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(5 edits) (+2)

I built a healer team using 3 Parra each holding a Radiant Tome + Ring Of Power to make my Karakai invincible and now I'm cackling like a maniac

Edit: and both my Karakai and my Kabu are holding Heavy Shackles for the Bulky 2 synergy for maximum tank

Second Edit: The Karakai are moving at light speed at this point despite the speed penalty I saw one get to like 900 speed


(1 edit) (+2)

Will this game be getting any more updates?

Edit: Did Karakai get buffed from 2 defense to 3 per Shelled stack?


Yes, though not soon.  Im working on a steam version for the game with a ton of new stuff.  (I post some teasers of the new stuff on the discord dev log channel!)
Kara has been 3 def.

(1 edit) (+2)

Para is arguably better with a different active skill because it no longer loses its stacks of Zephyr

Edit: also Karakai is the best tank change my mind

parra has alot of different strats :D

also just as pure tanking Slagg can prob take the most dmg, but Kara is very good too


hey jay, after a break im back and i was wondering what is the strongest monster and synergies for running solo

(1 edit) (+1)

Welcome back! Currently, probably Tizik.  Storm Chaser is kinda op right now lol, and the Elemental synergy will help them survive to reach the 3rd form.  An item with some Str and HP to start goes a long way too.


okay thanks

(1 edit) (+1)

Hello Jay, I'm having an issue running the  web version of the game on Google Chromebook. this was not the case before. is it maybe because i reset my cookies? it gets stuck on the loading icon almost done bet never moves after 30 minutes.

that is an issue that can happen with unity.  usually clearing your cookies/cache should fix it though...   You can test if the cache is the issue by trying to open it in incognito mode, which basically treats it as if youve never opened it before. 


yep still resource bug ;D guess what guys i got 50 wood 50 stone and 9 obsidan what should i spend that on


is there still the resource bug :D


hi guys im back :D

This game makes my laptop overheat. It doesn't even use up half of my CPU's processing power, but if I run it without throttling, it consistently overheats my laptop. Why is that? Is there any fix other than throttling my CPU?

And I don't know if it's important, but throttling doesn't slow down the game, it's just my laptop overheats when running this game unthrottled.

hm this is the first ive heard of this issue, what are you running on?  it may also be a unity issue 

It's a pretty old laptop. Core i7-2820QM, intel (R) HD Graphics 3000, AMD Radeon HD 6700M. It generally doesn't overheat on games that place a similar amount of load on it. Usually what heats it up has 3D stuff though.


jay i am running scutter with 5 chip replica and im spamming unnerring arrows. But it seems like if 4  or more of my chips have the same item, scutters doesnt get any attack boost! id lve to show you a video but idk how to do it easily

(1 edit) (+1)

loop three and my idea is already reaping it's merits

first 100 million in one battle?

thats not the first time someones hit scientific notation but it doesnt happen often xD

(2 edits) (+1)

jay, I was wandering through the games discord and I saw in run showcase that one user dealt 35 million damage I think using unnering arrows and chip /tuskal obviously? However i thought of a new way to deal 20x more damage. The biggest problem with unnering arrow spam is defense vastly reduces it's damage, So what if i got scutter's vice to 15 mana and got a ton of mana regen so I hit all the enemies with scutters ability before anyone even casted or attacked, I think scutter can hold 10(chip replicate) + 6 arrows which is 3.5^16 . Then we take that monstrosity and multiply it by 2000! (scutters str x 200% from vice)  that gets me this  


but then we will have lucky 3 and magic 1 so its gonna do so much i cant even begin to fathom it. I didnt want to put this in the discord because i want it to come as a lovely suprise for everyone else but im really scared of putting this into action.

