Glitch report haven’t played this game in a while but on the browser if you defeat a boss click gather building resources or material then quit you can farm the materials by using the most broken feature called resume run and fight the boss again you can gather more materials infinitely.
sorry, were you playing in browser or the downloaded version? If the computer cleared data like cookies it may have removed the saves as well. typically saves exist at c users whateveryourprofilenameis appdata locallow jaysgames vanguardmonsters
if the game doesnt see a save at all (like the village button isnt there), there is a cheat you can input to start with some extra stuff
the one availabe would is from endless run curse (max wounds reduced) and i think gora's support abilities do get in the way in terms of the cursed axe but its fine by me
sorry yea, im in the middle of doing other big changes. one temporary solution you could use to avoid it is using an ability replacer such as Iron Will in the mean time
Is a reward from the event dark blessing after u get all blessings u gain glith cause one of u monsters gain str, spd and int per second but lose even more hp per second until die.
getting all 4 deals then taking the dark glyph does do that. It creates a mark on the ground that hurts and monster that stands on it but increases all damage they deal. (The damage it deals and bonus it gives both increase the longer the battle goes on too)
does it happen every time you go to a shop? does the shop window close? If it's not closing make sure there are no items selected to purchase, it will prevent you from closing while there are.
I found a freaky bug. I don't know how it happens, but when I encountered 3mons and 3 jars on event battle, once I was done breaking all the jars, all of the sudden, three monsters were changing place in a speed of light. and the game froze
the first option has a 50/50 chance to choose "Equipped Items", which tempers 1 random item on your monsters or "Inventory Items" which tempers 2 random unequipped items.
the 2nd option destroys a random equipment in your inventory (ignoring locks) and gives village resources based on the rarity of the item.
if I were to make one monster hold 6 master's sai and put it in back row, would the damage get reduced by just 30% or 90%(100{enemy attack} * 0.7 *0.7...)
if you come across "cheap shop" with "good deed" and have somewhere to sell afterwards, buy everything on the shop and sell it on the next one. it is worth it.
thats the rune of safe passage, its a greater blessing reward that lets you remove 1 monster from your team and all your other monsters get a small% of its stats and its synergies are kept as well
I found a glitch where if you buy the stick of effigy then only have one pet (you can start with one pet not sure of intended) then you'll never lose cause you'll never get injured
I found out that if you change the attacking style more than twice at once, if you go out and come back again, it resets to second last one that you changed to no matter what attacking style that you changed to after(for example, if wildstrike and challenge and snipe were to be feed at once and feed it wildstrike again, if you go out and come back again, it will be challenge.)
thanks thats very helpful info, seems there is a mismatch somewhere with the ordering in saving & loading . Quick question did the monster have any abilities that changed their attack too like Krog's Slam or Scutters Twin Claw?
sorry yea, this will be fixed in the big patch but for the time being keep Seras away from Faceless. It will always happen if they try to steal the ability.
If it says "attack" it deals attack dmg, such as Snappy or Slipstrike. Otherwise it is ability damage 99% of the time, such Ingite, or Horn Toss, or Poison. This includes items too so the extra hit from Enchanted Quill or Shuriken are also ability damage.
if scutter has twin claw, but theres only one monster, so the nearest and furthest monster are the same one, would it do 70% str to that monster twice?
wait, I put a lock on an emboldened soul (because of the blessing) but then it vanished when I looped. Because it would really suck having to start over
I figured it out. Me being the smart person that I am, right clicked on the item giving it a lock icon. I THOUGHT this was allowed because of the blessing I got but i am pretty confident its actual purpose is to prevent the item from being used . Welp ¯\_(ツ)_/
for 3+ the only method is to start a run without the monster you want, go to nests and choose the egg sense option, find the egg you want but do not hatch it. Repeat this until you have as many eggs as you want then hatch them all.
ur noob.... i got a nearly infi strat with like, 100x more stats than that puny stat screen i also got alot more synerguys got all of the reginal blessings yet?
