how come max haunted synergy isnt op because if you max out only a monsters str and then let it die every round, yyou wont get wounds and youll easily dish out a thousand damage to your opponents
the easiest way to get parra egg is to max a nest in the village so you can get cheaper egg sense, also make sure you dont chose parra as one of the two start monsters. also at least build an aurite mine since you get 10% more aura from battles, and maybe even bring chip so you can evolve with alchemize ability for more money per food on him (or just sell the food lol)
that'd be fun, this could force (or at least open up the idea of) different ways to play with certain monsters or try different events, looking forward to it
There. FINALLY got Mamu and Nessa. After attempting all kinds of convoluted arbitrary nonsense, unassigning everyone in the village from their jobs to play with the bouncy red ball for a while, putting myself through hell with various weird long challenge runs in Infinite Mode, savescumming in order to hatch or discard Parra eggs at every single possible random event... I now feel absolutely ridiculous, on account of how simple the actual solutions are.
For Mamu, I looked up the solution, and I'm glad I did because it is something I never would have figured out on my own. Despite it being probably the easiest secret to do once you know how. Not going to simply repost it here, but I will give one more big hint on top of the ones that have already been said. Hint: Empty Building
For Nessa... as far as I can tell, the complete solution isn't yet written down anywhere (and I'm not about to break that tradition), but once I pieced together the hints... I'm actually surprised I didn't get it sooner. Important Info So You Don't Go Crazy While Trying Random Things: Infinite Mode is NOT required, and a specific zone is also not required. Hint: Rest
only thing I'd be worried about is how the damage is around loop 3 or so. If you pick up the scavenger curse you may never lose the battle, but you may never win either...
1: In the village you can build the nest. it will cause a monster to always appear in the starting selection, this can cause 2 to appear at the same time.
2: more complicated method, the option called egg sense lets you get specific monster eggs, but it won't offer ones that are already in your party. it doesn't care about your inventory tho so as long as you don't hatch the eggs, you can stack up multiple of the same. when you have as many as you want hatch them all at the same time
So I had fun with my all elemental team (plus a gheist with a fused item) but after a few hours of seeing mostly zeroes for enemy damage I got bored...
OH RIIIIIIIGHT lvl 2 bulky plus max elemental plus max strength and defense plus a lot of carrots means an infinite tanking, also nessa instead of gheist could work for that as a secondary healer, or someone that can remove debuffs. then you will only ever take 0 damage, which could be even better than the iron will spam from pre-build-a-buff, as rather than invincibility buffs that can be removed by silence, if hydrim is in back nothing can stop the infinite tanking engine
As far as I can tell so far, the crashing problems are finally fixed... but, I have noticed what I think might be another bug. When saving and quitting under certain circumstances, certain stats are lower or higher than they should be: specifically, stats that are affected by an item that raises/lowers stats by a percentage rather than an absolute value. My Tizik, who fused with the (merged) Crown of Spring, has stats that are all noticeably higher than everyone else, while everyone who had Heavy Shackles (fused or otherwise) has their Speed absolutely crippled despite all the Quickfish I know I've fed them. My guess is that the percentage stat buff/debuff is saved, and then when the game is reloaded, it's applied again, on top of the boost that was already there?
I've seen a similar problem. It doesn't always take saving and quitting, though. Sometimes it happens while going to a new loop. I ended up with the beefiest gheist to ever beef with no food and using the bad fusion. Items had little or no hp bonuses either. Was weird and difficult to try and make him my lowest health since I wanted him to be targeted most.
Another bug/problem I think I might have found is that percentage buffs to healing don't seem to actually be working. I'm not perfect, so it's entirely possible my math was off every time or that I misunderstood something, though. The nature synergy buff, and any item buffs didn't seem to be doing anything though.
I could be mistaken about the cause, it's entirely possible that it was the loops rather than saving and quitting. I noticed that the stats were off, and what the incorrect stats corresponded to, but I might be wrong about the exact timing of when it happened.
thank you, I'll look into both more closely. Crown of Spring was reported before but just doing some runs with it i wasnt getting any misplaced stats so i suspect there is some specific interaction with it that is broken. It may also happen with Wyrmlets Balanced Latent Power to a lesser degree
just let me know if you need me to try and remember any specifics I might have noticed. I really like the game so far and am eagerly anticipating it's growth, so anything I can do to help...
Hey I *think* I got the crash on web sorted now, but as always if it is still happening please let me know! Also make sure your game version says on the screen with the Play & Village buttons (on the left between the 2 text boxes)
-Fixed a bug with OnAttack triggers that could possible crash the game on Web when winning a battle
-Fixed bug with Loose Dirt/Hidden Stash stashed item losing abilities.
Do stats start to cap out at 999? I've gotten quite far into endless and I was wondering if there is a 999 cap on stats for both my monsters and the enemies.
1, The nest in the village makes a monster always appear in the team select at the start, but it can still appear randomly as well allowing you to be offered the same one twice at the same time.
2. The egg sense option at nests doesnt offer anyone whos already on your team but it doesnt look at your inventory. If you sense for a specific mon, but dont hatch the egg, you can sense for it again at another nest. Once you have as many as you want, then you hatch them all.
How does the running out of energy work? because with that tree thing you can get fruits for your units dying, but if that makes me run out of energy why would I use it?
but for real there are ways around it too! The Haunted Synergy makes it so the first death each battle doesnt add a wound, you can heal wounds by resting / events / healing salves. Also the supportive super recovers 1 wound for each monster it revives.
I once had this demented run where I had a woad and unending potions supply, back when I had that insane chip run, and it gave me so much foods to buff my attack with, and enough healing salves to slow the deaths (this was on the january patch, before village).
Ya I had a Chip/Woad run with on op merged idle/that legendary emerald helm, I used the Cip upgrade to share the legend item and also give extra food and with the void staff thing to summon weak things that are easy to kill are an amazing way to get a ton of food without getting any wounds.
Hey, tried out the game recently and enjoying it quite a lot so far.
I realised afterwards that I could download it for itch app instead of manual download, but the save doesn't transfer over. Is there a way to use the save I had going within Itch app's game?
Thank you in advance to whoever could be of assistance.
hm they were supposed to carry over but ive never actually used the itch app before, was your previous save on the manually downloaded version or the web version? saves should appear in c / users / your pc profile / appdata / local low / jaysgames / vanguard monsters. There can be up to 4 files
Yes, that is where my current save is within the manually downloaded version. However, itch app version's folder looks different to me, so I am uncertain I can do the simple copypaste of the files.
EDIT: I don't want to cause too much extra fuss for you, so I can also stick to manually downloaded version, I suppose simply replacing the folder with newly downloaded one should do the trick since saves are in a seperate location.
:C I tried disabling compression settings because supposedly when files are accessed if it takes too long it can cause that error. all the info online about this is very vague, random and often unanswered so it's really hard to figure what's causing it, much less fix it.
