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Recommendations (not complaining at all for being such a great free game)

Choose smith equipment, Evolution shard in shop (I pretty much only use 2 character in normal mode), Shop reroll price don't scale.

And fix fullscreen pls?

thank you!  the way shards/eggs are spaced out is because it helps maintain a good power level appropriate for the zones and allows me to balance around that.  Fullscreen fix is def in the works!

How about shop reroll price not scaling?


what is unreaveling prism best for

usually if you are having trouble with poison, and your team doesnt use many buffs.


I want to complete the compendium, and have most of the monsters, but I haven't once seen Mamu, Nessa, or Tama. Is there some specific way to get them, or am I just unlucky?

yep, all 3 have unique conditions to get them to spawn.   Tama is the easiest, try finding cheese from a shop and carrying it with you for a bit.  


I managed to get Tama. I think I want to go for Nessa next, because the outline looks interesting and I know that Mamu is a mammoth

The tips to find Nessa are : Its bird related, requires a specific egg, is possible to do on standard mode but not in zone 1, its related to warmth, it does not require any other items or monsters.  also :FireEmoji:  :ZzzEmoji:  Let me know if you want the exact solution


can you say how ive spent 2 days trying to unlock it by even completing runs with pyris and parra, prys only then hatching parra at campfire, full evo pyriz and hatching strange egg AND parras egg at same campfire but im lost. got mamu and the mouse but hes the last one i have to unlock T_T

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oh no you were extremely close

V expand for answer V









Dont hatch the parra egg, just rest at the campfire with it

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Fix a bug with saved games where you have to refresh the nest after abandoning and restarting, I got 2 strigeye(?) by doing this. Unless its not a bug, it's quite fun having 2 Goras heal each other

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Did you have one of those mons in the nest in the village?  If so that can make 2 appear during team select, which is intentional.


I see, well could you make it do the smith lets you have the option for random item or lets you choose it? It takes kinda long for me to find dual blade and zephyr blade for my Parra lol

i was considering making it give weapons/armor/accessories based on the type of mons on the station for alittle more control


Is there a way you can make the game work when downloaded for android devices?

sorry atm no, its not built for mobile.  Some people have gotten it to run in browser on mobile but its not guaranteed to 

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I think my mudgill broke the game. I got it 4 fused energy charms and now my game broke twice after fusing it all

what happens?  Is it crashing?


i was trying to get the costumes, anyone know how to get moonblast on karakai?


you need to evolve it twice and choose the "Unleashed" option for the final evolution 


thank you good sir.


i was very close to beating boss but i fail :(

also i figured out to name monsters in game but i dont know what to name


Plants Vs Zombies :D 




decay and bloom, love the max nature and healing

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Check this stats guys:

MY BOY MUDGILL ( look the damages at the right side)

The thing is: synergies are very important. Tactician is incredible, it gives a lot of speed. Magical makes abilities like mudgill's take away insane. And above all, bulky is stupid, it's giving me stats of 999 on almost all monsters.

I can still improve the builds more, but I think I'm at a point where I'm going to get +999 on all monsters and the enemies don't get much stronger anymore. I'll tell you where I ended up or if I really managed to reach the infinite loop.

Sorry for my bad english.

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The recoverys: 

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have not gotten magus crown yet how do you get it?

also tips or advice? 


magus hat fused with crown of spring, get all nature thingies to get crown, don't enhance nature things it falls off lategame while the crown doesn't


Magus crown : you have to get all the regional blesings and next time you will get a bless you will speak with a god who ask you what do you want: or duplicate the effects on your blessings or get a rare item (the crown)

One of the things that has helped me the most has been the  synergies. Tactician is amazing, it generates an absurd amount of speed, eliminating problems like the handcuff item (-40% speed) and being able to buy handcuffs for all monsters. These generate +2 attack in each fight and bulky synergy on top of that, which honestly in the late game is the most broken of all: Add attack and defense, distribute them and then add it to life... it's absurd. 

The spyglasses is also an incredible object. It causes adjacent allies to get a huge amount of mana when casting and on top of that it grants tactician.

Mudgill is also seriously underrated. Look at the photo, how they all have more or less similar stats and Mudgill in the bottom right stats is doing solo MORE THAN HALF THE DAMAGE OF THE TEAM.

At first I had taken it because of what I told you. With the handcuffs and no speed with a lot of mana regeneration he could be casting the ability all the time without needing to hit, however I have evolved him into his 3rd form and I have equipped him with the object that repeats the cast of your ability. The result is that, a monster that does half the damage of the entire team XD


thanks a lot! what team comp do you recommend?

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The truth is that I'm not sure, I would have to see the third form of each monster and compare. At the moment I am very happy with the results that krog gives me in his third form. Mudgill has surprised me a lot by what I say above. But I would have to see. Woad if you have haunted synergy spawns an absurd amount of food, and chikia is always good. But as I say, I would have to compare a lot more the 3rd form of all the monsters that I am missing :) most likely they are all balanced.

