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(1 edit) (+1)

Theres a typo. When evolving into Urso, in the ability Hookclaws, their is spelled "thier".

thanks, will fix!


question. Will giants shortsword still activate if the monster is stunned

uh well its effect doesnt explicitly get negated by stun but theres currently no way to attack while stunned anyway so technically yes? 

(2 edits) (+1)

double woad is bad and stupid. I needed haunted synergy for calamity immediately because I found it impossible to make progress without. The double dark harvest when one of my monsters die (the first death gives me no wounds which means infinite food) is handy and finally, sap+monstrous+bone ring means I can one shot in the first few loops

(2 edits) (+1)

I just dished out 85 food of various rarity to my monsters in one go and it got pretty boring

yea food frequency is something I have been considering addressing, later it gets very high 

(1 edit)

fortunately woad still sucks because with two of them dealing 100 damage to my monsters every few seconds second, half my team goes down surprisingly fast

Try ability replacement items :D Endless Quiver or Radiant Tome can be interesting on Woad


I love radiant tome on woad.

Hunger seed on Woad is a little more of a gamble, but if your monsters survive long enough, if you have a party of 5 or 6, it will give back more than the damage it dealt when hunger seed healing triggers


Is there a hidden monster? I noticed that the village has a capacity of 23 monsters but there are only 22 in the compendium. The compendium is very hidden btw.

(1 edit) (+1)

put the cheese in your inventory and pick up an egg


ring of power is op loop 3 and my hydrim has started healing 6k hp


:( the flames from arcanist is removing the dark glyph.

Damage -99999999999999999999999.9999999999%

Survivability + 69%

(1 edit)

yea only one "ground effect" can exist at a location so things like them, or the spikes or meteors can remove it.  Mabeks life mote will try to avoid existing effects if possible tho



lol which synergies do you want so much

healer requiem

I'm trying to get a crown of springs with very specific synergy, and I've spent over 6 hours of raw time save reloading for them


Is the download windows exclusive?

I really enjoy this game quite a bit, but it may be helpful to add a guide in the next update/patch. I also think that the forge should work a little differently. For example, when I merge two legendaries, I only get 50 aura. But if I sell them separately, I get 400 each. The village is also kinda small and I feel like some coin currency that you earn in game might be helpful to expand the village? I don't know game design very well but as a player these seem like some nice updates to enhance the overall feel and learning curve for the game.

Also, sometimes when I reload the page all my progress gets deleted (webview). Is this something that you can fix? Its kinda annoying when i spend 1 hour on a game only to reload the page and its gone

im glad youre enjoying it, the download is windows only I have no way to build for mac.  Currently merged items sell for a very low amount because they represent something that youre committed to (and also there isnt a space to remember their previous rarities). 

Im not sure if I want to expand the space of the village, but I do plan on adding more things to it.  Also more cosmetic options as well that wont take up space.  

The reload issue might be related to your browser, if its set up to automatically clear out cookies and other data that could be impacting your game. 


please tell me that the lucky synergy doesn’t increase my chances of getting rarer items

rarer items are cool and all but

i’m trying to get every synergy

and i haven’t come across a single stick effigy 😭 


Lucky does not, buttttttt Loop does affect item drop rarity

(1 edit) (+1)

for rare items you aim for chests, for anything below you save  aura and aim for shops with refresh 3-4 times each


you got no stick effigy after 36 loops

but i got 3 in loop 1

unholy water 


ooooh bloodmist +gora = infinite healing

no it can't

i tried and got 2 wounds

here's the catch

my gora has ability to heal all monster when using it's skill

when it being stun it can't heal by skill

so that's a complete downgrade

the best part of bloodmist gora is how fast he can trigger the debuff reduction of Potency for others

why not just buy them from shop

(1 edit) (+3)

stuff i’ve learned from infinite: 

max tactician synergy helps a ton in loop 10+, since enemy def becomes absurdly high 

synergies matter a lot

tizik and hydrim are amazing

aaaaaaand ascetic/faceless are very dangerous 


you play on calamity?


