagg was fused with holy tome and mana shield
wow im really surprised to see an ULTIMATE DEFENSE type team go that far!
Mine is 4 defenses and 2 supports, also how do you have 4 slaggs? I want to test something with wyrmlets if you can have that many, also I know a perfect route that gives you all 6 at max evo, its complex tho
i got 4 slaggs by getting slagg eggs from 2 bosses and 2 nest used egg sense (i didnt use any eggs until i got all 4) also i know know to get 6 max evo i just got too many wounds and got worried
add a monkey to this game and it will be perfect
or maybe some new haunted, maybe a haunted+aquatic and its some kind of sea monster
yeah adding a kraken would also be good
couldnt play recently because parents blocked computer but now i hacked the mobile guardian hehehe >:D
This game is now pretty wonderful, i think you should get this game on steam because its pretty cool
thank you :D after the next update I do want to start trying to work towards a steam release hopefully
got a new OP build, which is mudgill equipped with maxed energy charm, which allows its ability to compensate for its mana
loop 7 and he has 500 str
make a mega shackles and his strength will go rapidly, and since you are using a cast build, he won't need speed at all!
darn he has like 4k hp now and maxed def and str
finished loop 23, maxed out atk/def on all monsters finally, kabu bug reached 999 speed, defense, and int, but atk won't max out for some reason. I want my run to end so I can attempt to use mudgill and scutter in the engine, means i'm gonna have to waste some item slots on shackles though to max bulky
I have had a Dire realization, Krog is the best character in endless, even more than scutter and mudgill. Radiating him gives him slam and stagger, along with bellow+chorus, meaning he is a minor healer, deals thousands of damage per cast at max power, but more importantly
he reduces all enemy turn gauges by 10% per attack, and with beatdown triggers from max speed urso that happens faster they can attack... You see where this is going, and could have made my run immortal if I didn't Radiate Tizik
PS finally got a +20 weapon
thats a crazy high weapon O:
permanent disables are something I want to try to avoid, hmm
I save foods and items for a whole run then sell them all at a cheap forge and upgrade my items so I don't have to scrounge around for food to boost my stats, but the only stats that matter left are my tizik's int.
PS im on loop 25 now
i mean that is kinda hard, maybe you should add like a innate (every (insert disable) reduce the effects caused by disable by x%) like on the bosses, because without the gradually reducing effect of disables dealt to a enemy, with enough mana regen/speed/stuff you can always move fast enough to outrun the duration
also wyrmlet with the elixir thingy and the magic manipulation allows for a extreme boost of power on every monster during moments of need, and healing salve can heal 12 wounds every use (assuming max amt of monsters)
wait omg... thats true!
realizes I haven't used miraculous elixer in 20 loops...
Wyrm is very good with Elixir and Salve though it should only be applying on 2 other monsters instead of the whole party currently. (So 6 wounds unless something is broken lol)
ah, i havent played in a while, in the past i remember the ability allows for the potion effects to be cast on everyone.
solo run
wow, parra is a squishy mon too! thats impressive. did you go for haunted in the early game?
no haunted
I just realized, urso engine with mega bonebiters deals percentile damage, which means that it never reduces when opponents have high hp and defense
urso engine with scutter's sunder and mudgill's shred could also be pretty nasty
Scutters steal shell would be good for that too but its currently isnt interacting with enemies' def as intended, in high loops (currently is reducing def by a much smaller amount than intended)
well I'm intending to have 999 atk+def using bulky tier 3 by the time I reach high loops, a little defense lowering would be important too.
transcendent band on an enemy fills the super meter on death
thats a pretty funny bug at least, ty for reporting it
Does the cheese do anything to the Tama, or does it just attract it?
the cheese gives the tama +1 def other than that it just attract it
Why are there 2 different looking Mabeks? One looks like a crocodile and the other looks like a dog.
Alt skin! There are others too but theyre all holiday related so theyre not active atm
Got a pretty broken combo with 2 wind slicers infused onto a para, with a held flux shield, dodged pretty much every hit
Will my progress be saved if I exit the game, or will it be lost? I'm playing the browser version because I am playing a Chromebook :/ If not will there be one implemented at any point?
Don't really want to lose all of my village stuff
It should save! Runs save every time you select a new section on the map, and the village saves every time you leave the village.