Wasn't able to play yesterday bc of a power outage, was hoping to be the first to find nessa but it's whatever, I do wonder if any of my theories where correct though. At least I was one of, if not the first to find mamu, kinda hoping my egg in front of fire boss prediction was correct, because I came up with the theory, I just tried like 9 times and never got the correct boss
Just died on loop five (first endless run). MVP was the blue blob (sorry, forgot his name), he healed 1000s of hp every battle and casted every second + telescope which gives 5 mana to every adjacent ally on cast = OP (The reason I only have 5 monsters is because I sent one home for extra stats after I had lost the ability to get more eggs).
Hey Jay, Noticed a small but pretty hilarious bug, You know the penalty that gives enemies a common item? Well, the boss' tail got the smoke bomb and deleted itself xD (it was stil there, but invisible and pushed behind the boss, who then got punched back by chip)
Is it determined when the map is generated (I will have to do many loops of targoth to test if it gives nessa), or is it determined when I reach the boss if it is fire boi or targoth (less pain, maybe can get fully evolved nessa and see how far I can go with it).
Aight, got bored and made a tierlist based on my experiencesIf you got any different opnions do tell me, im curious (also this Tierlist is just my opnion)
- Karakai, whilst alr, lacks great abilities, other than shelled stack, which makes it very non-versatile. - Nessa is just straight up bad currently and in the need of a rework as all of its abilities are pretty much either bad or mediocre at best, and even has an ability that makes it a bit worse (thermals) - Mabek, I just find it a bit lackluster, and just not quite enough to be B tier, (still top of C tier though)
In my opnion Chip is pretty alr, but not exactly A tier.
Chip is a defensive monster, which has abilities that suit more of an Aggressive one, whilst having 2 abilities that are not exactly the best (Tectonics and Alchemize) and 2 very good abilities (Replica and Momentum),
The reason for why i put it in B tier, is that most of its abilities are made pretty lackluster if you dont specifically build around them,
Replica is fully dependant on a good piece of gear that can work on 2 monsters, both Chip and the second monster, With Tectonics and Rumble you need either a Skimander or to manually switch its position constantly, which is pretty boring and repetitive imo, Alchemize, whilst its not exactly bad, its not great either, and is quite mediocre at best
Now, im half asleep writing this, so if something sounds nonsensical, ill blame it on my lack of sleep, just point it out and ill try to clarify or correct on what i meant.
Oh right, and theres also Momentum, its pretty good ability ngl, but you need to get the cast cost really low so it can actually start benefitting from it before Chip dies or the battle ends.
I disagree with half of that. Alchemize is a decent ability in and of itself as while slightly increasing the stat scaling of food may not seem like much, it adds up over the course of a run, especially in infinite.
Replica, meanwhile, isn’t purely dependent on the item also working on Chip as it allows you to save money on normal runs by letting you temper 1 item a bunch and have it buff the tank as well. Additionally, if you somehow get multiple chips in your team (wink wink) you can effectively use replica to hyper focus on a single mon in infinite mode and give them significantly more items than they could otherwise hold at once. (Parra w/ 3 wind slicer & 7 spell vortex go brrrr…)
Alchemize really is just not good enough, even if it can be good in the long run, it just is not enough to be A-tier, Same with Replica, whilst that strategy is really good, (didnt even think of this strat, so good job, this is a really great idea for a strat :D) it really just makes it even more solid that Chip is B-tier, as you need to specifically build around it to get it to work properly.
so...this is just my return opinion, and is probably not worth a whole lot yet since I'm still missing a few, but I feel scutt, wyrm, and pyris should probably all be dropped by 1.
scutt for the same reasons as you mentioned for karak and mabek. He does 1 thing very well, but...
wyrm is awesome and I love him, so take the rest of this with that in mind. No doubt he has one of the most interesting mechanics with his evolution and can come in clutch to fill a void in the roster. That said, he's just a little too much of a lesser jack of all trades. If his active wasn't as good I'd honestly feel that he should maybe even be down at the bottom.
pyris is...well...just a worse version of tiz. Honestly, tiz just needs some tlc on his active and he'll be a or better. Pyris is good aoe, for sure, but unless your running a minimal number on your team, tiz can do pretty much the same thing passively that pyris does altogether, and if you find an active changing item tiz is set. Thus, I agree tiz is b at situational, but pyris just doesn't quite add up...for me.
Scutter: From my experiences with it, it can dish out extremely good Dps, with its abilities straight up ignoring defenses most of the time thanks to its abilities, and when you pair up Twin claw with any debuff item, for example, lets say ripper, you start causing rip to 2 enemies at the same time, which is straight up amazing, not to mention that even without items, the ability to ignore defenses, especially if you start boosting Scutters Attack, (which unfortunately is pretty low on its own) it starts dealing crazy amounts of Dps, all on its own
Scutter is also very flexible in team comps and can be a benefit in basically any team, as it isnt completely reliant on other monsters.
Wyrmlet: Wyrmlet is probably one of the most versatile monsters in the whole game thanks to its ability "Latent Power" (which needs a huge buff Jay~) and can fit on many teams, which is a great plus already.
The best form for Wyrm is either Int or Str imo, just for the amount of raw power it can dish out.
Lets look at Int Wyrm, which we will give 100 int to for now:
The ability takes 8 mana 3 times, 10% of int done for each point of mana taken, that can be upto 240% damage, + 100% (Latent power) + 100% Aoe dmg (Power Overflow, aka add 100 dmg to all enemies, which we wont count for now, but that would be +500dmg at max overall) = 440%, aka 440dmg, this alone is already great, remember that we have Magical acceleration? aka our mana regen is raised by 1 each time this is cast, which means we can rapid fire this skill if we build around it. (This also doesnt take in mind the damage it does with its normal attacks on the side too)
Do you understand my point now? :) (still not A-tier tho, since bad bulk and reliant on heavily building around it to actually get it to work.)
Pyris: Now, you mentioned that Pyris is just worse Tizik, but this is not the case in my opnion.
I can clearly see that Pyris, Tizik and Hydrim are part of a set, and each has their ups and downs, lets look at them:
Pyris: Great Dps, No Healing, Niche boosts, only for itself Hydrim: Terrible Dps, Amazing Healing, Niche Boosts Tizik: Average Dps, No Healing, Amazing Boosts
Now, I know you might be saying that Tiz can do what Pyris can, but no, not really, you just havent tried him that much.
Pyris shines in Dps, as every single one of its abilities are for dps, or boosting its dps, lets look at the abilities
Ignite: attacks burn the target, dealing 10% of int each second, for 8 seconds Already, if you attack an enemy, you basically do 100% str plus 80% Int, oh also, did you know Ignite stacks? :]
Burnout: active ability turns to +200% Spd for 6 seconds This also is really good, especially if you pair it with Wildfire, which you can get alongside this ability using a radiant crystal.
Wildfire: Ignite also is given to enemies adjacent to the target This is just broken, you basically start doing 100% str and 80% int to 4 enemies at once at max, so... I think you get the point, its good alr
Unending flames: Ignite is 3 seconds longer Decent, turns 80% int dmg to 110% int dm, not bad at all
Meltdown: attack an enemy with 5 stacks or more and remove all stacks, deal 175% of int to all enemies Again, not bad at all
With these abilities, Pyris becomes a beast in dps and Tizik just doesnt really compare tbh, Tizik is made to be more of a support, whiles Pyris is the offensive attacker.