thats impressive id be dead in a few loops of that


the curses on calamity are diabolical 


yes 😎 


Faceless I feel like are borderline annoying for this run I just put a monster with a poor ability like slagg or strigeye in front of it and everything is a-ok. Id add to that list never to underestimate the "scavengers spawn periodically" curse. Their poison stacking is prone to deal thousands of damage to monsters which would eliminate my chances of survival if I was not forced to use life force almost every battle

scavengers look so underwhelming 

then boom

you’re hit with 10+ poison stacks and half your team is dead

the only way i’ve truly learned to counter them is using hydrim (debuff removal + healing)


Yeah I think that's what makes hydrim better than other healers, prism is another way, but it isnt great

thats a good strat!  Ive noticed alot of people dont adjust their team depending on the enemies 


gora's good too

especially with proper items and nice synergies

Whatz the difference between load, and resume run

resuming the run loads it, there isnt a difference lol


found a bug 

once you beat the boss and the “things will get harder” option appears

if you click show map

you can click on one of the paths

head to the next loop

and the loop thing will still be there


i also left and went to resume run…

and found smth very strange

i’m still in the wasteland area

but it’s a new loop

and i’ve still retained my previous items and aura


If I mixed a hunger seed with a bone ring  on my krog, would that mean my units would heal for 100% of what krog was supposed to but didnt because of bone ring?


i would assume hunger seed wouldn’t work with bone ring 

it would depend on the order, if hunger seed activates first it will absorb some of the healing, then bone ring would shoot whats left at the enemy.  If it triggers the other way, bone ring shoots all of it at the enemy  and none is left for the seed


ok thank you

the map loop skip bug will be fixed in the next patch!

(3 edits) (+2)

This game is getting too stressful. Loop 12 and im having to consistently use the super orb THREE TIMES PER BATTLE just to have any chance of survival. The scavengers poison is happily dealing a thousand hp every few seconds and im just there hoping my whole run doesnt go down the toilet. What on earth is this 30k healing done for me thats just ridiculous


try use that amulet which gives you armor on cast

which amulet?


let me explain to you why this is funny

taurus (the boss) moves units to a different position when it attacks them

chikia (the bird) increases an ally’s speed and defense when they change positions

this is gonna be a massacre. 

there are some really fun move reaction abilities to use vs him :D

How is attack speed calculated?

the att gauge fills by Spd/80 percent per second.  

wait that doesen't make sense, if 80 speed, it would fill by 1% per second, and take 100 seconds to attack?

sry thats percentage of the whole gauge, so 80 spd = 1 att per second


ah thank you


Can someone please tell me some good builds for starting out? Maybe some sort of guide? I really enjoy this game but the endgame seems a bit hard for me. Also what is "int?" I know it has to do with the ability but what is it exactly?


I've also found that slagg is quite good.


Int is just another stat, some abilities or passives will use int to increase damage, healing, or other factors, it really depends on the monster

I would recommend trying out some of these monsters: Tizik For speed buffs, Urso for % damage and his evolved ability, Kabu for a good ability and passive, Scutter for great damage, Krog is a great healer, along with Hydrim, and Mudgill is also good for damage


for the standard run always go for 3 max evolved monster that is the easiest I think and core advice regardless of which monster you choose, in general having a strong well rounded damage dealer like a skimander/chikita/scutter is a good start, avoid haunted monster, tuskal is the worst monster in the game now I think

(1 edit) (+1)

what did tuskal do to you? he may get instantly melted on the front lines because of his beserk ability but in the back hes a good boy and can easily deal 20 or 30 percent of my teams total damage dealt.   I thought a haunted monster like gheist or woad would be able to top him regarding their ability to suck


tuskal is too much of a glass canon when his buff stacks up to receive twice the damage


Which synergies are the best end game?


Bulky and Aqautic are the best in my opinion

why does it exit fullscreen after a run is finished?

hm thats strange are you playing in browser or downloaded?



Is the ring of power not like incredibly broken? cause normally it's pretty difficult to get max mana regen, but with the ring of power it takes like a few seconds. Granted taking damage equal to mana spent doesn't work well with items that need large max mana to be work, but I never found that to be much of a problem when I had decent healing.

it is very strong on hydrim, maybe too strong lol

why hydrim in particular?

hydrim will heal himself if he starts getting too low from casting! 



