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Mamu last evolution is pretty good, might end up making it on my team compositions

Mistake on the mamu: its active says it shields allies in row, but it only seems to shield allies in column, not sure if it has allready been adressed

this is actually something that i silently normalized across all abilities,  rows are vertical ie front row / back row. and the other dimension is now refered to as line.


If messa is the inverse of tama without items, I have no idea what to do so I am going to name everyone messa in the my team, 


I got that messa bird on the first run like yesterday, the abillity seemed useless and quirky somehow if it gives wounds on death especially so?


from what i’ve seen, if its still in its egg or self revives by the end of battle, you don’t lose wounds

considering that it’s the only monster with an infinite revival ability, this could be paired with the haunted synergy to do some stupidly crazy damage 


Are there any in game hints about how to get either of the two monsters?


I know one is village related, and you wouldnt normally do em in a run, and the other is tama reversed, my current guesses are that maybe if you get a certain item after getting egg, thst it will transform, or that you would feed cheese to a certain monster before hatching the egg? but I have little idea for the village, as mine keeps resetting, maybe if you have 2 specific monsters in a nest you get a secret one?

you are one the right track! no items involved

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not sure which one I am on the right track for, I'm assuming its the village one though, besides that I guess I'll have to keep playing, can't really think of how the inverse of tama wouldn't involve items

Edit: I added mabek, kabu, and mudgill into a nest so that the ladders would add up to "Mabu",  I feel like I am over complicating it

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I just got it, I'm not sure if I did it correctly or not though, might just be a bug

Edit: yeah it's consistent so I think I got it, much easier than I thought, now for messa


what is a ladder


I wonder how many people have allready figured out how to get it, surely not that many

so far if anyone has, they havent mentioned it!


There's currently a bug with the new Elemental/Guardian Monster that removes both of its synergies when you evolve it

was this on evolve or dying?

So, i just double checked, and it looks like its on death. i guess i just wasnt paying very good attention. sorry about tha

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thanks that's OK! its a weird bug and just wanted to make sure


yeah I saw it and had to retry a few times once I noticed it was happening. you're one of the coolest devs btw. you and a few others on the site are the only ones ive seen who respond to so many comments

thank you very much, everyones so helpful with finding stuff to make the game better :D


i havent seen the new monsters at all, are they like event related or something?


no clue, but i found one of them at the start during selection


theyre supposed to have secret conditions but because i messed up something some people are able to get them without figuring it out :c

oof, sounds like i'm just unlucky then, time to use my brain

the tips ive given out on the discords are: They are things you wouldnt normally do on a run.  One is similar to Tama's condition but sorta flipped. The other is related to the village.  Theyre very easy to do but not as easy to figure out.


spelling mistake:at the forboding den,it says "requires bulky or tenacious synergy and not taken"


how do you get stone and obsidian?

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From the 2nd and 3rd area bosses, or possibly from the new event Ghostly Smith in area 2 or 3


thats how!

yep, and if you are in infinite mode you can get a few extra on the 2nd trip through 


"Theres more that utilize shields now that I forgot to write down oops"

I laughed internally when I saw this


Chip with torch is now Giga-Tank, If you have two chips swapping constantly you have the bulkiest dudes ever, only debuffs can kill. Rather than doing defense based dmg, you get a def-based shield, combine it with a few living armors fused and forged and you have a rock solid defensive line


thats one of the things that he forgot to write


What does silence do


prevents monsters from using abilities 

yea, specifically their active ability that casts when their mana is full



what is nessa?

sick new monster

So cuuuuuuuuute

Does it evolve?

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The aura pot can gain shield, meaning if it appears in a fight with an enemy that grants shield and you have a high speed monster you can easily get upwards of 1k aura from it

oh no ill need to fix that, but that is pretty funny 


Also shields can stop me from getting my free rare fruits and maginuts from the food pots


Defender + whatever pot = bad

Defender + aura pot = good

You need something like arcane wand or something that can taaack 120 times in 12 secons to get over 1 k aura


literally just happened to me with a chest ;-; but yeah with the aura pot it sounds busted

(4 edits) (+2)

ethereal torch sometimes loops it's effect, repeatedly teleporting the monster between two positions. This occurs roughly 50% of the time and lasts an average of 6 position changes. If it is upgraded to legendary +1, when placed on chip it can cause a stun lock.

edit : I did more testing, and it seems to be more consistent the less it is upgraded.


glad to see I am not the only one who uses chip with ethereal torch, and by that I mean I'm in a run to farm rescources and rebuild my village and got chip and HAD to try it


Renaming mid-battle causes a crash when in chrome browser, probably kills the game because of the variables being used and renamed mid-battle, but I'm not a good programmer so I have no idea

has this happened again? I havent been able to make it happen.  Also were you on web or pc?  


