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This game is cool. Wish i could more of this types of games.

thank you, me too :D


POV: 2 hydrim, 2 mamu, 2 mudgill, 10000 monsters dead

I abused the egg sense cheap and the nest. dunno if it is a bug but if you put mamu in the nest, there is a chance for 2 of them to spawn at the start of the game. anyways full nature synergy, full bulky synergy, full aquatic synergy, full tactician from spyglass. Also abused the feature where reloading a game reloads events, so guess who has eextremely overpowered legendary +10 equipment :). Basically unkillable.


Love the design and everything of the game. Will there be more updates coming?

thanks, and yea!  Slowly but surely working on the biggest update so far.  life has a way of getting in the way of things sometimes though.


I wish you the best man! I hope you get a chance to put some time into it and please hit me up closer to the release! I would love to cover it!


thanks, that would be awesome! In the mean time too, I post little previews in the discord and will definitely announce it there (and here) as well


I've gave this game a try and honestly? Really nice game with many possible strategies and ideas. I like the fact you have to actually carefully think how to place monsters and who should get (and which) item. I definitely didn't do a great job at understanding everything, but I still felt happy with this game!

Im glad you liked it, I definitely wanted to incorporate strategic decisions :D.  Theres alot to figure out (and isnt explained very well lol) so dont worry about not picking up on everything right away.  Many people dont even realize you can swap monsters mid battle (with a cool down).  Gonna watch this over dinner!


I also didn't know it's possible to lose by allowing your monsters to get knocked-out, which also made me lose I think. Not that I created the strongest team comp; I think I understood only basics - and some abilities were annoying for me, because I wanted to hide a monster, when he is low, so he would be a bit safer, but some abilities swap places. I guess I just didn't find good synergies and created a random team comp lol.

So yea, thats "Wounds" system.  When a mon gets KO'd you suffer 1 wound.  If you reach the limit (2 times your team size on normal difficulty) it's game over.  Some events, camping, and healing salves can heal/cause wounds too.  Skimander's ability is the one that moves :D yea it can be really challenging if the team isnt built with it in mind.  But thats just a learning experience! 

why does it reset my village and monster progress yet still keep some of my stats? my  aura earned is 9999999 and my food eaten is 9999. is there any way to fix this?

hmm that sounds like your stats file got corrupted, its hard to say what caused it though.  If you are playing on browser it might have been interrupted during a save.  Does it reset every time you try to play?

(1 edit)

no, only now

nevermind, it fixed itself


i dont WANT any more miracoulous elixer. boss fight are easy right now


Incredibly well designed, reminds me of Pokemon with the collection and evolution mechanics but feeling a little bit more polished and refined. The synergies and monsters are simply so creative, and that's to consider the fact that I've only been able to play the browser version so far and beat it once. I'm incredibly excited to try out the full version. The only suggestion I would have is a tutorial, or an explanation of the stats through an in-game manual or, as said before, a tutorial. But all in all, a really great strategy monster-collecting game.

thank you for the very kind words! 

question: when to use mirculous elixer

So elixir does all the potions, the 2 biggest effects you will probably notice from these is Invulnerability and Curing 2 Wounds.   Try to use it on a mon that is low hp, and when youve already taking some wounds, or before a final boss uses their super to prevent the damage.




back with my heavy hitters team(chip casting super once per second with momentum)


How does the super faster blessing work?

it causes all of your monsters go add more to the super meter (+20% more super generated from attacking/casting/taking damage depending on archetype). 


Oh, I thought it added a faster game speed. A short description would be nice.



holy shit i spent a lot of time on this game. i bet many others too.

O: Thats a great loop count, well done! 


I love this game so god damn much! This is what pokemon should have become. I really love the evolution mechanics and the monster variety and such but it would be nice to introduce an exp system to encourage fighting enemies. Exp could possibly be used to get the final form gem at the mines instead of paying normally. Exp could also be used for other stuff but that's the only thing that comes to mind now. A standard infinite mode which is that the normal mod but with infinite stages would also be lovely because the curses and blessing kinda make the game too stressful in the current infinite mode.

thank you I'm glad you are enjoying it!  Infinite does have alot of pressure


a few questions from a noob:

is it optimal to first temper items that you're going to merge to legendary then merge them?

how do you get multiple of the same monster? when I go to the nest and use the aura sense option, it doesn't let me get another monster that I already have in my team

is savescumming normal? for example,  reloading when your team dies, or quitting for free shop rerolls,  good random events and blessings/curses?

