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This game is awesome

thank you :D


I believe in tank supremacy once again.

they wont let a few interdimensional horrors slow them down


Tier 4 haunted synergy lesgo

halloween came early


The best defense is a good offense.  also tactical hydrim + super life force is good also. 


lmao i just got stuck in the urso shake off loop. Please help i dont want to quit this run

Yeaaaa sorry that is fixed in the upcoming patch.


Its all good. It was actually funny watching the cannon do millions of damage and watch urso just shrugging it off


tip 1: git gud (its really hard)

tip 2: wyrmlet and vine plant thing are a good combo

tip 3: mana generation is everything

tip 4. urso is funny?

Also what is vine plant thing


is gora?


yeah its gora, i like it to damage tank once evolved

ok thank u


did i make you proud?


can i have some tips?

Its safe to start with 1 defensive mon and 1 aggressive.  Try to swap positions to prevent a wound in combat (it has a long cooldown tho so you can probably only use it once each battle).  The general consensus right now is evolutions are better to go for than more eggs.



3 max tier monsters lesgo

Made sure to not hatch the crab until practically just before the final boss, made it so i wouldn't die of wounds quickly in the later levels.

tactical crab hatching

thats a cool team

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me when i put this on mudgill: >:D

its vorpin time

(3 edits) (+1)

LMAO found a glitch. Destroyer (the cannon boss) can't kill urso if urso has the shakeoff ability, urso simply stays at 25 hp (takes death worthy dmg and heals back to 25) its gotten me stuck in a loop bc destroyer is perma stunning but i can't die so i'll be here for a while until my urso has some massive stats

lol found the stat cap... 999 atk baby

>.> what have you been feeding that thing lol

Im assuming help from a frog?


nah part of the 25 heal gives it 5 strength for the battle also... so i decided it would be funny to get it to max attack.

nice catch thanks for the report

(1 edit) (+1)
KABU BUILD! Krog with his item gained a huge amount of mana regeneration but he got hurt in the process, BUT with his ability to heal everyone with his ability (Chorus) this was easily circumvented, which allowed him to increase gigantically the team damage and heal everyone at all times without harming himself, with Kabu in the group and his item to use his ability twice and conditioning and impervious he did an absurd damage in addition to being relentlessly resistant along with the synergies of Bulky and Guardian that him they gave life and damage reduction, and the rest of the team i used 2 offensive ones to take advantage of Krog's buffs (in addition to complementing synergies) and a defensive one to give Bulky lvl 2 to the team and guardian lvl 1, I almost missed it since I was with many wounds for having some weak monsters, but even with difficulties, my group won.

cut it close but a win is a win!


I refuse to add more monsters. base monster supremacy. finally got slime to kill the final boss using his near 200 defense + item that does 200% his defense when he uses his active.  lesgo, who needs atk based monsters lmao


the stats

I love that you made not only a Def oriented strat work but also a 2 monster party.  Those are some really nice items too! I imagine the banner + burnout gave slagg tons of mana to activate the shattershard, and the skull really helped pyris. Such a cool run :D

(1 edit) (+1)

yeah it was great. killed the tail in a matter of seconds, pyris kinda op ngl, he stacks so fast and does so much so easily. was kinda funny, managed to get the boss to 0 speed with slagg, made it so much easier. great game!


first attempt at speedrun, I don't think I was so bad

Impressive, with an aggressive team like that I can see how you won that fast. (And it appears theres decent room for even better items too)


So speedy O: also interesting items, whats the Staff merged with?

(1 edit) (+1)

Not sure, probably nothing amazing though. My best runs tend to have the worst equipment rng lol.

Some of the low items (Like Wind Slicer & Shiv) do really well combined with higher ones cause of their unique effects.  That Ripper Renderer is just straight up strong tho :D

This is gonna be the last one, since I don't think I can beat this.

It was a really fun group, the Bear with his ability to double the effect of food and making everyone close to him attack when he uses his ability is pretty devastating I would say, the scutter with deep cuts to cause more damage to the boss and Tuskal with Revenge since I had a lot of allies, pyris and kabu complemented the damage a little, and kabu's stun can be very useful sometimes, and hydrim in addition to complementing some synergies gave mana to all my other allies in addition to healing all because of the item and heal even more because of its ability, apparently nowadays its better to have a  team with several monsters than a team with few strong monsters, I can't wait for the next update!