It happens randomly actually, I play on web, and I am trying to rebuild my village before I go on another ultimate calm endless (one lvl 3 tree, one lvl 2 tree, one lvl 3 aurite mine, three max forges, and one max nest with urso and some bulky monster)

It happens randomly actually, I play on web, and I am trying to rebuild my village before I go on another ultimate calm endless (one lvl 3 tree, one lvl 2 tree, one lvl 3 aurite mine, three max forges, and one max nest with urso and some bulky monster)


Tzik is busted and i love it, i literally slapped on endless quiver and repulsor and the amount of shield it gets is disgusing, not only that but basically gets a free attack per storm chaser. I know flux shard would be better though, and perhaps forge fusing mesmerizing orb into Tzik would make it the best tank


Is crown of spring bug fixed? If not then Kunai becomes completely broken, giving 474 shield every attack.

Otherwise I love the shields up-date and Kunai!


dismantle mouselings arent applying gnaw :(
i've checked for a while now and they dont, apply any at all, otherwise the rate of gnaw would noticeably go up

Also will there be alternate skins for other monsters in the future? cause i love Mabek's alternate, but it's a shame it's the only one rn

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Checked this out and Gnaw is applying its just missing the update to the display so its just a visual bug! Will be fixed with next patch tyty

I def want to add more (and returning) skins.   Originally there were plans for a few for this patch but I wasnt able to get as much done as I had hoped


There is a typo when upgrading Karakai to Razorshards. Razorshards description says Sharpnel Blast instead of Shrapnel Blast on one part of the description.

ty ty will fix

quick update fixing a bug where tama wouldnt appear from their egg, also added the new monsters to the compendium


Aurite change is definetely nice imo, now I can make use of buying radiant aurite and lose a monster for perm buffs


Dang, I lost my progress, but at least there is a new update!


I had a new team composition that I think ima try now, maybe replace any of the monsters with some new ones

Higher difficulties should probably give more rescources on clear in standard mode to make rescource farming easier.


i love this game! No steam page yet?

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:D I made some more plan details on the discord but the goal for the next big patch (1.0!) is steam along with more game modes, achievements, monsters etc.  Ill get a steam page up first but it will take abit to actually finish it cause it will be a big one


I've found another typo. in the item repulsor, every is spelled "ever".

ty ty!  keep an eye out tomorrow :D

(1 edit) (+1)

Theres a typo. When evolving into Urso, in the ability Hookclaws, their is spelled "thier".

thanks, will fix!


question. Will giants shortsword still activate if the monster is stunned

uh well its effect doesnt explicitly get negated by stun but theres currently no way to attack while stunned anyway so technically yes? 

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double woad is bad and stupid. I needed haunted synergy for calamity immediately because I found it impossible to make progress without. The double dark harvest when one of my monsters die (the first death gives me no wounds which means infinite food) is handy and finally, sap+monstrous+bone ring means I can one shot in the first few loops

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I just dished out 85 food of various rarity to my monsters in one go and it got pretty boring

yea food frequency is something I have been considering addressing, later it gets very high 

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fortunately woad still sucks because with two of them dealing 100 damage to my monsters every few seconds second, half my team goes down surprisingly fast

Try ability replacement items :D Endless Quiver or Radiant Tome can be interesting on Woad


I love radiant tome on woad.

Hunger seed on Woad is a little more of a gamble, but if your monsters survive long enough, if you have a party of 5 or 6, it will give back more than the damage it dealt when hunger seed healing triggers


Is there a hidden monster? I noticed that the village has a capacity of 23 monsters but there are only 22 in the compendium. The compendium is very hidden btw.

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put the cheese in your inventory and pick up an egg


ring of power is op loop 3 and my hydrim has started healing 6k hp


:( the flames from arcanist is removing the dark glyph.

Damage -99999999999999999999999.9999999999%

Survivability + 69%

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yea only one "ground effect" can exist at a location so things like them, or the spikes or meteors can remove it.  Mabeks life mote will try to avoid existing effects if possible tho



lol which synergies do you want so much

healer requiem

I'm trying to get a crown of springs with very specific synergy, and I've spent over 6 hours of raw time save reloading for them


Is the download windows exclusive?

I really enjoy this game quite a bit, but it may be helpful to add a guide in the next update/patch. I also think that the forge should work a little differently. For example, when I merge two legendaries, I only get 50 aura. But if I sell them separately, I get 400 each. The village is also kinda small and I feel like some coin currency that you earn in game might be helpful to expand the village? I don't know game design very well but as a player these seem like some nice updates to enhance the overall feel and learning curve for the game.

Also, sometimes when I reload the page all my progress gets deleted (webview). Is this something that you can fix? Its kinda annoying when i spend 1 hour on a game only to reload the page and its gone

im glad youre enjoying it, the download is windows only I have no way to build for mac.  Currently merged items sell for a very low amount because they represent something that youre committed to (and also there isnt a space to remember their previous rarities). 

Im not sure if I want to expand the space of the village, but I do plan on adding more things to it.  Also more cosmetic options as well that wont take up space.  