I cant understand it. My tuskal is always the first to die. . My hunger armor is keeping him alive  for sometime but after a while hes happily taking 1000 damage and its impossible to keep him alive. I blame his  ability berserk which  I assume makes him take a lot more damage. How should I fix this?

it is very likely his active ability because it increases damage he takes, and can stack 1 additional time.  With that low mana he is probably quickly getting both up and taking 80% increased damage


I dont understand the  unravelling prism.I t seems like it does nothing. 5 hp for every debuff removed? that would tickle units on loop one

it counts buffs and debuffs, but also the main power is being able to remove buffs and debuffs in the first place.  For instance it can clear your entire team of poison.  It is more of a situational support item than an offensive one.


What are all the things you might get from a ? tile?

they are always events, theres approximately 10 for each zone but there are some that can appear in multiple zones. 


a couple questions for my build.

1. does krogs chorus stack?

2. does unravelling prism remove stuff from enemies too?

3. does unravelling prism remove krogs chorus and bonebiter's armor pen

yes, yes, yes


ok, thanks!


another question- if you give a krog with slam a bonebiter, when it reaches 100% armor pen will it deal damage to all enemies?

it will not, the finale effect of bonebiter is not part of the attack it is a separate effect


I feel like harmonius pendant should have something else on it tbh, living root has heals and it is uncommon, shackles have a broken str buff, granted there is a debuff And voodoo doll deflects damage, whereas harmonius pendant just gives not so great flat stats

(1 edit) (+1)

also, if seras was stunned would it still grant healing on swap? And if chip was stunned would it still stun on swap? And would two spirit shields reduce stun time by 25%?


I think you can stack stun resistance because  I fused a monster with bloodmist mask and spirit shield then when I added  a harmonious pendant I saw a big decrease in the stun time

Harmonius pendant?

my bad I meant enduring amulet. your right pendant is bad

Stuns do not prevent any passive abilities from triggering. Also 2 spirit shields would reduce stuns by 75% total. -50% then another -50% of the remaining stun duration.  


Lots of hunger armor is fun. Loop 9 and my slagg has already started healing for 4k hp. I just dont know how to conveniently get nature synergy :(

simplest way is find a living root! 


lots of people are saying that the crown of spring is super op, but I can't see how to effectively use it since the percentage bonus would be useless once at max stats and it only gives one of each synergy. How do I use it to its max potential?


The buff gives your whole team passive dmg reduction that is the strongest part of it in my opinion. 

We would have to look how many must have synergy items you can replace and weight it up.  Haunted is pretty much worthless endgame, sabotage not a must have, lucky is ok, 6/6 tenacity gives you +30% dmg but I never aim for it, getting a guardian without abillity replacement that is quite powerful if you got one tizik or seras who got very good abilities, magic just a tiny bonus, you get the aquatic which is a must have that likely safes you one item slot, you likely want most of your monsters to have tactician anyway so yes that might safe one.

Now we went for the hollistic team improvements but does a single monster that got all the synergies punch harder than the sum of its parts? A lucky tenacious? Hardly any dmg upside prima facie. I really can not see how.

it gives a buff? I didnt see that on its description. How much does it reduce the damage by?

are there any other things it gives that arnet on its description?

Wait, my crown of spring doesnt give the aquatic synergy though? Why?

for each synergy it selects from one of the required ones from each regional blessing.  Typically there are 2 possible ones for each slot.  


I always thought it gave you the synergies you used to get the blessings, but oh well

nope! it can select any of the viable ones to unlock it

(1 edit) (+2)

In my builds I generally aim for maxed out gaurdian, bulky, elemental, and aquatic, with some tactician if I can manage. Guardian synergy is sourta eh, because the item that gives you it also replaces your active... Can't use it effectively on some teams even with crown of springs

are you using the village to get extra guardian synergies?