Both Mudgill and Krog, if you have them in their third form, I highly recommend you the  item that makes the ability cast twice.

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thats a very cool strat :D, especially the shattershard on Mud.  It is possible to go truly infinite, tho it will probably get kinda boring then lol


I got a true infinite with urso engine, then quit b/c lost data when switching computers, then I had an elemental+bulky infinite run, which I willingly quit for the spring costumes events, I think you can have two fused items on ur monsters, get your items up to +3 then fuse them for cost efficiency and maximum ability power boost. Krog is great in infinite with his bellow ability, Wyrmlet's magical acceleration is epic, and lots of other fun strats exist like mudgill shattershard

great game but it takes super long to load on chromebook

hm that might partly be a unity problem, its kinda heavy weight for a little game like this 


loads quick for my chromebook


i am using a proxy cuz im at school

and this is really fun game

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Wait, with the right setup, the new patch Seras might be one of the strongest monsters. with the total combined items of Circlet, Harvester, Giants shortsword, and Ripper, the Seras can get some insane self healing and damage potential. And Paralytics allows it to significantly lower the damage of max stats enemies


add vorpal sword and Master's Sai for the last two items (you can do both perfect and imperfect fusion on same monster) and his damage potential can go through the roof.

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Switch ripper for a second one of any of the above items, bite doesn't apply stacks, though it should be good early into the NG+ loops

thats alotta of necessary items lol but yea I think seras might be one of the strongest (op?) now 


I mean, same setup would have worked on old hydrastrike, the attacks just now apply the debilitating bite debuff


How do i use commanding presence?


I like that Giant's shortsword works on Seras's bite and Scutter's vice.

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Guide to Seras skin: give giants shortsword and get hydrastrike, melt next boss and get skin

Guide to Krog skin: get poisoning curse, get scavenger curse, get venomcurse ring, run into a scavenger battle or Voss


In the run where I got both of these I turned Seras into a poison shotgun with a giants shortsword+Circlet of Acuity. Voss died to 666 poison dmg and it was hilarious, and he put enough stacks on Krog to get his mission too



Acessories! Also I have finally gotten all 16 skins, Seras was my favorite quest, Mamu's took doing a double mamu run to unlock though

Im glad some of the quests were fun too.  The shield potion helps alot 



i accidentally unlock mamus, i quit a run just as it started and it gave me the costume.


ghostly forge can destroy ur quests, He pays 2 stone for them though, so its annoying but nice


EPIC TIZIK SKIN, also I think that Parra does the recolor a bit better than urso and mudgill.


Beach bros XD

Tiz was my favorite from this batch :D 


I really like how his arms? look like lightning bolts

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u can still complete your quest without the note


finally came back (been playing Mythgard, its a very W game) and I unlocked gora and slagg skins in the same battle, they have really similar missions, when combined its easy to get both


Venasaur, gastrodon, boar, and demon battle local void general, Easy Dub


Got mudgill and urso, they are literally the same as their normal forms, but I feel like the detail put into the other skins I have unlocked makes up for it



i do kinda classify skins as different tiers,  like Recolor being the lowest ie Urso, and complete change being the highest like Tizik.  Kinda like rarity in other games but there is no real difference here atm



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yellow costume gang vs voss at 3am

(gone wrong)

(cops called)

(potions used)

(nessa wasn’t invited)

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gheist, krog and tizik is broken. AN ASCETIC DEALT 0 DAMAGE IN TOTAL because of stagger (krog )and drain (gheist). (edit) VOSS JUST DEALT 100 DAMAGE IN TOTAL REALITY RIP AND ALL   XD


Reality got Ripped, BUT NOT FOR ME




Is there a way to reset your progress in the online version?


not in game but you could delete the save files


wait a minute. I think this can literally break the game. Gheist has a drain abillity where he TAKES away 3 mana from targets and krog resets opponents attack bars. Sooooo If I gave two tiziks enough int and I gave my 3 gheists giants short swords, does that not mean my opponents will all be sitting ducks?


maybe, could work with two ursos and a lot of energy banners also


im sorry, this is my stupidity and not disrespect but what would urso and energy banner do?

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spams casts because the banners recharge its meter so that he can cast at an insanely frequent rate, meaning rapid mana stealing and speed loss.

Max def and a full team of elementals/Guardians/both would result in a perfect defense too


wait so gheist has an ability that reduces opponents def by 35% and then another that curses all enemies upon death and def and then gives all enemies -50% def. So, assuming nothing else is affecting my opponents defense stats. will gheist terrifying end and curse give all opponents -85% def or -67 def%?

it should be 85%!  Although due to the way stats are calculated buffs that give stat bonuses that arent percentages will add after the % decrease


soooooo.... I crashed the standalone by trying to resize the window, I might have messed up :P

oh no, was anything going on when it happened? 