If you have any more opinions just lemme know, its curious to see all of yall views and ideas
Latent power: lightning needs a buff, doing breath to my teammates is not good, maybe if I switched it to a healing buff it would be good, but is still really niche
how come krogs in B tier. His slam attack is twin claws but more and if you give him a radiant aurite then he will get slam AND stagger which means if you get him enough speed (I like using tiziks energize ability) none of your enemies will be able to attack you. Also his super increases str and heals all allies. Im not joking when I say with no understanding of the game whatsoever, I was able to get hardcarried to loop 15 only by krog (and tizik too)
Also, A little change id make here currently would be to raise Gora from A-tier to the middle of S-tier, right below Chikia, ive tested her around a bit and compared it to hydrim, and noticed that if Gora is given a radiant aurite, it basically becomes a god of healing. I saw it do over 3k healing in the beginning of loop 3 right now :skull: (Btw, Gora had no item to boost its healing)
I have not exactly found Mudgill to be great, what kind of strategies have you used on it? If you could give me some team ideas it could fit in, I could raise it to the bottom of B.
Also, Tizik really isnt S-tier, it is a good one, but you need to specifically build around it to make it work, which is why it is B, also it is not exactly as good as other A-tiers, such as Gora, Parra and Tama for example, who all fit into any type of team, and dont have the need to fully be reliant on other monsters
Hmm, good thinking, it might be easily be the top B or even A-tier with that strat, Im going to go try it out and then see what rank it actually deserves :O
Welp, tested out these strats and etc, but it just is not enough, one of its abilities replaces Trash, which nullifies most of these strategies as well as using Radient Aurite on it.
also tested out some of these strategies and they really were not as good as I expected, Mudgill stays in C-tier :/
She absolutely hard counters all forms of permanent debuffs like poison, sunder, etc.
She serves as a way to trigger on death effects without taking wounds (Woad can literally make near infinite food with her lmao)
She heals AND deals dmg with her active, something nobody else does without some sort of evolution upgrade.
She supports debuffers like Wyrmlet & Pyris.
She works god tier with ring of power & bone ring for various reasons (RoP makes her into an eternally healing tank that also does a lot of dmg from flames; BR works well with her revival as she full heals on hatching.
Yeah her healing isn’t as much as hydrim and only works on 1 unit normally (& also relies on the enemies being alive), but she is definitely usable and has interactions with a ton of stuff.
im going to try to break down what I think of her, lets see:
- Debuffs are not really the highest point of concern and shouldnt really be considered that great of a feat
- The way to trigger death effects without taking wounds is Nessas biggest plus, which is really good, cant lie, it is amazing when paired up with haunted synergy and Woad, but it doesnt really make it enough to be raised a tier, as Void Beacons can generate much more food with Woad, more than Nessa can even think of doing
- The Healing and Dps she does is very niche and cant compare to other monsters that can do similar feat, for example Gora.
- Rings are not enough to raise it tbh, it would just be too reliant on them to even work a little bit.
She is in the need of a rework and isnt suitable for anything other than D currently.
BUG REPORT: Been occasionally getting an error that makes the game suddenly crash after battles lately. It's not after every battle, but it's happened twice now in rapid succession, making the game nigh-unplayable. After checking the Error Console, I suspect it might have something to do with me having my browser's cache disabled, but am uncertain. The error listed when the game crashed was:
An error occurred running the Unity content on this page. See your browser JavaScript console for more info. The error was:
uncaught exception: abort(197) at jsStackTrace (VanguardMonstersWeb.wasm.framework.unityweb:8:22313)
I feel like Difficulty should be raised, at least for the harder modes, like calamity and also rework Nessa a little because her current abilities dont seem to have a lot of synergy with most things and half of her abilities are straight up bad.
Thermals: From 50% hp lost to 33% and full amount of the hp lost.
Scrap Intensity or rework it completely, its just not good at all, Maybe something more "intense" could be this kind of ability:
Heat Up Raise allies Str and Spd by 5 each time Rejuvenating flames is cast, Nessa gets burned for 5 sec after casting, losing 2% of max hp every 2 seconds, for 20 seconds
Nova and Collapse are both alright, but i have suggestion to replace one of them with:
Fall from Grace Once becoming an egg, give all allies +Def for 25% of Int for 10 seconds and remove all debuffs, then move to the back row.
There prob are much better ideas for this, as im not great at making good support character abilities that are not either broken af or too weak to work, I just think current Nessa is a bit lack luster.
Dont know if it was intended or not, but i found a cool detail where, if you use an item to change nessa's super type, when it turns into an egg on death, it reverts back to Supportive, so you essentially have an emergency heal if you're in a dire situation
Oh dear, I thought your pfp looked a little familiar Jay, I loved Runelite, played it a couple weeks ago xD, im surprised you have made couple of my favourite web itch games xD
Muahahahah I beat the non-endless battle with a single urso muahahahaha, also please raise the max stat cap, 999atk and 999def Urso is too easy to get, I want to be able to raise the stats moar :sob:
new enemy on the last page of the compendium seems to be flame themed, not sure if it is a boss though, and if it is, there is still I chance I don't get it
Dev said bird was on the right track, and it was heat related, so I am trying to just hatch parra in the presence of flame
Found a bug: didn't get a picture but I was in a battle with 2 taurus's and a spinecaller, and I got a wierd shield icon on the side, after which I got upwards of 16k shields, I am only on loop 1, I think maybe the taurus removing shields was actually adding it?
huh thats really strange, I will check it out. The icon just shows up to say you have more shields than HP, since the bar is relative that. But you definitely shouldnt be getting 16k lol
k so far I have tried the following to get nessa, I have used tama and pyris egg over a campfire, I have tried to sell and upgrade tama and pyris egg, as well as parra egg (because it's a bird) I have tried all of the following while in the volcano zone, I have gotten rid of eggs at the last boss fight in infinite mode, and now I am completely out of ideas, I have even looked into greek mythology, because nessa was someone who lost a song contest and got turned into a bird, are there any song events?