Also, what are some tips for getting farther in endless? I'm finding it very hard to get past even six loops on normal difficulty. I just can't grow the stats of my monsters quickly without campfires, and merging and tempering my items costs me ridiculous amounts of aura that I can't get fast enough before my team crumples to stronger and stronger enemies.

anyway, great game! really enjoying it


1. for higher rarity items, it is more cost effective to merge them first then temper.  

2. There are 2 ways to get duplicate monsters, first with a Nest in the village the monsters can appear twice during starting team selection.  The other harder way is go to nests during the run, use egg sense to get a specific monster thats not on your team but do not hatch the egg.  Since it is still not on your team, you can keep repeating this at more nests until you have as many duplicates as you want.   Then hatch all of the eggs. 

3. Save scumming is up to personal preference.  I intentionally didnt try to limit it that much because ultimately its a little single player game for fun, so if thats something you want to do go for it! 

4. 6 loops is pretty good for endless!  Beyond that youll want to start seeking out the really strong combos (whether its items, synergies or mosnters).  Consider selling food such as Calcarrots if your team's main strat isnt Int based.   Also Forge Sparks from the Desolate Forge event are pretty important for really broken builds.  

I'm glad youre enjoying it, sorry for the late response


i love this game, but i was wondering how to cast each monsters super move. is it just active when for example Kabu takes 100% damage? but then Kabus super says it is only active for a short time.


nvm i found out. you have to use the ball the first boss gives you on one of your monsters.


Thank you, thats correct!  There are 4 types of supers too, its based on the type of the monster you use it (Aggressive, Defensive, Technical or Support)


I really love Woad but why it limit damg only 999 ;-;


Only Str is limited, you can boost dmg in other ways such as Pulverizer or Finisher

(4 edits) (+1)

I have gotten Gheist's mana recharging faster then his normal attack, he has 25 speed, but only 15 mana needed to cast and he recharges it at 9/s, and I just got that weapon that increases its mana regen every time it attacks so now its pretty much instant. wait is 15 mana the lowest it can go and it can only get to 23/s regen?


those are the caps yep! 


That's disappointing, I was going for a max of 0 Mana with some huge number for regen. Right now I am on loop 7 on a Calamity run and hanging on by the tips of my fingers.


i mean you could abuse hydrim’s refresh instead of going for higher mana regen 🤷‍♂️

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I was just doing it for fun. (and I did not have Hydrim)


i have chip getting 15 mana per second and casting super with momentum instantly 

(1 edit) (+2)

anyone knows how to get mamo animal, i tried so much egg hatch but no mamo her

Edit: i mean mamu one


mamu you can get by having a empty building related to monsters


its a specific tier 3 building, and you will know as soon as you start a new run if you did the correct one. 


thanks jay and silverwolfz too


I got the empty gate and starts so much runs but there is no special monsters ;-;

sorry he meant build a building but dont put any mons on it

(its the Nest lvl 3)


tsym, i finally got my daddy mamu

Deleted 324 days ago
(1 edit) (+1)

started with chip and kabu and now on loop 6 easily

edit: right after i posted that my team got massacared by 4 adepts


Does having all the pacts from that snake do anything?


Not that I know of

try finding the snake 1 more time after :D


Thanks for the hint.


When 2 adepts sidestep at the same time it looks like 3 now


theyre moving too fast to follow O:


came back to it after a break and i love it


I recommended this to my friend and he insisted he wouldn't like it

I made him try it and now he's hooked :)

thank you for spreading the word, it really helps 

(1 edit) (+1)

Is there a point when Monster-Equipment Fusion Sparks stop showing up because I haven't seen a single one and I'm on loop 9


they never stop appearing but they do only show up in the (Glacier/Volcano/Wasteland) Zone 


do they show up on forges or random events


Random Events (?) only 



(5 edits) (+2)

I built a healer team using 3 Parra each holding a Radiant Tome + Ring Of Power to make my Karakai invincible and now I'm cackling like a maniac

Edit: and both my Karakai and my Kabu are holding Heavy Shackles for the Bulky 2 synergy for maximum tank

Second Edit: The Karakai are moving at light speed at this point despite the speed penalty I saw one get to like 900 speed


(1 edit) (+2)

Will this game be getting any more updates?

Edit: Did Karakai get buffed from 2 defense to 3 per Shelled stack?


Yes, though not soon.  Im working on a steam version for the game with a ton of new stuff.  (I post some teasers of the new stuff on the discord dev log channel!)
Kara has been 3 def.