I really like the sound of the elemental synergy especially early on when it can effectively half or reduce your damage to nothing but it seems quite tricky to max out where it is infinitely more powerful than on the 2nd level. All the elemental monsters seem quite squishy and harmonious pendant as mentioned above somewhere is pretty bad

there is an item that gives elemental synergy, hydrim and tizik are very strong


I feel like every 5 loops or something you should get a champions laurel or something other than a miraculous elixr


Does the bonebiter armor pen work like a buff? so if i have a mega bonebiter would it give me two buffs so it reaches 100% armor pen twice as fast, or not?

yes*  you will gain 40% pen every attack, but each tracks separately so the final dmg still triggers after 5 attacks, it just triggers twice.  


Ok, thanks so much. really helped!


What happens if you gain more than 100% pen then?

Nothing special :D  

Reducing Def with debuffs like Karakai's Active Ability Shrapnel Blast, can increase damage if Def goes below 0 tho!




The bit about negative defense is cool tho!


I think my monsters are getting permanent stat boosts even though i'm not feeding them. Why is this?

this could potentially be a bug, but its hard to say without knowing the circumstances 


Well, i noticed it short time after getting crown of spring, could be related? It doesnt say on the crowns description tho. 


i have checked on it every so often, to check when they get the boosts. I cant find a pattern tho


It might be food related. I fed a gora with 718 str a powernanna and it had 721 str afterwards

that most likely is just the % bonus then, since food adds to your base value it will also be affected by the crown.  There was a bug I havent been able to track down with the crown giving permanent spd boosts tho


ok, that helps, but i have been getting int on my gora, str on my mudgill and def on my urso. Is that intentional? Cause those seems archtype related. I did somehow get 112 speed on the urso who was holding crown, even tho i fed it no quickfish tho, and i hardly think it coulld get that high on strange fruit. 

hmm I'll need to investigate!


I had a tizik that got permanent speed buffs with crown of springs, there was also a chikia if that helps, but besides that I don't really remember anything else that could effect speed

(1 edit) (+1)

tizik gets +20  permanent speedbuff and strength debuff in the storm event in the last zone  if you choose safe passage, if you choose the two random I think tizik gets jittery permanent which makes it attack directly in a fight from then on


That is a lot of synergies

well done :D




what’s that big  light green  guy with horns


forrest lord, appears when you get all regional blessings, then you can pick either the crown there or double the effect of the blessings


So i have 5/6 regional blessings, the pools, den, peak, geyser and forest. What is the last one?


Wait never mind i just got the last one. It was poison grove


So, a couple of questions for my new build

would GSS trigger gravity hammer twice, 

the damage cap is 999, right, but for something like momentum on chip, is that damage cap applied before or after defense? Like, if for example, my chip used power punch at 999 str, and the enemies defence reduced it to  40 damage, and it casted again with momentum, would it be higher than 40 damage?

and lastly, if you had 2 chips with replica, would the weakest ally only get one of their items?

What is the gss?

Giants Short Sword

oh ok thanks

It will trigger hammer twice.  Damage is not capped, only str.  Double chip replica can give multiple copies to the same target,

(1 edit) (+1)

huh, It seems like the max damage I ever deal is 999, even with bonbiters on loop 30, is that just visual, or is it just a coincidence?

Ill definitely be going for double chip build, I am thinking 2 chips, skimanders, a seras, and a tizik? and then lategame I can give the tizik prism for debuffs

if the attackers str is 999 and their armor pen is 100% they would deal 999 but if you include other effects that boost dmg independently of str like Finisher, Skimander's Adaptable, or Mudgill's default attack Challenge, these can cause your attack dmg to go much higher than 999.

I'm sure I couldve gone further, but I have many team composition ideas and I can't wait to try some out

Lots of mana! 


Yeah, it really helped out the wyrmlets, which you can't see, but they can max almost all stats, especially with the help of tizik


is damage calculated by str - def?

no def is a formula for reducing damage by a percent so it will never reach 0.  Think of it approximately as for every 100 Def you halve the damage again.  


Alright, thanks!


Ima have to test this out, but I'm thinking about Wyrmlet, Ring of Power + Spell Vorex fused, and crystal vial + crystal vial, so he gets +3 mana regen and + 10 mana per cast, as for last 2 maybe circlet of acuity (for higher mana buildup), and dispel for debuffs?


oh and it will have a balanced latent power


It's been a bit, but the build is starting to take shape

I stole the idea of the 3 hydrims from dave, because they seem like the best way to deal with debuffs, and the tizik is pretty much necessary for speed

(1 edit) (+1)

krogs are probably better than my scutter build if I think about it, not sure about the interplay of aoe hitting, pct damage and the giantslayer sword?