Not sure where the dev comes up with monster names, but if the name has anything to do with how to get it, I might have an idea
EDIT: but the current web version bug that breaks eggs on save reload would screw it up, it allready requires some ammount of luck and getting the correct event would make it even worse
Also I don't think the dev would expect anyone to figure this out, but I have an idea, I'm legit investigating greek lore rn, nessa is a Pierides, who got turned into a bird after losing a singing contest
I can't tell if that tip helped or made it worse, I allready knew it looks like a bird, but I really don't feel any closer than I was, but I am assuming that all there is to it is opening a specific egg in a specific event, the trouble is which egg and which event, I guess a heat related event? The egg I am mostly clueless, but parra is allready a bird, tama egg would just make sense, and pyris is literraly flaming, I just feel like I have allready tried most possibilities,
I guess I just order eggs from least to most likely and work my way down the list, using that specific egg in every event, but that seems like a time waster, until this bug gets fixed where I can't use eggs after save quitting
bird specifically is the right track! also which version # are you playing on btw? the most recent update should have fixed the broken egg reload glitch
I feel so smart rn, and sniperarchery also figured it out without me saying much except for greek lore, but it is pretty difficult to get an egg and an event in loop 1, especially if it is the tama egg, and heres the thing, the dev said that it was hard to find out and easy to get, and this isnt easy to get, so probably a lucky consequence, also Mamu was super easy for me to find, and this just seems so complicated
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i finaly did it and i didnt even need a hot place i got what i need before the boss then rested after i have nessa ive done it...
how come max haunted synergy isnt op because if you max out only a monsters str and then let it die every round, yyou wont get wounds and youll easily dish out a thousand damage to your opponents
sounds like a good strat :D all the 3rd tier synergies should be pretty good
what do super faster do
makes the super orb fill up faster. The Greater Blessing is +20%
fun game good mechanics, now to fill the compeduim
star is the egg i need a parra
the easiest way to get parra egg is to max a nest in the village so you can get cheaper egg sense, also make sure you dont chose parra as one of the two start monsters. also at least build an aurite mine since you get 10% more aura from battles, and maybe even bring chip so you can evolve with alchemize ability for more money per food on him (or just sell the food lol)
I did it... I found Nessa... wow it was so simple... i cry now
ikr :cry:
yes, now to wait for the next update to bring more secrets for me to obsess about
next update is gonna mostly be a fun cosmetic patch :D maybe I should give them unlock requirements tho hmm
that'd be fun, this could force (or at least open up the idea of) different ways to play with certain monsters or try different events, looking forward to it
you should put 2 really cool cosmetics that you can only get if you unlock mamu and nessa to give players more incentive to try and unlock them
so far im guesing i have to rest with an unhatched parra egg i just havent been able to in a run to test my theory
Chip/Woad are the best. (that lightning guy is also amazing for giving hundreds of speed)
Can be found in normal, non-infinite run. Heat. Requires specific egg. Rest.
scroll through the comments and you’ll eventually figure it out
i'm with you man, i too struggle along this path to Nessa
been a long time enjoyer of this game keep up the good work :)
I finally got Mamu! :D
There. FINALLY got Mamu and Nessa. After attempting all kinds of convoluted arbitrary nonsense, unassigning everyone in the village from their jobs to play with the bouncy red ball for a while, putting myself through hell with various weird long challenge runs in Infinite Mode, savescumming in order to hatch or discard Parra eggs at every single possible random event... I now feel absolutely ridiculous, on account of how simple the actual solutions are.
For Mamu, I looked up the solution, and I'm glad I did because it is something I never would have figured out on my own. Despite it being probably the easiest secret to do once you know how. Not going to simply repost it here, but I will give one more big hint on top of the ones that have already been said.
Hint: Empty BuildingFor Nessa... as far as I can tell, the complete solution isn't yet written down anywhere (and I'm not about to break that tradition), but once I pieced together the hints... I'm actually surprised I didn't get it sooner.
Important Info So You Don't Go Crazy While Trying Random Things: Infinite Mode is NOT required, and a specific zone is also not required.
Hint: RestVery well done, I definitely will have more in game guides for the next time I add a secret monster. These 2 were kinda last minute lol
I cant wait to get them all potency
only thing I'd be worried about is how the damage is around loop 3 or so. If you pick up the scavenger curse you may never lose the battle, but you may never win either...
a few heavy shackles to gain lots of str and some plague blades to increase debuff length and ill hope for the best
gotta water the plants
How do you get multiple of the same monster
before hatching the eggs, keep going to nests and find the mon that you want, then when you have enough, hatch them
so there are 2 ways
1: In the village you can build the nest. it will cause a monster to always appear in the starting selection, this can cause 2 to appear at the same time.
2: more complicated method, the option called egg sense lets you get specific monster eggs, but it won't offer ones that are already in your party. it doesn't care about your inventory tho so as long as you don't hatch the eggs, you can stack up multiple of the same. when you have as many as you want hatch them all at the same time
i deleted my browser data so now i have to obtain nessa legitimately 😭
So I had fun with my all elemental team (plus a gheist with a fused item) but after a few hours of seeing mostly zeroes for enemy damage I got bored...
OH RIIIIIIIGHT lvl 2 bulky plus max elemental plus max strength and defense plus a lot of carrots means an infinite tanking, also nessa instead of gheist could work for that as a secondary healer,
or someone that can remove debuffs.then you will only ever take 0 damage, which could be even better than the iron will spam from pre-build-a-buff, as rather than invincibility buffs that can be removed by silence, if hydrim is in back nothing can stop the infinite tanking engineAs far as I can tell so far, the crashing problems are finally fixed... but, I have noticed what I think might be another bug. When saving and quitting under certain circumstances, certain stats are lower or higher than they should be: specifically, stats that are affected by an item that raises/lowers stats by a percentage rather than an absolute value. My Tizik, who fused with the (merged) Crown of Spring, has stats that are all noticeably higher than everyone else, while everyone who had Heavy Shackles (fused or otherwise) has their Speed absolutely crippled despite all the Quickfish I know I've fed them. My guess is that the percentage stat buff/debuff is saved, and then when the game is reloaded, it's applied again, on top of the boost that was already there?
I've seen a similar problem. It doesn't always take saving and quitting, though. Sometimes it happens while going to a new loop. I ended up with the beefiest gheist to ever beef with no food and using the bad fusion. Items had little or no hp bonuses either. Was weird and difficult to try and make him my lowest health since I wanted him to be targeted most.
Another bug/problem I think I might have found is that percentage buffs to healing don't seem to actually be working. I'm not perfect, so it's entirely possible my math was off every time or that I misunderstood something, though. The nature synergy buff, and any item buffs didn't seem to be doing anything though.
I could be mistaken about the cause, it's entirely possible that it was the loops rather than saving and quitting. I noticed that the stats were off, and what the incorrect stats corresponded to, but I might be wrong about the exact timing of when it happened.
thank you, I'll look into both more closely. Crown of Spring was reported before but just doing some runs with it i wasnt getting any misplaced stats so i suspect there is some specific interaction with it that is broken. It may also happen with Wyrmlets Balanced Latent Power to a lesser degree
just let me know if you need me to try and remember any specifics I might have noticed. I really like the game so far and am eagerly anticipating it's growth, so anything I can do to help...
ty ty thats very kind, ill def make a post if im not able to replicate things
oh hey that was my run with the all 999 stats kabu
I have fixed one thing but im not sure if it covers every aspect of the bug!
Hey I *think* I got the crash on web sorted now, but as always if it is still happening please let me know! Also make sure your game version says on the screen with the Play & Village buttons (on the left between the 2 text boxes)
-Fixed a bug with OnAttack triggers that could possible crash the game on Web when winning a battle
-Fixed bug with Loose Dirt/Hidden Stash stashed item losing abilities.
it should appear there. if it still says .2 try refreshing the page, itch might be behind.
Do stats start to cap out at 999? I've gotten quite far into endless and I was wondering if there is a 999 cap on stats for both my monsters and the enemies.