(1 edit) (+2)

Para is arguably better with a different active skill because it no longer loses its stacks of Zephyr

Edit: also Karakai is the best tank change my mind

parra has alot of different strats :D

also just as pure tanking Slagg can prob take the most dmg, but Kara is very good too


hey jay, after a break im back and i was wondering what is the strongest monster and synergies for running solo

(1 edit) (+1)

Welcome back! Currently, probably Tizik.  Storm Chaser is kinda op right now lol, and the Elemental synergy will help them survive to reach the 3rd form.  An item with some Str and HP to start goes a long way too.


okay thanks

(1 edit) (+1)

Hello Jay, I'm having an issue running the  web version of the game on Google Chromebook. this was not the case before. is it maybe because i reset my cookies? it gets stuck on the loading icon almost done bet never moves after 30 minutes.

that is an issue that can happen with unity.  usually clearing your cookies/cache should fix it though...   You can test if the cache is the issue by trying to open it in incognito mode, which basically treats it as if youve never opened it before. 


yep still resource bug ;D guess what guys i got 50 wood 50 stone and 9 obsidan what should i spend that on


is there still the resource bug :D


hi guys im back :D

This game makes my laptop overheat. It doesn't even use up half of my CPU's processing power, but if I run it without throttling, it consistently overheats my laptop. Why is that? Is there any fix other than throttling my CPU?

And I don't know if it's important, but throttling doesn't slow down the game, it's just my laptop overheats when running this game unthrottled.

hm this is the first ive heard of this issue, what are you running on?  it may also be a unity issue 

It's a pretty old laptop. Core i7-2820QM, intel (R) HD Graphics 3000, AMD Radeon HD 6700M. It generally doesn't overheat on games that place a similar amount of load on it. Usually what heats it up has 3D stuff though.


jay i am running scutter with 5 chip replica and im spamming unnerring arrows. But it seems like if 4  or more of my chips have the same item, scutters doesnt get any attack boost! id lve to show you a video but idk how to do it easily

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loop three and my idea is already reaping it's merits

first 100 million in one battle?

thats not the first time someones hit scientific notation but it doesnt happen often xD

(2 edits) (+1)

jay, I was wandering through the games discord and I saw in run showcase that one user dealt 35 million damage I think using unnering arrows and chip /tuskal obviously? However i thought of a new way to deal 20x more damage. The biggest problem with unnering arrow spam is defense vastly reduces it's damage, So what if i got scutter's vice to 15 mana and got a ton of mana regen so I hit all the enemies with scutters ability before anyone even casted or attacked, I think scutter can hold 10(chip replicate) + 6 arrows which is 3.5^16 . Then we take that monstrosity and multiply it by 2000! (scutters str x 200% from vice)  that gets me this  


but then we will have lucky 3 and magic 1 so its gonna do so much i cant even begin to fathom it. I didnt want to put this in the discord because i want it to come as a lovely suprise for everyone else but im really scared of putting this into action.

Also please tell me if i went wrong anywhere


I believe the limit would be 14 arrows.  2 Per Chip = 10, +2 Corrupted Forgespark, +2 Regular Forgespark.   It will definitely be some big hits tho, and Lucky 3 can cause it to deal x4 :D  Magic wont boost it because it deals Attack Dmg tho.  


awww im only gonna deal 82790902400 damage now. me sad :(


found a bug maybe? 5 monster team and two eggs

technically not a bug, but not ideal.  Hatching the 7th one will just give you aura, as if you left the nest without taking one.    You got the egg normally right? 


yes and it did give aura


tizik after battle one


how to get mamu and nessa i need help i have everything else

they have hidden requirements.  the hints are

Mamu: Requires a specific tier 3 building in the village, doing something you wouldnt normally do, is vaguely related to cold, youll know immediately when starting a run.

Nessa: Requires a specific egg, is bird related,  doing something you wouldnt normally do, is vaguely related to warmth, is not possible in zone 1 but is possible in standard mode.  

Let me know if you need more help or the exact solutions 

can you give a hint to what the building does(gives items, or passive) for mamu

it is related to monsters


thanks i got mamu and can u give another clue for nessa like the mamu one?

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try taking the egg to a location you can spend some time at.  It will hatch when you do the right thing.   There is no random chance involved either.

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loop 7 and parra deals 677396 damage in one battle. noice. Also ive got 5 blessing  grove,den, peak, geyser and forest the last one I think is pools but what synergies do i need and what location do i get it?

Thatsalotta Damage.  Murky Pools requires Aquatic or Tactician and is found in the first area of a loop (either the forest or swamp backgrounds)

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