The reload issue might be related to your browser, if its set up to automatically clear out cookies and other data that could be impacting your game. 


please tell me that the lucky synergy doesn’t increase my chances of getting rarer items

rarer items are cool and all but

i’m trying to get every synergy

and i haven’t come across a single stick effigy 😭 


Lucky does not, buttttttt Loop does affect item drop rarity

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for rare items you aim for chests, for anything below you save  aura and aim for shops with refresh 3-4 times each


you got no stick effigy after 36 loops

but i got 3 in loop 1

unholy water 


ooooh bloodmist +gora = infinite healing

no it can't

i tried and got 2 wounds

here's the catch

my gora has ability to heal all monster when using it's skill

when it being stun it can't heal by skill

so that's a complete downgrade

the best part of bloodmist gora is how fast he can trigger the debuff reduction of Potency for others

why not just buy them from shop

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stuff i’ve learned from infinite: 

max tactician synergy helps a ton in loop 10+, since enemy def becomes absurdly high 

synergies matter a lot

tizik and hydrim are amazing

aaaaaaand ascetic/faceless are very dangerous 


you play on calamity?


thats impressive id be dead in a few loops of that


the curses on calamity are diabolical 


yes 😎 


Faceless I feel like are borderline annoying for this run I just put a monster with a poor ability like slagg or strigeye in front of it and everything is a-ok. Id add to that list never to underestimate the "scavengers spawn periodically" curse. Their poison stacking is prone to deal thousands of damage to monsters which would eliminate my chances of survival if I was not forced to use life force almost every battle

scavengers look so underwhelming 

then boom

you’re hit with 10+ poison stacks and half your team is dead

the only way i’ve truly learned to counter them is using hydrim (debuff removal + healing)


Yeah I think that's what makes hydrim better than other healers, prism is another way, but it isnt great

thats a good strat!  Ive noticed alot of people dont adjust their team depending on the enemies 


gora's good too

especially with proper items and nice synergies

Whatz the difference between load, and resume run

resuming the run loads it, there isnt a difference lol


found a bug 

once you beat the boss and the “things will get harder” option appears

if you click show map

you can click on one of the paths

head to the next loop

and the loop thing will still be there


i also left and went to resume run…

and found smth very strange

i’m still in the wasteland area

but it’s a new loop

and i’ve still retained my previous items and aura


If I mixed a hunger seed with a bone ring  on my krog, would that mean my units would heal for 100% of what krog was supposed to but didnt because of bone ring?


i would assume hunger seed wouldn’t work with bone ring 

it would depend on the order, if hunger seed activates first it will absorb some of the healing, then bone ring would shoot whats left at the enemy.  If it triggers the other way, bone ring shoots all of it at the enemy  and none is left for the seed


ok thank you

the map loop skip bug will be fixed in the next patch!

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This game is getting too stressful. Loop 12 and im having to consistently use the super orb THREE TIMES PER BATTLE just to have any chance of survival. The scavengers poison is happily dealing a thousand hp every few seconds and im just there hoping my whole run doesnt go down the toilet. What on earth is this 30k healing done for me thats just ridiculous


try use that amulet which gives you armor on cast

which amulet?


let me explain to you why this is funny

taurus (the boss) moves units to a different position when it attacks them

chikia (the bird) increases an ally’s speed and defense when they change positions

this is gonna be a massacre. 

there are some really fun move reaction abilities to use vs him :D

How is attack speed calculated?

the att gauge fills by Spd/80 percent per second.  

wait that doesen't make sense, if 80 speed, it would fill by 1% per second, and take 100 seconds to attack?

sry thats percentage of the whole gauge, so 80 spd = 1 att per second


ah thank you


Can someone please tell me some good builds for starting out? Maybe some sort of guide? I really enjoy this game but the endgame seems a bit hard for me. Also what is "int?" I know it has to do with the ability but what is it exactly?


I've also found that slagg is quite good.


Int is just another stat, some abilities or passives will use int to increase damage, healing, or other factors, it really depends on the monster

I would recommend trying out some of these monsters: Tizik For speed buffs, Urso for % damage and his evolved ability, Kabu for a good ability and passive, Scutter for great damage, Krog is a great healer, along with Hydrim, and Mudgill is also good for damage


for the standard run always go for 3 max evolved monster that is the easiest I think and core advice regardless of which monster you choose, in general having a strong well rounded damage dealer like a skimander/chikita/scutter is a good start, avoid haunted monster, tuskal is the worst monster in the game now I think

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what did tuskal do to you? he may get instantly melted on the front lines because of his beserk ability but in the back hes a good boy and can easily deal 20 or 30 percent of my teams total damage dealt.   I thought a haunted monster like gheist or woad would be able to top him regarding their ability to suck


tuskal is too much of a glass canon when his buff stacks up to receive twice the damage


Which synergies are the best end game?


Bulky and Aqautic are the best in my opinion

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