Stats do cap at 999, except HP which is 99,999
Thanks, and is there a way to disable screen shake? It can get pretty crazy in endless mode.
no but that should be option, I'll add it to the list
I remember I actually hit the cap a couple of times with urso, oh the good times heh
Is there any plans for making this mobile? It works mobile mostly, just has errors that wipe your progress after a while
the error was this:
ort(197) at jsStackTrace (VanguardMonstersWeb.wasm.framework.unityweb:8:22322)
stackTrace (VanguardMonstersWeb.wasm.framework.unityweb:8:22496)
abort (VanguardMonstersWeb.wasm.framework.unityweb:8:494316)
wasm-stub@[wasm code]
<?>.wasm-function[55624]@[wasm code]
<?>.wasm-function[29444]@[wasm code]
<?>.wasm-function[53452]@[wasm code]
<?>.wasm-function[33770]@[wasm code]
<?>.wasm-function[50515]@[wasm code]
<?>.wasm-function[50914]@[wasm code]
<?>.wasm-function[50968]@[wasm code]
<?>.wasm-function[55383]@[wasm code]
wasm-stub@[native code]
invoke_iiiii (VanguardMonstersWeb.wasm.framework.unityweb:8:344664)
<?>.wasm-function[55383]@[wasm code]
<?>.wasm-function[47696]@[wasm code]
<?>.wasm-function[47157]@[wasm code]
<?>.wasm-function[5527]@[wasm code]
<?>.wasm-function[5526]@[wasm code]
<?>.wasm-function[11785]@[wasm code]
<?>.wasm-function[11769]@[wasm code]
<?>.wasm-function[13847]@[wasm code]
<?>.wasm-function[13846]@[wasm code]
<?>.wasm-function[12208]@[wasm code]
<?>.wasm-function[11923]@[wasm code]
<?>.wasm-function[11923]@[wasm code]
<?>.wasm-function[11915]@[wasm code]
<?>.wasm-function[11909]@[wasm code]
<?>.wasm-function[55398]@[wasm code]
wasm-stub@[native code]
browserIterationFunc (VanguardMonstersWeb.wasm.framework.unityweb:8:182540)
runIter (VanguardMonstersWeb.wasm.framework.unityweb:8:185605)
Browser_mainLoop_runner (VanguardMonstersWeb.wasm.framework.unityweb:8:184070)
Im not sure about mobile yet, there would be alot of things id have to figure out how to rework
How does one exactly obtain multiple monsters of the same species? Anyone have ideas?
once you hatch an egg, the monster obtained becomes unobtainable for the rest of the run
if you get multiple eggs of the monster you want multiple of before hatching them, then you can have more than 1 of the same monster
ya basically this. Theres 2 ways:
1, The nest in the village makes a monster always appear in the team select at the start, but it can still appear randomly as well allowing you to be offered the same one twice at the same time.
2. The egg sense option at nests doesnt offer anyone whos already on your team but it doesnt look at your inventory. If you sense for a specific mon, but dont hatch the egg, you can sense for it again at another nest. Once you have as many as you want, then you hatch them all.
6 ursos would be OP
How does the running out of energy work? because with that tree thing you can get fruits for your units dying, but if that makes me run out of energy why would I use it?
you only lose if you run out of all of it >:D
but for real there are ways around it too! The Haunted Synergy makes it so the first death each battle doesnt add a wound, you can heal wounds by resting / events / healing salves. Also the supportive super recovers 1 wound for each monster it revives.
Thanks for the advice.
I once had this demented run where I had a woad and unending potions supply, back when I had that insane chip run, and it gave me so much foods to buff my attack with, and enough healing salves to slow the deaths (this was on the january patch, before village).
With 3 herbalists double woads would be insane
i absolutely despise woad but that’s a pretty cool and creative idea
Ya I had a Chip/Woad run with on op merged idle/that legendary emerald helm, I used the Cip upgrade to share the legend item and also give extra food and with the void staff thing to summon weak things that are easy to kill are an amazing way to get a ton of food without getting any wounds.
Void beacon and woad is an intersting combo, smart!
I once dished out 80 food to my monsters in one go because of my double woad + haunted synergy
Hey, tried out the game recently and enjoying it quite a lot so far.
I realised afterwards that I could download it for itch app instead of manual download, but the save doesn't transfer over. Is there a way to use the save I had going within Itch app's game?
Thank you in advance to whoever could be of assistance.
hm they were supposed to carry over but ive never actually used the itch app before, was your previous save on the manually downloaded version or the web version? saves should appear in c / users / your pc profile / appdata / local low / jaysgames / vanguard monsters. There can be up to 4 files
Yes, that is where my current save is within the manually downloaded version. However, itch app version's folder looks different to me, so I am uncertain I can do the simple copypaste of the files.
EDIT: I don't want to cause too much extra fuss for you, so I can also stick to manually downloaded version, I suppose simply replacing the folder with newly downloaded one should do the trick since saves are in a seperate location.
they should be in the same format, there should actually only be 1 set so I need to sort that out for the future
New Patch is out btw, mostly bug fixes, if anyone still experiences the Uncaught Exception: OnAbort(197) crash please let me know
Still getting it Jay, what kind of fix have you tried?
:C I tried disabling compression settings because supposedly when files are accessed if it takes too long it can cause that error. all the info online about this is very vague, random and often unanswered so it's really hard to figure what's causing it, much less fix it.
Wasn't able to play yesterday bc of a power outage, was hoping to be the first to find nessa but it's whatever, I do wonder if any of my theories where correct though. At least I was one of, if not the first to find mamu, kinda hoping my egg in front of fire boss prediction was correct, because I came up with the theory, I just tried like 9 times and never got the correct boss
Kinda lost my sanity searching for nessa, for a while I was thinking it was a practical joke so the dev could see how many bugs people find
idk if this has anything to do with the method for obtaining nessa, but don’t parra and nessa look kinda similar?
he said it was bird related so I'm allready like 90% confident that it is parra egg
Just died on loop five (first endless run). MVP was the blue blob (sorry, forgot his name), he healed 1000s of hp every battle and casted every second + telescope which gives 5 mana to every adjacent ally on cast = OP (The reason I only have 5 monsters is because I sent one home for extra stats after I had lost the ability to get more eggs).
thats a very good blue blob! also thats a very classic team, all from the very first group of monsters :D
hydrim best healer ngl
Oh ffs, I need 100 def, the best i can have right now is... 99 defense.
Hey Jay, Noticed a small but pretty hilarious bug, You know the penalty that gives enemies a common item? Well, the boss' tail got the smoke bomb and deleted itself xD (it was stil there, but invisible and pushed behind the boss, who then got punched back by chip)
thats pretty funny, ive been meaning to make his tail always stay next to him. (Chip can punch his tail to the back too)
Ye I noticed it later too xD
pokemon red blue and yellow!