Thankfully no, I was in the main menu 


welp i guess i can see what's coming up(it was also there when i opened the game)


issues with fullscreen

yea fullscreen / changing resolution can cause some problems right now by revealing offscreen stuff,  This is one of the main things Im going to address with the next version 

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I haven't been playing much because a lot of the new content isn't immediate, (Ex: tama, nessa, mamu, whole village, and new skins, and also compendium)  which isn't an issue normaly, but I'm on a school device which resets my cookies everytime I log out, restart, or turn off my device. Would be cool to have save-codes, but obviously most people don't have my issue


Besides that though the skins i've seen are pretty sick

you probably could copy the save files.  They would be in C : users : whatever the current profile is : Appdata : local low : jays games : vanguard monsters

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yeah device is pretty locked down, can't access C: Drive, just playing in browser version


the storm fused ripper with quest


We need a monkey monster.


that could be interesting

Or a monster that has an attack that has int or def scaling, or some percent of strength combined with one of those


also when you do a loop in infinite runs it deletes your quest

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theyre equipment so you can save them by putting them on a monster :D (Once its completed though it doesnt matter if it gets deleted)


Im gonna try doing a magical build using double Parra and see how it goes.


when Tama's mouse-lings  do damage do they count as an attack for example if i gave it a ripper will it apply rip stacks when the mouse-lings hit?

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ok so this is kinda convoluted but they Do count as attack damage but the do not Attack.  So most effects such as Ripper wont trigger because its not attacking, but something like Finisher's bonus dmg vs targets below 50% hp will boost their dmg.


thanks for the clarification 


you can sell the quests for 50 aura each, if you complete them or not.


I'm deleting old run to get some epic costumes, Karakai and nessa up first

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Do you have to have quest equipped to get costume?

(edit) you don't, Karakai complete, but I think i might need to try solo nessa for 5 seconds if I want its skin

edit edit: nope got it on second boss, and these two skins could not clash more


mamu and tuskal next


Tuskal has no quest :(

Not sure what the skin would have been though so I don't really care


no, you don't need a quest equipped to get the costume. it's a 50% chance for either.



This game has been carrying the end of my school year on god.


glad it could help :D


gosh finally tempered my great unnerring arrow 30 times   x_x



krogs hp is 8000 on the dot


How impressive is 5k aura? I know is defenitely my highest amount ever


need to bring in a Parra and Wyrmlet to use that aura :D


lol bulky synergy so much better in every way than aura. It can so easily give you more everything, its way more stable and you can use your aura for stuff other than keeping your monsters alive


W.  First time it happened to me. I flipped the coin for aura a few times and i got the lucky synergy sooo ... welp ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


I have this weird ball thats just bouncing and rolling around my village. What do I do with it


its for them to play with!


quick tiny patch, Nessas Costume no longer makes them look like Krog XD

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I have mathematically proved that the limit is NOT 999 str and def. 

Please observe my beautiful krogs stats. you will notice that by having bulky 3 upon entering a battle it would technically add my 999 with 749 both ways for a total of 1748 str and def. It is essential now to multiply this by 2 since both my str and my def are equal to 1748 and to determine krogs final hp we have to add his new str and def to it. 1748x2=3496 which, when added to 3359, gives us a grand total of 6855 hp

now look of my krog  photographed in battle seconds later. And what should his hp be but 6855 the AMOUNT THAT COULD NOT BE ATTAINED BY MERELY 999 STR AND DEF. So, therefore, I believe the maximum attainable str and def is actually 1998 and that is why i think the bulky synergy is arguably the most cracked synergy to ever exist.

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:D  this is actually because the Bulky HP gain uses the amounts that are added to the others, before theyre added into the stat itself and therefore hitting the limit.   It does work out in Bulky's benefit lol 

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thats unfortunate lol. So then the only way to make krog stronger is to increase his hp a teensy bit. Normally the extra bit of damage would not be that helpful but when its being multiplied by 1800, well then ...


holy moly how did you get that stats

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Ive merged 6 tempered unerring arrows which helps. Also the food and events add up after a while. But this is nothing compared to other people ive seen. How they max out speed beats me


oh or if you are talking about the second photo were krog has 7k hp thats just max bulky synergy. Arguably the best synergy in the game

max Spd is either from a Tizik with alotta int or from an old bug that shouldnt happen anymore


How do you get mamu and nessa? Do I need anything to get them?

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here are the hints that helped me


- requires something in the village

- hint: empty


- requires a specific action with a specific egg

- hint: rest/bird


Thank you


more details: Mamu requires a specific level 3 village building.

Nessa cannot be done in zone 1, but doesnt require looping either


Great ty. The more info it helps. 


the quest items can be eqiped

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yea technically they are equipment lol

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Oh noooo it finally happened ... press button and winning are now separated by mere milliseconds.     (I  got jittery)


hyper sonic massive frog

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