Also please tell me if i went wrong anywhere


I believe the limit would be 14 arrows.  2 Per Chip = 10, +2 Corrupted Forgespark, +2 Regular Forgespark.   It will definitely be some big hits tho, and Lucky 3 can cause it to deal x4 :D  Magic wont boost it because it deals Attack Dmg tho.  


awww im only gonna deal 82790902400 damage now. me sad :(


found a bug maybe? 5 monster team and two eggs

technically not a bug, but not ideal.  Hatching the 7th one will just give you aura, as if you left the nest without taking one.    You got the egg normally right? 


yes and it did give aura


tizik after battle one


how to get mamu and nessa i need help i have everything else

they have hidden requirements.  the hints are

Mamu: Requires a specific tier 3 building in the village, doing something you wouldnt normally do, is vaguely related to cold, youll know immediately when starting a run.

Nessa: Requires a specific egg, is bird related,  doing something you wouldnt normally do, is vaguely related to warmth, is not possible in zone 1 but is possible in standard mode.  

Let me know if you need more help or the exact solutions 

can you give a hint to what the building does(gives items, or passive) for mamu

it is related to monsters


thanks i got mamu and can u give another clue for nessa like the mamu one?

(1 edit)

try taking the egg to a location you can spend some time at.  It will hatch when you do the right thing.   There is no random chance involved either.

(2 edits) (+1)

loop 7 and parra deals 677396 damage in one battle. noice. Also ive got 5 blessing  grove,den, peak, geyser and forest the last one I think is pools but what synergies do i need and what location do i get it?

Thatsalotta Damage.  Murky Pools requires Aquatic or Tactician and is found in the first area of a loop (either the forest or swamp backgrounds)

(1 edit) (+1)

Oh god, this is tizik daycare´s worst nightmare

they have plenty of wounds left :D


oh yeah i want to do a parra x spell vortex x disintegrate x lucky 3 run again. If disintegrate hits 2 enemies is there a 10% chance to deal 4x damage to both of them or a 20% chance to deal 4x damage to one of them?

lucky's multiplier checks each damage instance individually.  So its 2 separate rolls of 10% for that specific enemy.  

(1 edit) (+1)

The run lasted so long it got boring so i had to try to lose on purpose which was also hard hahaha.  Very fun game. I had one monster dealing over 11000 damage twice in a row every sec. so broken haha

is there a way to update my game to the newest version?

very impressive, who was dealing 11000 dmg?  If you are running the downloaded version,  you can safely download the current version are delete the old one.  How long ago did you download it?

(2 edits)

24.07.2023  it says. will i have everything or lose it? And the one that did all the damage and healing was the flying yellow eye ball. oh i lost everyhting :(. well i can just grind up again no worries

hmm that should have already been the latest version, sorry your data was lost i will need to retest some things then.  


the problem with that was i had all 23/23 monsters but now i see that there are more of them. But its kinda fun to start over again so no worries.


Hey Jay, the game is awesome but Ive been playing it for a while and now after I have stacked up my team with bulky 3 and op items, waiting for them all to inevitably die to scavengers poison, multiple times, the game gets a bit repetitive. The blessings/curses are an awesome addition (although getting miracle elixir for the 10th time in 20 minutes is meh) and eventually the enemies dont get any stronger either. Could you find a way of gradually increasing the power of your  monsters  abilities  like maybe give Karaki 34 shell stacks or Mabeks death mote does 6% of the dead enemy hps per second.  You could create an event that would allow you to do this or just spend aura on these improvements. Im hoping the premise wouldnt be too difficult to add to the game because the sense that every loop your monsters will be markedly stronger than the last even in the late game is one that would make it virtually impossible to get tired of this game because it would open up infinite possibilities. (sorry i wrote so much but I really think this could make the game better without an obscene amount of effort)

(1 edit)

i do agree the players monsters reach unbeatable strengths too quickly and easily, and that curses/blessings run out too early.  Adding in a way to upgrade abilities wouldnt be hard but it would take alottt of work to add for every monster.  I am working on making it a more gradual ramp in power, as well as introducing new ways for enemies to become more dangerous.  There are also more adjustments in other areas i hope will impact the overall experience as well..  That being said it isnt out of the question, just not the current objective.  Infinite was never intended to be "beatable" after all >:D.  Also no need to apologize, I am glad you are enjoying it enough to take time put all this thought into it!


oh yeah, add a slower setting so we can have more time to react in tougher battles and and a much faster speed setting so we can breeze through the easy battles that quickly become boring (even better maybe just show the result of the battle)


also allow all enemies to get items and maybe fuse/temper them too


Hi Jay, loving this game so much! But I do have a question, what does the cheese do?

its a secrettt

( but try carrying it with you and looking out for anything different or weird :D )

also thank you!