I can't find the fire boss when reloading on world 2 boss (the map is changing showing a difference), should I keep looking or is it endless only
I'm switching to endless just to see if it works (finishing run first)
randomly can show up in place of General Targoth on loops 2+
Is it determined when the map is generated (I will have to do many loops of targoth to test if it gives nessa), or is it determined when I reach the boss if it is fire boi or targoth (less pain, maybe can get fully evolved nessa and see how far I can go with it).
its when you reach him
Aight time to test if that gives nessa, still will be a nice endless if it don't
Aight, got bored and made a tierlist based on my experiences
If you got any different opnions do tell me, im curious (also this Tierlist is just my opnion)
I love seeing these, its be awhile since someone has made one but everyone usually has such different ratings :D
whos the elephant looking guy with blue tusks whos in A tier? I havent seen that on demo
secret monster you get from doing secret things in the village
what are the secret things is it the holy thingy
Fr what do you do???
whaaat tuskal is baby and is perfect
final nessa looks nice, how did you unlock it? I also want to know why karakai, mabek and nessa are so low, though I agree with the other choices here
I agree with kabu and urso
- Karakai, whilst alr, lacks great abilities, other than shelled stack, which makes it very non-versatile.
- Nessa is just straight up bad currently and in the need of a rework as all of its abilities are pretty much either bad or mediocre at best, and even has an ability that makes it a bit worse (thermals)
- Mabek, I just find it a bit lackluster, and just not quite enough to be B tier, (still top of C tier though)
Do you need to hatch an egg near fire boss to get nessa @FinnBlu3 ?
Dont worry, you can figure it out :thumbsup:
why isn't chip in A tier? He can carry hard for DPS, not as much as urso though.
In my opnion Chip is pretty alr, but not exactly A tier.
Chip is a defensive monster, which has abilities that suit more of an Aggressive one, whilst having 2 abilities that are not exactly the best (Tectonics and Alchemize) and 2 very good abilities (Replica and Momentum),
The reason for why i put it in B tier, is that most of its abilities are made pretty lackluster if you dont specifically build around them,
Replica is fully dependant on a good piece of gear that can work on 2 monsters, both Chip and the second monster,
With Tectonics and Rumble you need either a Skimander or to manually switch its position constantly, which is pretty boring and repetitive imo,
Alchemize, whilst its not exactly bad, its not great either, and is quite mediocre at best
Now, im half asleep writing this, so if something sounds nonsensical, ill blame it on my lack of sleep, just point it out and ill try to clarify or correct on what i meant.
Oh right, and theres also Momentum, its pretty good ability ngl, but you need to get the cast cost really low so it can actually start benefitting from it before Chip dies or the battle ends.
I disagree with half of that.
Alchemize is a decent ability in and of itself as while slightly increasing the stat scaling of food may not seem like much, it adds up over the course of a run, especially in infinite.
Replica, meanwhile, isn’t purely dependent on the item also working on Chip as it allows you to save money on normal runs by letting you temper 1 item a bunch and have it buff the tank as well. Additionally, if you somehow get multiple chips in your team (wink wink) you can effectively use replica to hyper focus on a single mon in infinite mode and give them significantly more items than they could otherwise hold at once. (Parra w/ 3 wind slicer & 7 spell vortex go brrrr…)
Alchemize really is just not good enough, even if it can be good in the long run, it just is not enough to be A-tier, Same with Replica, whilst that strategy is really good, (didnt even think of this strat, so good job, this is a really great idea for a strat :D) it really just makes it even more solid that Chip is B-tier, as you need to specifically build around it to get it to work properly.
so...this is just my return opinion, and is probably not worth a whole lot yet since I'm still missing a few, but I feel scutt, wyrm, and pyris should probably all be dropped by 1.
scutt for the same reasons as you mentioned for karak and mabek. He does 1 thing very well, but...
wyrm is awesome and I love him, so take the rest of this with that in mind. No doubt he has one of the most interesting mechanics with his evolution and can come in clutch to fill a void in the roster. That said, he's just a little too much of a lesser jack of all trades. If his active wasn't as good I'd honestly feel that he should maybe even be down at the bottom.
pyris is...well...just a worse version of tiz. Honestly, tiz just needs some tlc on his active and he'll be a or better. Pyris is good aoe, for sure, but unless your running a minimal number on your team, tiz can do pretty much the same thing passively that pyris does altogether, and if you find an active changing item tiz is set. Thus, I agree tiz is b at situational, but pyris just doesn't quite add up...for me.
Ight, let me give you my reasoning,
From my experiences with it, it can dish out extremely good Dps, with its abilities straight up ignoring defenses most of the time thanks to its abilities, and when you pair up Twin claw with any debuff item, for example, lets say ripper, you start causing rip to 2 enemies at the same time, which is straight up amazing, not to mention that even without items, the ability to ignore defenses, especially if you start boosting Scutters Attack, (which unfortunately is pretty low on its own) it starts dealing crazy amounts of Dps, all on its own
Scutter is also very flexible in team comps and can be a benefit in basically any team, as it isnt completely reliant on other monsters.
Wyrmlet is probably one of the most versatile monsters in the whole game thanks to its ability "Latent Power" (which needs a huge buff Jay~) and can fit on many teams, which is a great plus already.
The best form for Wyrm is either Int or Str imo, just for the amount of raw power it can dish out.
Lets look at Int Wyrm, which we will give 100 int to for now:
The ability takes 8 mana 3 times, 10% of int done for each point of mana taken, that can be upto 240% damage, + 100% (Latent power) + 100% Aoe dmg (Power Overflow, aka add 100 dmg to all enemies, which we wont count for now, but that would be +500dmg at max overall) = 440%, aka 440dmg, this alone is already great, remember that we have Magical acceleration? aka our mana regen is raised by 1 each time this is cast, which means we can rapid fire this skill if we build around it.
(This also doesnt take in mind the damage it does with its normal attacks on the side too)
Do you understand my point now?
(still not A-tier tho, since bad bulk and reliant on heavily building around it to actually get it to work.)
Now, you mentioned that Pyris is just worse Tizik, but this is not the case in my opnion.
I can clearly see that Pyris, Tizik and Hydrim are part of a set, and each has their ups and downs, lets look at them:
Pyris: Great Dps, No Healing, Niche boosts, only for itself
Hydrim: Terrible Dps, Amazing Healing, Niche Boosts
Tizik: Average Dps, No Healing, Amazing Boosts
aka: Pyris (dps), Hydrim (healer), Tizik (booster)
Now, I know you might be saying that Tiz can do what Pyris can, but no, not really, you just havent tried him that much.
Pyris shines in Dps, as every single one of its abilities are for dps, or boosting its dps, lets look at the abilities
Ignite: attacks burn the target, dealing 10% of int each second, for 8 seconds
Already, if you attack an enemy, you basically do 100% str plus 80% Int, oh also, did you know Ignite stacks? :]
Burnout: active ability turns to +200% Spd for 6 seconds
This also is really good, especially if you pair it with Wildfire, which you can get alongside this ability using a radiant crystal.