Also, they guy they were probably talking to was doing standard mode, not infinite. So it's literally impossible to reach the levels they were talking about because the run is over by then.
that was obviously one of his first runs. I had a run with well over 20x more stats than that puny stat screen (over 1 billion damage dealt) and I ended it of my own accord. Ive seen photos of people reaching loop 30 on the hardest settings and loop 45 on the others. Were all someones noob
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I have no words
gym bro kabu lol
Glitch report haven’t played this game in a while but on the browser if you defeat a boss click gather building resources or material then quit you can farm the materials by using the most broken feature called resume run and fight the boss again you can gather more materials infinitely.
time traveling items, thats not good
interesting bug, will use to build up quick on next update
All my data got wiped! What can I do to restore it?
sorry, were you playing in browser or the downloaded version? If the computer cleared data like cookies it may have removed the saves as well. typically saves exist at c users whateveryourprofilenameis appdata locallow jaysgames vanguardmonsters
if the game doesnt see a save at all (like the village button isnt there), there is a cheat you can input to start with some extra stuff
only found 8k xd
im back :>
funny endless run i did
this rose has thorns (a sword)
thats also really far for a solo mon
how do you do it with a solo mon period? dont you have to take two?
nope, you can hit start once you put 1 mon on your team! its not easy tho so thats why I says to take 2
how do you have only one availabe wound and (excuse me for asking) dont gorra’s team support abilities get in the way?
the one availabe would is from endless run curse (max wounds reduced) and i think gora's support abilities do get in the way in terms of the cursed axe but its fine by me
did you reset to change your shops or anything? Because if not then thats incredible
nah i didnt just because i didnt feel like doing that and i was trying to test an interaction of a certain buff
help im addicted
remember to take breaks!
funni quest
sometimes all you need is a goal to get stronger
I am the bird master
amazing :D
Howd tou get a duck?! I need him! Do you remeber how you got them?
Nessa's alternate skin I'm pretty sure, been a while though
we ball
That's basically the reverse of my usual strategy. Normally in standard runs I go for a few mons and evolve them as much as possible.
I curse this stringeye-wrapup bug
sorry yea, im in the middle of doing other big changes. one temporary solution you could use to avoid it is using an ability replacer such as Iron Will in the mean time
10 loop i die by the glith
What was the glitch?
Is a reward from the event dark blessing after u get all blessings u gain glith cause one of u monsters gain str, spd and int per second but lose even more hp per second until die.
getting all 4 deals then taking the dark glyph does do that. It creates a mark on the ground that hurts and monster that stands on it but increases all damage they deal. (The damage it deals and bonus it gives both increase the longer the battle goes on too)
yes sorry my
all good! its intentionally mysterious because they are supposed to be risky
for the distortion storm, what monster do you require and what does it do?
It requires Tizik, and gives tiz -30 Str and +20 Spd. No one else is affected.
thanks! I will try that
Is the boss "voss"'s barrier supposed to regenerate?
Voss does not innately have a barrier, so is was probably created from a curse.
yes. it did had a curse, but the barrier seemed to regenerate?
I think the bug is stringeye's wrapup does something to increase the barrier by rediculus amount
ok thanks that is really helpful. It is possible some negative number mishaps are going on in that case then
you don't loose aura when you buy a banner
there should be a way to expand your building area
(also im on loop and this is my 3rd repeat)
i have am problem, when i go to a shop area i try to leave it does nothing. it wont let me leave so i end up having to abort the run. pls help
does it happen every time you go to a shop? does the shop window close? If it's not closing make sure there are no items selected to purchase, it will prevent you from closing while there are.
I found a freaky bug. I don't know how it happens, but when I encountered 3mons and 3 jars on event battle, once I was done breaking all the jars, all of the sudden, three monsters were changing place in a speed of light. and the game froze
thank you for the report, do you happen to remember what team you were using and if any of your monsters died
I was going for one mon run - stringeye( it was not seras and noface error) non of my monsters died since I only had one mon
what does the ghost forge do
the first option has a 50/50 chance to choose "Equipped Items", which tempers 1 random item on your monsters or "Inventory Items" which tempers 2 random unequipped items.
the 2nd option destroys a random equipment in your inventory (ignoring locks) and gives village resources based on the rarity of the item.
like, whe n you use monster life fusion it says imperfect merge
oh, if you choose the other option that costs aura it counts as a different type of merge. (Which means you can do 1 of each)
Turns out, farms are not the best building for getting str or spd. Training yard actually gives more, so I might do a run like that soon.
turns out farms are the best for money discord users discovered lol
what are perfect merges?
what do you mean by perfect merges? like the best items to combine?