Does it lead to Tama being at a nest? Because that's the only thing I found that was different.

yep!  after adding them to your team, they can start appearing at the beginning of your runs too 


Also sorry to bother you again, does intelligence do anything except for the abilities that specify it? If not I was thinking they'd act like a defense against abilties

no worries, all questions are welcome.  Int does only affect things that explicitly state using it.  Ive considered using it for ability defense but casting is already the strongest strat and would double up the benefits provided by the stat.   

if i have 2 mabeks with dying breath and an enemy dies, will that trigger 2 life motes?

no, only 1 terrain effect can exist in a specific space


does zephyr have a maximum stack amount? could i potentially silence a parra and make it invincible?


it doesnt have a limit, Parra wont be invincible because it only stops attacks not ability damage but it still prevents alot! 


hey jay, I love mabek's dying breath ability ,so much free damage is awsome, and I was wondering if there was any way I could boost the damage?


So Last Breath deals Ability Damage, so things like the Magical Synergy, items that boost Ab Dmg like Spell Vortex, or Tizik's Overload will cause enemies to take more Ab Dmg too!  Also Tama's Gnaw increases all damage.  

i would say keep it cuz thats like a good and easy way to get materials again after u get reset

jay that exploits been around for like since the game almost came out lol did u just know about this now


Bug report( or just a goofy play) whenever you buy resources from the shop, leave, abandon run and come back in, your aura is still the same as before the  shop, but the resource you own actually increases. basically, material multiplication glitch


I just figured out that no one will use it

this is definitely an exploit lol 


I also found out that same thing works for boss mobs  as well. get the resource, abandon and beat the  boss again.

(+1) I was going through cave map, but occasionally different map background appears on events.

(1 edit)

was this in infinite or standard mode?  Standard randomly picks between the possible backgrounds from that zone each encounter  (so in zone 2's case either Cave or Desert).  Infinite should stick with the same background you choose at the end of the previous zone tho so that would def be a bug if its happening there. 


it was standard. nvm


bug report- because strigeye's name starts with str, it shows red color on
"send an egg home.I think it got mixed up with strength indication red.

you are correct, the way it colors text will be changed in the next update to make sure this doesnt happen.  (sometimes it happens with things like STRike etc too)

(2 edits) (+1)

alright jay. Im getting magical 3, 3000 aura, my parra has 400 int and 100 mana, 5 level 3 spell vortexes and an arcane wand dealing 5.5% int per point of mana, lets say the target has 20 stacks of overload, lucky 3 activates and nothing else affects the damage. How much are we looking at? good god I cant even begin to calculate this

(1 edit)

  Shine thief would be +330%, +100% from overload, x4 from lucky.   the hardest part is figuring out how much mana is spent, counting mana regen.  so i just tested how much it would and its actually 110.   so 110 X 5.5% = 605% of 400 = 3660.25 dmg.  x4 from lucky = 14,641.  +100% from overload = 29,282.  +330% = 125,912.6 dmg to 1 target! as long as i didnt make any mistakes which is entirely possible lol 

2 things i think: I said magic 3 and then 3000 aura which is 300% + another 60% right?   Also spell vortexs would add a LOT of mana while the wand is casting so its way more than 110 mana. That still doesnt seem like that much. Probably need to max out int :(

I did miss those 2!  You may want to try dropping the wand and using more vortices and tornado, and maybe a windslicer.  It can deal alottttt of dmg on the 2nd or 3rd cast, especially when hitting a full team and you have alot of zephyr stacks.  

how much less damage does an enemy with max defense (and no other affecting factors) take from damage?

so the def reduction is 100 / (def + 100), which at 999 is ~91% reduced.


This game rules. You're the best for giving it out lmao, I'm def going to actually pay for it in the future! Counting every dollar rn unfortunately. 