Wildfire: Ignite also is given to enemies adjacent to the target
This is just broken, you basically start doing 100% str and 80% int to 4 enemies at once at max, so... I think you get the point, its good alr
Unending flames: Ignite is 3 seconds longer
Decent, turns 80% int dmg to 110% int dm, not bad at all
Meltdown: attack an enemy with 5 stacks or more and remove all stacks, deal 175% of int to all enemies
Again, not bad at all
With these abilities, Pyris becomes a beast in dps and Tizik just doesnt really compare tbh, Tizik is made to be more of a support, whiles Pyris is the offensive attacker.
If you have any more opinions just lemme know, its curious to see all of yall views and ideas
slight correction but Unending Flames is 3 TIMES longer not 3 seconds longer :D, Burnout/Unending Pyris is a boss killer up there with Chunk Mudgill
Oh dear god, that.... I knew pyris was good, but this is just broken pfft.
Latent power: lightning needs a buff, doing breath to my teammates is not good, maybe if I switched it to a healing buff it would be good, but is still really niche
how come krogs in B tier. His slam attack is twin claws but more and if you give him a radiant aurite then he will get slam AND stagger which means if you get him enough speed (I like using tiziks energize ability) none of your enemies will be able to attack you. Also his super increases str and heals all allies. Im not joking when I say with no understanding of the game whatsoever, I was able to get hardcarried to loop 15 only by krog (and tizik too)
Also, A little change id make here currently would be to raise Gora from A-tier to the middle of S-tier, right below Chikia, ive tested her around a bit and compared it to hydrim, and noticed that if Gora is given a radiant aurite, it basically becomes a god of healing. I saw it do over 3k healing in the beginning of loop 3 right now :skull:
(Btw, Gora had no item to boost its healing)
I don;t think mudgill is C tbh, and tizik is S imo
I have not exactly found Mudgill to be great, what kind of strategies have you used on it? If you could give me some team ideas it could fit in, I could raise it to the bottom of B.
Also, Tizik really isnt S-tier, it is a good one, but you need to specifically build around it to make it work, which is why it is B, also it is not exactly as good as other A-tiers, such as Gora, Parra and Tama for example, who all fit into any type of team, and dont have the need to fully be reliant on other monsters
Mudgill is actually quite flexible with a ton of items:
Bonebiter. (Shit ton of boss dmg with chunk, def shred/penetration & max hp% dmg)
Unerring Arrow. (Oneshot EVERYTHING in infinite with 6 fully tempered arrows)
HARVESTER (Ye olde brokeen combo)
Tenacious Synergy (Str scaling from thrash)
Pretty much any “on attack” item ever created (self explanatory lmao)
Banner of Energy. (Nonstop attacks that mana battery everyone adjacent)
Plague Blade (Supports debuffers like Nessa Wyrmlet & Pyris)
Etc etc…
Hmm, good thinking, it might be easily be the top B or even A-tier with that strat, Im going to go try it out and then see what rank it actually deserves :O
Welp, tested out these strats and etc, but it just is not enough, one of its abilities replaces Trash, which nullifies most of these strategies as well as using Radient Aurite on it.
also tested out some of these strategies and they really were not as good as I expected, Mudgill stays in C-tier
im gonna do everything in my power to get urso, chikia, hydrim, kabu, scutter and gora then see what happens
Nessa shouldn’t be D tier.
She cheeses earlygame like a champ.
She absolutely hard counters all forms of permanent debuffs like poison, sunder, etc.
She serves as a way to trigger on death effects without taking wounds (Woad can literally make near infinite food with her lmao)
She heals AND deals dmg with her active, something nobody else does without some sort of evolution upgrade.
She supports debuffers like Wyrmlet & Pyris.
She works god tier with ring of power & bone ring for various reasons (RoP makes her into an eternally healing tank that also does a lot of dmg from flames; BR works well with her revival as she full heals on hatching.
Yeah her healing isn’t as much as hydrim and only works on 1 unit normally (& also relies on the enemies being alive), but she is definitely usable and has interactions with a ton of stuff.
im going to try to break down what I think of her, lets see:
- Debuffs are not really the highest point of concern and shouldnt really be considered that great of a feat
- The way to trigger death effects without taking wounds is Nessas biggest plus, which is really good, cant lie, it is amazing when paired up with haunted synergy and Woad, but it doesnt really make it enough to be raised a tier, as Void Beacons can generate much more food with Woad, more than Nessa can even think of doing
- The Healing and Dps she does is very niche and cant compare to other monsters that can do similar feat, for example Gora.
- Rings are not enough to raise it tbh, it would just be too reliant on them to even work a little bit.
She is in the need of a rework and isnt suitable for anything other than D currently.
BUG REPORT: Been occasionally getting an error that makes the game suddenly crash after battles lately. It's not after every battle, but it's happened twice now in rapid succession, making the game nigh-unplayable. After checking the Error Console, I suspect it might have something to do with me having my browser's cache disabled, but am uncertain. The error listed when the game crashed was:
An error occurred running the Unity content on this page. See your browser JavaScript console for more info. The error was:
uncaught exception: abort(197) at jsStackTrace (VanguardMonstersWeb.wasm.framework.unityweb:8:22313)
stackTrace (VanguardMonstersWeb.wasm.framework.unityweb:8:22484)
abort (VanguardMonstersWeb.wasm.framework.unityweb:8:494299)
wasm-function[55612] (VanguardMonstersWeb.wasm.framework.unityweb:20314352:1)
wasm-function[30507] (VanguardMonstersWeb.wasm.framework.unityweb:14701958:1)
wasm-function[35188] (VanguardMonstersWeb.wasm.framework.unityweb:15935369:1)
wasm-function[30537] (VanguardMonstersWeb.wasm.framework.unityweb:14715114:1)
wasm-function[30534] (VanguardMonstersWeb.wasm.framework.unityweb:14712656:1)
wasm-function[31000] (VanguardMonstersWeb.wasm.framework.unityweb:14873183:1)
wasm-function[31055] (VanguardMonstersWeb.wasm.framework.unityweb:14886440:1)
wasm-function[55371] (blob: (VanguardMonstersWeb.wasm.framework.unityweb:8:469725))
invoke_iiiii (VanguardMonstersWeb.wasm.framework.unityweb:8:344641)
wasm-function[53494] (VanguardMonstersWeb.wasm.framework.unityweb:19961677:1)
wasm-function[52959] (VanguardMonstersWeb.wasm.framework.unityweb:19867394:1)
wasm-function[5527] (VanguardMonstersWeb.wasm.framework.unityweb:2318337:1)
wasm-function[5526] (VanguardMonstersWeb.wasm.framework.unityweb:2318127:1)
wasm-function[11785] (VanguardMonstersWeb.wasm.framework.unityweb:4726344:1)
wasm-function[11769] (VanguardMonstersWeb.wasm.framework.unityweb:4721468:1)
wasm-function[13847] (VanguardMonstersWeb.wasm.framework.unityweb:5793798:1)
wasm-function[13846] (VanguardMonstersWeb.wasm.framework.unityweb:5793055:1)
wasm-function[12208] (VanguardMonstersWeb.wasm.framework.unityweb:4925528:1)
wasm-function[11923] (VanguardMonstersWeb.wasm.framework.unityweb:4784505:1)
wasm-function[11923] (VanguardMonstersWeb.wasm.framework.unityweb:4784526:1)
wasm-function[11915] (VanguardMonstersWeb.wasm.framework.unityweb:4780913:1)
wasm-function[11909] (VanguardMonstersWeb.wasm.framework.unityweb:4773814:1)
wasm-function[55386] (blob: (VanguardMonstersWeb.wasm.framework.unityweb:8:478079))
browserIterationFunc (VanguardMonstersWeb.wasm.framework.unityweb:8:182521)
runIter (VanguardMonstersWeb.wasm.framework.unityweb:8:185601)
Browser_mainLoop_runner (VanguardMonstersWeb.wasm.framework.unityweb:8:184046)
Yep, its a recent bug, Jay has been told already, hes looking for a fix :thumbsup:
sorry im trying to track this one down its an obscure unity bug, if you are able the downloaded version shouldn't have the issue
I feel like Difficulty should be raised, at least for the harder modes, like calamity and also rework Nessa a little because her current abilities dont seem to have a lot of synergy with most things and half of her abilities are straight up bad.