I think that might be the most active synergies Ive seen at once.  Well done, Im really happy it seems like people are getting wins with teams of lots of little monsters and teams of a few fully evolved ones.


would've been able to kill the final boss if i had put some damage on him... was nigh unkillable tho


the eternal struggle of more Def vs Str :D


so idk if this is a bug but i managed to find that one hidden monster named chip. i had gotten him through the find monster thing for 50 aura. i will also say i like his design a lot and is the sort of defensive monster i have been looking for.

;) ;) ;)


Love the game! Super fun! Just one thing, you can't enter a boss room unless you are in fullscreen because all the side buttons on get in the way of the button. I have lost a few runs to this because I was unable to move on. Maybe have the settings button open on the screen in the select path menu? Other than that, amazing game!

just zoom out or download the downloadable version


sorry, yea thats an unfortunate side effect of itch and different browser sizes.  I added the downloadable version to avoid that issue for the moment. Im glad you could enjoy it despite the issues :D


Def add an endless mode. This game is super fun.



Well done!!

(1 edit) (+1)

yay i got a  nice build (more than 2 monsters)

i remembered that i only used dark harvest at the final boss even if woad was one of the two i picked from the start

Nice job!  Woad can be a powerhouse with a big party to gain abuncha str from too :D.  Also Impressive going all Tier 2 monsters

quick bug fixes.  Windows and Aura Particles shouldnt move are really different speeds on the download version, the item Iron Will shouldnt permanently replace your ability now, the new nest reroll now properly prevents you from reroll when you have more than 0 aura but less than 50, also the eggs from it turn into aura if you party is full now, also tried to fix a numeric bug on computers with different language settings but needs testing.  


Hey! Could I ask a question? what monster is this "Chip" it just appeared in the Compendium today absolutely out of nowhere, I went to see if it was from a new update but apparently not, since the last monster that arrived was Seras ,Chip is some kind of special monster that only appears in a specific event? I opened several eggs and kept going in and out to try to find him, but I failed miserably

Also, amazing game, I've been playing for a while now, my favorite monsters are Karakai, Tuskal and Seras but i play with all monsters,same that i don´t like some passive abilities that don´t are of my play style

(Bug Report: I don't know if it's because of my computer, but when I downloaded there was a bug that apparently some effects of monsters and events had an extra 0, for example, instead of pyris causing 10% of your intelligence damage like fire damage, it did 100%, or the hunger seed item, which instead of reducing the healing the monster receives by 25%, is reducing it by 2500%, or the Haunting Melody event, which left my monsters with absurdly high speed ,about 200/320 depending on the monster, and the extremely low defense, I also happened to have 6 monsters, and open an egg (specifically the egg you can choose between 3 monsters and you can reroll with aura), and I was like 7 monsters , where 2 occupied the same place)
(I'm sorry if I wrote something wrong, I'm not fluent in English)

(1 edit)

Thank you very much :D.  You are very observant, chip is a bit of a secret preview for a future update.  

Thats a strange bug, does it occur every time?  Also what language does your operating system use?  Also good catch on hatching the specific egg with a full party, that is a quick fix. thanks for the help!

EDIT: I put out a quick patch that might fix the weird huge numbers 


Didn't know where to bug report but I hope here is fine.
Had a bug where My game results overlapped with the monster select menu, and after clicking continue it allowed me to grab 2 more giving me 4 monsters on the first stage.
Another bug I encountered was the item that makes ur ability make you become invuln for 4 seconds was permenant after unequiping. Wasn't sure if intended.
thanks for the sweet game

(1 edit) (+1)

this is the perfect place to report bugs, thanks for taking the time to.  The invuln ability was definitely not intended to be permanent, luckily thats a quick fix.  Question about the first bug, were you playing in browser or downloaded?  Also had you just started the game, or was this after winning/losing a run (and does it happen every time)? 


It was standalone client and was after losing a run


haunted synergy seems op but i cant seem to find haunted monsters are they hidden?

its pretty strong, cause its rarer than the others. There are 2 monsters with it, Woad, the tree and Gheist the ghost.  Additionally the Stick Effigy item grants 2 [Haunted] for an hp penalty.  


love this game it reminds me a lot of astronarch but with a lot more depth. cant wait to see how this project grows. i found a bug as well which is that i could use the special nest option even when i lacked 50 aura setting me to 0 aura. 

thank you :D its always been my goal to have a variety of viable strats to find.  question about the bug, did it allow you infinitely use it?


no it was just the first usage after that it seemed to check properly on if i had 50 aura.