I have a question
if I were to make one monster hold 6 master's sai and put it in back row, would the damage get reduced by just 30% or 90%(100{enemy attack} * 0.7 *0.7...)
damage reduction effects are multiplicative with eachother so the 2nd result, and is true for most effects in general
make save codes PLEASE i got reseted again ;-;
for people suffering with aura earning:
if you come across "cheap shop" with "good deed" and have somewhere to sell afterwards, buy everything on the shop and sell it on the next one. it is worth it.
Hi, what’s the item on the left? I’ve never seen it before.
thats the rune of safe passage, its a greater blessing reward that lets you remove 1 monster from your team and all your other monsters get a small% of its stats and its synergies are kept as well
love the game so much btw!
I found a glitch where if you buy the stick of effigy then only have one pet (you can start with one pet not sure of intended) then you'll never lose cause you'll never get injured
Thats intended :D although losing to the 3rd Zone boss always results in a game over so you do gotta prepare to be strong enough to solo them
I found a bug.
If I go out and come back, the training(attacking style) resets to different one if you have trained it to different one or something
ty, I will check it out!
I found out that if you change the attacking style more than twice at once, if you go out and come back again, it resets to second last one that you changed to no matter what attacking style that you changed to after(for example, if wildstrike and challenge and snipe were to be feed at once and feed it wildstrike again, if you go out and come back again, it will be challenge.)
thanks thats very helpful info, seems there is a mismatch somewhere with the ordering in saving & loading . Quick question did the monster have any abilities that changed their attack too like Krog's Slam or Scutters Twin Claw?
no, I don't think so
also, there is a bug where you can sell locked things on forge
it always happens
Hi, found a glitch, but the game crashes when this faceless casts. I tried getting it to copy my sera's debilitating bite, but instead this happens:
sorry yea, this will be fixed in the big patch but for the time being keep Seras away from Faceless. It will always happen if they try to steal the ability.
hi, small question, but do passive abilities like mudgull’s snappy that deal damage count as ability damage ?
If it says "attack" it deals attack dmg, such as Snappy or Slipstrike. Otherwise it is ability damage 99% of the time, such Ingite, or Horn Toss, or Poison. This includes items too so the extra hit from Enchanted Quill or Shuriken are also ability damage.
ok, thanks!
hi, does anyone know any decent strats with mamu or nessa? Having trouble integrating it into my builds.
if scutter has twin claw, but theres only one monster, so the nearest and furthest monster are the same one, would it do 70% str to that monster twice?
Yes. The area 1 boss with a similar attack will too.
ok thanks
wait, I put a lock on an emboldened soul (because of the blessing) but then it vanished when I looped. Because it would really suck having to start over
locking only saves an item when looping if you have the Item Safeguard greater blessing
i had it. lol so its just gone?
hm were there multiple items locked? sorry but it is gone :c (unless you closed the game right away before moving on)
I figured it out. Me being the smart person that I am, right clicked on the item giving it a lock icon. I THOUGHT this was allowed because of the blessing I got but i am pretty confident its actual purpose is to prevent the item from being used . Welp ¯\_(ツ)_/
oh well, hopefully I can get palm tree woad this time lol
uh.... how do I get more than 3 of same monsters in infinity run?
for 3+ the only method is to start a run without the monster you want, go to nests and choose the egg sense option, find the egg you want but do not hatch it. Repeat this until you have as many eggs as you want then hatch them all.
ur noob.... i got a nearly infi strat with like, 100x more stats than that puny stat screen i also got alot more synerguys got all of the reginal blessings yet?
Personally, i think its best to keep things nice, with no insults.
Also, they guy they were probably talking to was doing standard mode, not infinite. So it's literally impossible to reach the levels they were talking about because the run is over by then.
that was obviously one of his first runs. I had a run with well over 20x more stats than that puny stat screen (over 1 billion damage dealt) and I ended it of my own accord. Ive seen photos of people reaching loop 30 on the hardest settings and loop 45 on the others. Were all someones noob
You're a* I* with,* screen.* I* a lot* synergies.* Got*
In other words, nobody asked.
Great game! Glad that you chose to expand on it
well done!
also currently working on an even more expanded full version :D but that wont be done for while