BUT!!! This is so much fun. I've been looking for a game like Domina ever since the maker of Domina had a big meltdown and the way this game plays into building characters and slowly learning the meta is based as hell. Already played it for several hours.

I absolutely love Chip btw. That monster and the little alligator fella are my favorites. 

With quests, do I have to have the quest... note thing equipped to the monster?


thank glad you are enjoying it!  Chip is one of my favs as well.  Quests do not need to be equipped, though they will be lost if you are playing infinite mode loop if they arent equipped (if its not completed).  

hey dev Jay I've been playing vanguard on and off for a couple of months love it, I keep losing my progress if I don't play for a while. Are there any plans to publish on steam at some point?

Hey, Im sorry your save doesnt stay, are you playing in browser or downloaded?  I am actually currently working on a full release for steam with alot of new stuff too though.

(1 edit) (+1)

finally hit a million in one battle.  yay

thats alotta damage.

next target is 1 million in 1 cast :D

(1 edit) (+1)

doubt ill be able to. Suppose if I get a crap ton of aura and I get lucky and one enemy gets over 100 overloads or smt then maybe. Can lucky 3 quadruple my disintegrate damage?

it can!

(1 edit) (+1)

 he only got 1 shot off and he is nowhere near full power BUT ... 

(loop 3 btw)

I think there is a bug where reloading takes away your wounds. I had 7, I moved on to a camp (cooked a bad meal) and reloaded and now I have 0 wounds

hmm thats new to me I will need to try test it 


oh btw my parra on its first cast of the battle with 60 mana is somehow taking over a hundred and fifty damage. It must be from the ring of power i have on him. Can you tell me why?

it might be because ring of power deals ability dmg, so you are probably boosting it 


oh no, that could ruin the whole thing


*gets 6 heavy shackles*

(3 edits) (+1)

oh no, I have a very stupid Idea : take parra, get magic 3 synergy and shine thief , give him a ring of power, an arcane wand, and 4 spell vortexes .  Finally get a few tiziks with that ability which increases ability damage by 5% per attack and get a cheap shop for several thousand aura. How much damage does that even do?????


wait would circulet of acuity be good instead of a spell vortex or would the game consider that for your second cast you didnt spend any mana rendering the attack useless

So the way circlet works is it refills your mana but it doesnt work with wands because it activates immediately when they start draining mana.   It does work with Vortex but depending on the order they activate Vortex might increase your mana after Acuity refills it so you will still need to charge up a little before the 2nd cast goes off.   Multiple Vortices + 1-2 Wind Slicers might be good too with Parras Cyclone

(1 edit) (+1)

Yeah but cycle wont ignore def like disintegrate 


Who had ANY IDEA you could do THIS????


(thats chikia)    this changes my whole game


how does mana work (please reply)


Monsters gain 3 mana per second in battle, when they reach max mana they spend it all to cast their active ability (the last one on their description).  



(1 edit) (+2)

Found a bug, Slagg's ability to redirect an attack towards him when he has applied [Slime] to an enemy seems to not be working at all.

Notice how the enemy has 2 stacks of [Slime] applied and is still targeting Wyrmlet. I used Wyrmlet as an example because he has no ability to redirect attacks and I made sure he has no items.

Guess I should also mention that I'm on mobile but that shouldn't matter as the game is 100% playable on phone with the exception of item locking.


so slaggs ability only redirects the next attack after they get slimed, not every attack for the duration.   The buff counter is only showing the actual slime penalties (-spd / -healing)

(2 edits)

I understand that it's next attack only, took me a while to roll Silent Vow so I could test further but I found out what's happening.

The active "Sticky Slime" works 100% as intended but the "Slime Lord" ability that says you apply "Sticky Slime" when attacking does NOT cause them to attack you, I'm wondering if this is just a text error instead and it's suppose to only say "attacks apply slime" as opposed to "attacks apply sticky slime".

If this is just a text error then my bad I guess, if not and  it's suppose to apply aggro you can easily test by equipping Silent Vow.

Screenshot of a battle with Silent Vow and 0 damage for reference.

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