Small update is out and also a downloadable version



Great game except I cant play really. The buttones on the top left stopped me from clicking anything in the area meaning I couldn't pick or look at all the options and eventually couldn't even get past the first level cause the boss button is bocked by the other buttons. I don't know if you could do anything but what I could play it was very fun and wish I could play more

smh just zoom out its so ez

I will be releasing a downloadable version very soon that shouldnt have that problem!  I wish I was able to rearrange the itch buttons but sadly thats out of my control


In my opinion, it would be better if you could choose between two or three monsters every time you open an egg. A tactical choice.

It is true that it would be easier to win, but you can always increase the difficulty.

Another thing: it is relatively difficult to get 4 monsters of the same type and the rewards are not well adjusted in my opinion: If you get 4 the bonus is doubled; I don't think it's enough. It's much harder to get all 4 of the same type than it is to get different synergies. In other auto fighting games every stacked bonus is a much better improvement than the last.

More control over choices was actually my top priority since releasing the synergies.  The current system Im working on is in zone 2 & 3 nests will have a 3rd option to pay some aura to be offered 3 monsters, which you can keep paying to reroll.  Thank you for the feedback!


I would swear that not all monsters have the same probability of appearing in the starter carousel. Gheist, for example, hardly ever has appeared to me...

I refreshed the game around 20 times and I didn't get the snake monster a single time lol


Me too xd

good eye, this is true actually. I've been messing with the random distribution for the starting selection and it was accidentally more skewed in the last patch.  It will be better adjusted next patch


(3 edits)

I dont know how has happen. Clicking to times somewhere or something.

Lol. I think this time I'm gonna win:

oh no, I think I know the cause of this.  I didnt think it was still possible 

I forgot to tell you. But it happened to me when I hit the exit button again and again expecting the two ghost creatures to appear at the beginning.

I cant select the third relic option at a chest node, and anything too far to the right.

Was it due to the buttons overlapping the window? 




Just noticed the update! I haven't tried playing yet, but I think this will give some reason to use more monsters!

Also sorry for the short message I'll give a longer review soon

Deleted post

thats true, its an unfortunate side effect of how poison is structured to be able to combine from any source.  

(1 edit) (+1)

Hi, I have a couple suggestions. Please make the game longer and add a x3 speed option. I think a couple new monsters are also needed, and nerfs to the ones too powerful, like Wyrmlet, Urso, Slagg, or Skimander.


I do have some plans for longer runs, but just havent landed on how yet.  Definitely keep an eye on future updates


Loop runs could be kind of fun!


mudgill op it has thrash


Fun game! Urso is pretty broken TBH. I just feed him a bunch of mana reduction and now everyone can attack as fast as machine gun.

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Also Wyrmlet and Urso are far too broken, please nerf


Congrats on your win!  There is actually a minor nerf that will affect Wyrmlet mainly (A cap to bonus mana regen).  He is meant to be a little op to make up for how weak he is in stage 1 tho :D

Hey I have a question, can I please help with the pixel art? I am so in love with this already and would love to help.

Im really glad you enjoyed my game, I cant accept outside art though due to still trying to decide where and how far I want to go with this.  Fan art and designs inspired by it are cool though! 

Oh okay, but can I make designs and send them to you for you to adapt how you want?


Just did another playthrough, I managed to get to the last boss using Tuskal (tier 2), Tizik (tier 2), Gheist (tier 3) and Karakei (tier 2), and then I lost. 

I learned 2 things:

  • Technicals and Defensives are very strong, Aggresives are there to fill out your team.
  • It's best to use a maximum of 4 Monsters, and try to get them all to tier 2+, with more importance on maxing out the Technicals.

Sorry for the late reply but the next update will be bringing something that will help out larger teams, and improve later game decisions between more monsters vs evolutions.


Thank you! Excited for the update!

Deleted 308 days ago

that isnt supposed to happen.  Did you happen to kill the last enemy in the battle with it?  Also on the screen with the Select Team button, theres a version number under the left window, what is it showing? 

Deleted 308 days ago

thanks for the details!

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