Sorry, I meant like, if you close out of the tab
yea, I gotcha! it should keep your save after closing or even updating the game
Alright thanks!
thats genius! what is the rough function of the code that saves your progress?
improved last endless run, slightly better didn't got the crown blessing tho
Reading these comments feels like reading a Pokemon Showdown OU chat to someone who's never played pokemon this is hilarious
I mean this is slightly similar to pokemon
pokemon? whats that? lol
yay loop 20, all I have left to max stats on is atack spam urso, then shieldshrooms and powernanners become sell items just like quickfish and maginuts are
also it got worse a few loops later
for the purposes of triggering items is Scutter's twin attack two individual attacks, trying to pick a candidate to deal damage at max possible rates in my next run and its between scutter and mudgill right now, this would decide it, or I could just put both in an urso engine and run a tenacious+bulky variant rather than bulky+guardian like this run.
scutters is a single attack, things like gravity hammer would only trigger on the closest target. Hmm the fact that its going up makes me think it might be from tactician or maybe tizik. hmmm. Is Kabu dying/triggering strong shell at all in these battles?
no, my monsters are hardly scratched and the radiant tome in my krogs fusions is healing it back faster than damage even on loop 20
epic run stuns and attacks were happening alot also if i took a curse that lowered my max wounds to a number i would lose at do i lose?
how did you get so many leveld up things
well done, nice mix of magic and phys mons. The wounds curse will not cause game overs (anymore lol)
oo u coulda got the crown there really early. All I'll say is you get it from all blessings and it is one heck of a held item. Good job with your run and I like the team composition!
I haven't fed this thing a single quickfish and yet this happened. And this is its speedd without a 300 int tizik buffing it further:
I believe your crown is broken to give me that measure of speed
all my monsters have 100+ speed besides my 0 speed triple shackled urso during battle for some reason, but still 438 base speed kabu is... insane. I don't know how i did this but I wish i did whatever this is to my krog, because he has radiant tome to heal my team out of the little damage they take and generate super fast
hmm that is strange i will need to test some things
probably bugged crown of spring stuff.
that was my thought too but I tried merging it with some monsters and items and so far havent been able to cause any weird spd values. so i suspect its something else (maybe in battle) that might have reacted to crown of spring weirdly
crown of spring is godlike, I have become pact thanos and blessing thanos. Thanks to the power of savescumming, spyglass shackles, heart of the sea, and stick effigy. I AM GOD
what would have happened if I selected strengthen blessings?
would it be noticably stronger on loop 14?
it basically doubles the effects of the regional blessings. it kinda is thanosy cause u used time travel :D
yeah XD, can't believe it took my so many loops, but at least I made the right choice after 13 loops of the spring crown. Also I'm beginning to think something
I think that...
I am becoming the villain here, turning my monsters into machineguns as I murder armies upon armies of enemies, constantly forcing their 3 great leaders to retreat as I take them out in under 10 seconds (i play double speed). My monsters also haven't suffered a wound in 10 loops, the last one I took was in loop 4 near the boss
PS i mean I am evil for going on 14 loops, everyone else here that plays normal mode is not evil, but the person who used iron will+spyglasses a few months back to become unbeatable was absolutely demonic though
what are the regional blessings? I have all pacts, dark rune, and every regional blessing besides the bottom one, but I can't seem to find that last regional blessing.
the regional blessings are (Poison Grove, Rotting Forest, Murky Pools) zone 1 & (Geyser Fields, Precarious Peak and Foreboding Den) zone 2
oh so i need rotting forest (i spent 30 minutes reloading to try and get a blessing in zone 4, and then learned you can fuse 2 items to a monster), Thanks!
PS im on loop 11 final zone now in my urso engine 1.0 run
mean zone 3
realizes I don't have stick effigy or haunted/sabo so i need to take an effigy into next run using fusions to carry extra items
i lost my snipe on my tuskal, it failed to save it
did you still have the item in your inventory when you reloaded?
no it was not there
What version of the game are you playing on? there should be a little version # on the left side of the starting screen between the 2 text boxes.
hm ok ill need to test some more things cause it is savong for me with just the replacement so it might be something else affecting it
I'd like to ask, is it gonna be expanded for new lvls?
3 areas are too short ;(
there is infinite mode, but I do plan on making a longer non-infinite mode sometime in the future too
if a new area comes maybe it could be some kind of ruins or castle?
Quick Patch
-Changed Herbalist station count limit to 3 instead of no limit
-Silent Vow now silences the user instead of preventing regen.
-Radiant Aurite now will not be wasted if the target already had one used on it.
-Nerfed Juggernauts Suppression ability to only apply once per cast even if there are multiple Juggernauts. The healing penalty is also capped to -80%.
quick stealth update cause the WIP new station accidentally got in with the last one:
-New Station Empty Gate: Monsters working here will not appear in runs.
-Fixed Nest Stations from causing the 3rd worker from appearing in the starting selection as well.
-Fixed Typos!
I killed my save xd. After killing the final boss, I had a void monster and clicked on the "select monster" button without the name of the monster itself. Now the village does not work for me completely ):
thats a bug, the void monsters were never supposed to be placeable on your team. I will get a patch out shortly that should fix it, your save *should* be fine.
Ok patch is out, you should be able to get back in
Yes, it's all right now. Thanks for such a quick fix.
happy to help, glad it worked :D