I was interested in if kabus slam animation pauses enemy attacks and thought about gaming urso group attack with energy banners

(2 edits) (+2)

I thought about the whole krog thing too, but debuffs seem to screw up the build in the end, also I don't even think that the healing over time buff stacks, because I had a ring of power krog and it didn't seem to heal any more than usual, maybe I am wrong about that.

As for the urso thing, I allready tried it and got like like loop 17 and gave up because I was tired, so it is pretty broken

I haven't really tried the kabu thing, but I think it would be pretty easy to get started with, as they have bulky and defensive,  It would be difficult, but maybe you could save shackles for last, and swap them out after max str?

Hmm, maybe  double krog, chikia with speed balancing and dispel for debuffs, and 3 kabus?


I feel like I've theory crafted for most of what you could actually do in this game, and most of it just doesn't work, so I am excited for when the next patch comes out to (hopefully) give me something new to do

(3 edits) (+1)

I think I end the loop 47 run which sees no end for a kabu attempt, my krog idea was that krogs hit all enemies with bone bite and their native 2% max HP, then you got the gigant slayer sword for another hit (3-4krogs with a tizik) , not as heal but the krogs as dps

lets say three kros hitting for 4% HP each = 12% HP each hit = 9 attacks?

(1 edit) (+2)

I had an idea, Seras + Mabek for swap heals. Double Chip + Double Skimander for stuns, and maybe giant's sword + gravity hammer (if that works) on the chips and the seras?

Edit: if all of that does work, I might add spirit shields to the seras and chips, so they recover from self stun faster

(1 edit) (+1)

tizik got an evolution path with swaps, three tiziks with a seras or something

(1 edit) (+2)

I might future proof the build with spirit-shield? I think it would help a load against ascetics, but I don't know if a majority of late game deaths come from damage values over 20%

Also, the wyrmlets now cap out all stats withing 10 seconds or so (sped up), but  Wyrmlets are annoying because their synergies don't match up well with the other synergies, like mudgill or scutter would


but, they are blue so that fits!  Just remember spirit shield is just attacks, so abilities could still deal more


(1 edit) (+1)

how hard do those wyrmlets hit with their cast?

(1 edit) (+1)

the problem with ascetics is that they hit often not that they hit hard, for ascetic proofing the item that reduces the duration of buffs and or the new shielding item might be more usefull but I havent tested it


I might end the run soon, I am at loop 26 and the damage I take is 0 damage ticks, I've spent over 2 hours on this and I have a couple of other ideas that I wan't to test.

(1 edit) (+1)

For the "What's New Section" it says thqat you added a secret, are there a variety of diffrent secrets in this game,  because all I know of is tama and the blessing forest lord

those were the 2 most recent ones, the previous was related to the Pack Dealer Event.  


allright, I allready know about that one i'm pretty sure

stay tuned for whatever new ones the next patch might hold :D 


I'm pretty excited

(3 edits) (+2)

Shiny mabek? Is there  more of these different types of monsters?

(1 edit)

:D there are!  but they are all seasonal so they dont currently appear.

(1 edit) (+2)

Thats a sick faeture though. Keep it up. I would be cool if u could build a structure that swicth the traits such as guardian or buff to another monster. Idk i just have a lot of ideas to games like these but i love the game. Could you all so try to rewarde the player if it take the more difficult runs with more metarial so that its worth it, idk if u have. THX for this amazing game!

thank you!  I was just thinking about how to make Harder Difficulties more rewarding hmm hmm

(2 edits) (+1)

Yeah, it seems like all the high runs have calm difficulty,  maybe you could add passive building material collection? another way would be quite difficult in comparison, but you could add items that you have to unlock the ability to get through different means one of which might be playing harder difficulties I guess my final idea would be something associated with the village, like increase building slots, or a certain building you can only unlock through harder modes I'm sure you'll find a better way to go about it, but those are my ideas


I have been playing for over 2 months, and only now did I realize that I can swap positions mid-battle


oh no! 

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