Thermals: From 50% hp lost to 33% and full amount of the hp lost.
Scrap Intensity or rework it completely, its just not good at all, Maybe something more "intense" could be this kind of ability:
Heat Up
Raise allies Str and Spd by 5 each time Rejuvenating flames is cast, Nessa gets burned for 5 sec after casting, losing 2% of max hp every 2 seconds, for 20 seconds
Nova and Collapse are both alright, but i have suggestion to replace one of them with:
Fall from Grace
Once becoming an egg, give all allies +Def for 25% of Int for 10 seconds and remove all debuffs, then move to the back row.
There prob are much better ideas for this, as im not great at making good support character abilities that are not either broken af or too weak to work, I just think current Nessa is a bit lack luster.
increased debuff duration doesn’t really do much given the fact that most good debuffs have infinite duration, so yeah, i agree with intensity
also some kind of new campaign or harder difficulty would be nice
thermals just doesn’t have much use due to nessa’s subpar base health, and there being better shield options such as mamu
Dont know if it was intended or not, but i found a cool detail where, if you use an item to change nessa's super type, when it turns into an egg on death, it reverts back to Supportive, so you essentially have an emergency heal if you're in a dire situation
not intended but thats a cool feature :D
Oh dear, I thought your pfp looked a little familiar Jay, I loved Runelite, played it a couple weeks ago xD, im surprised you have made couple of my favourite web itch games xD
O: thats so cool thank you. One day i wanna go back to runelite, i still really like it
Runelite is fun, this is better, Runelite kind of reminds me of FARA's (difficult but fun game) spell system but less permanent.
not familiar with that one, is that on itch?
Muahahahah I beat the non-endless battle with a single urso muahahahaha, also please raise the max stat cap, 999atk and 999def Urso is too easy to get, I want to be able to raise the stats moar :sob:
Also. just for clarification, i didnt get a 999 stat urso here ofc, I got them in endless mode, and quite quickly at that with Woad + 2 void beacons
Dw, itll be fixed when you refresh, then just resume run once your back :P
I'm aware, just putting it out there if the dev wants to know
thanks yea, this has just started popping up and its a really weird unity bug that im trying to track down.
Btw, this bug gets far worse the further you go, I was at loop 8 or so and it became near unplayable because it crashed every minute :cry:
hmm thats good to know too, the timing it happens is the weirdest part
I think I may know how to get nessa, just not sure how to get there
new enemy on the last page of the compendium seems to be flame themed, not sure if it is a boss though, and if it is, there is still I chance I don't get it
Dev said bird was on the right track, and it was heat related, so I am trying to just hatch parra in the presence of flame
interesting Idea, just might work, and is considerably easier to grind
Never seen the fire tyrant ig, would be cool to fight it tho
cool looking boss too, I didn't know Jay added a new one, but the build I have been running is extremely succeptible to debuffs.
Found a bug: didn't get a picture but I was in a battle with 2 taurus's and a spinecaller, and I got a wierd shield icon on the side, after which I got upwards of 16k shields, I am only on loop 1, I think maybe the taurus removing shields was actually adding it?
team layout after battle, front mamu got a crap ton of shields
huh thats really strange, I will check it out. The icon just shows up to say you have more shields than HP, since the bar is relative that. But you definitely shouldnt be getting 16k lol
also pls delete the living hell out of copnox’s comment
I second both of those statements
Block copnox
Mamu was easy, I got him in like 20 minutes, nessa is hard, I have tried for at least 4 hours but I may know some more things to do
whatever they posted was already removed but I deleted it just in case now
thanks, it was extremely inapropriate.
Btw Jay, May i ask why "burning rage" is a thing xD
if you are talking about the spacebar thing that was a debug test I forgot to remove xD its going away as soon as i patch again soon
aight, also, you should add some secret keybinds :winkwink:
Just some easter eggs or so, could be fun xD
k so far I have tried the following to get nessa, I have used tama and pyris egg over a campfire, I have tried to sell and upgrade tama and pyris egg, as well as parra egg (because it's a bird) I have tried all of the following while in the volcano zone, I have gotten rid of eggs at the last boss fight in infinite mode, and now I am completely out of ideas, I have even looked into greek mythology, because nessa was someone who lost a song contest and got turned into a bird, are there any song events?
Not sure where the dev comes up with monster names, but if the name has anything to do with how to get it, I might have an idea
EDIT: but the current web version bug that breaks eggs on save reload would screw it up, it allready requires some ammount of luck and getting the correct event would make it even worse
Also I don't think the dev would expect anyone to figure this out, but I have an idea, I'm legit investigating greek lore rn, nessa is a Pierides, who got turned into a bird after losing a singing contest
name was randomly chosen but ironically bird is the right track O: you are getting closer
I can't tell if that tip helped or made it worse, I allready knew it looks like a bird, but I really don't feel any closer than I was, but I am assuming that all there is to it is opening a specific egg in a specific event, the trouble is which egg and which event, I guess a heat related event? The egg I am mostly clueless, but parra is allready a bird, tama egg would just make sense, and pyris is literraly flaming, I just feel like I have allready tried most possibilities,
I guess I just order eggs from least to most likely and work my way down the list, using that specific egg in every event, but that seems like a time waster, until this bug gets fixed where I can't use eggs after save quitting
bird specifically is the right track! also which version # are you playing on btw? the most recent update should have fixed the broken egg reload glitch
I'm just playing in the web version
I feel so smart rn, and sniperarchery also figured it out without me saying much except for greek lore, but it is pretty difficult to get an egg and an event in loop 1, especially if it is the tama egg, and heres the thing, the dev said that it was hard to find out and easy to get, and this isnt easy to get, so probably a lucky consequence, also Mamu was super easy for me to find, and this just seems so complicated
this is such a cool coincidence but im sorry to say its not something I knew of. Its cool enough I may change it to that in the future though
pretty hard to get though, maybe if the event was on the second zone it would make it easier? or you could just make it hard to get
yay reloading fixed, now to test parra egg at singing event
NVM I couldn't take my egg with me back to the start, you fixed locking item blessing being on without getting it