so they each apply stacks, but only 1 triggers the damage, since there are no stacks left for the 2nd to take away. Effectively it makes it activate twice as fast.
That could make mudgill rlly OP. imagine if i put 5 of them on shark. Each hit takes away 11% of HP. Even against a full lineup of enemies, they just need to hit 54 times to win
that would be really good, although it will be tough making mudgill attack fast now that you only have 1 item slot remaining. There are other ways to deal with max HP enemies even faster.
At first I thought a solo run was impossible even on the easiest difficulty, as I would lose to even the earliest fights, and even if I survived the early game by healing wounds camping and getting Aurite ASAP, the first boss would annihilate me.
Strigeye proved me wrong. Such powerful self-healing is incredible when all your attack buffs are stacked onto it. It's able to win the first fight, and once it gets its first evolution it can make it to the boss and beat it. Upon getting its second evolution from the boss reward, it can easily cruise through the rest of the game.
self-buffing can take you to the stratosphere in terms of survivability in only a few seconds on a fight, and you'd think it would eventually fall off. but it just *doesn't*.
I think one of the strongest (with the right items) is chip, cause you can have each use replicate to put all their items on to 1 monster. Multiple Chikias (2 or 3) can get your swap cool down to 1 second with fleet. Multiple Parras can generate alot of aura for bigger tornados
there are 3 secret Monsters who have special conditions to appear. 1 is somewhat easy the other 2 are pretty convoluted lol. Once you hatch them theyll appear the same as any other monster
Oh and I definitely didn't cheat in all 20 curses and 6 loop 200 fire tyrants and beat them all in 30 seconds with a half str, half speed skim and less than 2k health on everyone
Idk why you would need this but this equations lets you figure out how much it would cost you "A" to reroll "R" times: A = 12.5R^2 + 12.5R . I just used simple integral rules to find it :)
hey! It's me! the person who just lost 15 hours of their life!
i was doing this run on the Xbox browser, took a break, and when i came back the run was literally too big to load up LMAO anyways heres highest recorded stats ig....
yeah he ran this infinite food woad nessa idea first, and I thought of a more optimized version of the run that lets nessa die like 10 times every battle. But then he decided to put 3 nessa's on his team and use moon shrine to make his urso supportive so he can spam life force 20 times per battle and get 500 food per fight
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Out of curiosity, how does fused bonebiters work? Does each individual bonebiter deal the damage or does only one apply?
so they each apply stacks, but only 1 triggers the damage, since there are no stacks left for the 2nd to take away. Effectively it makes it activate twice as fast.
That could make mudgill rlly OP. imagine if i put 5 of them on shark. Each hit takes away 11% of HP. Even against a full lineup of enemies, they just need to hit 54 times to win
that would be really good, although it will be tough making mudgill attack fast now that you only have 1 item slot remaining. There are other ways to deal with max HP enemies even faster.
koff koff skimander
a tizik could help him go fast :D
yes but the great thing about mudgill is he is a lone machine gun. If you are using tizik, you might as well just go with the salamander too
It’s very cool! Just one notice is that there’s some bug that makes the game glitch halfway and reset
what is the chance for getting a bloodmist mask from the first pools event (Im tryna use it to beat standard in less than 5 minutes)
for that event 1/4 to roll legendary rarity, then I think theres 6 legendaries, so another 1/6, which would be 1/24 ~4% chance if you get the event.
wait that's not even awful I was expecting a below 1% chance
how do you get resources like wood
edit: never mind, I'm dumb
beating bosses, completing standard, and sometimes rarely shops have them
At first I thought a solo run was impossible even on the easiest difficulty, as I would lose to even the earliest fights, and even if I survived the early game by healing wounds camping and getting Aurite ASAP, the first boss would annihilate me.
Strigeye proved me wrong. Such powerful self-healing is incredible when all your attack buffs are stacked onto it. It's able to win the first fight, and once it gets its first evolution it can make it to the boss and beat it. Upon getting its second evolution from the boss reward, it can easily cruise through the rest of the game.
Alexa, play Morpho Knight's theme.
tizik also destroys solo runs. He is the yellow guy with one eyeball. It and strig are def some of the best solo mons
self-buffing can take you to the stratosphere in terms of survivability in only a few seconds on a fight, and you'd think it would eventually fall off. but it just *doesn't*.
well done, strig is definitely a mon that rewards living on the edge :D
and making your enemies get really close to that edge too:)
lifesteal is the goat, and some really good dmg too.
Hey guys, at this moment of time, which is the best monster to stack up in an endless (multi-eggs i mean)
I think one of the strongest (with the right items) is chip, cause you can have each use replicate to put all their items on to 1 monster. Multiple Chikias (2 or 3) can get your swap cool down to 1 second with fleet. Multiple Parras can generate alot of aura for bigger tornados
thanks for the suggestion jay :)
another funny idea is using 5 goras and giving them potency and hunger seed so you heal billions every battle
I love melting my cpu
Ah, dont you love it when they start expressing your numbers in scientific notation
Are certain monsters more rare? I cant find a single Mamu egg and keep seeing the same 8-10 monsters over and over
there are 3 secret Monsters who have special conditions to appear. 1 is somewhat easy the other 2 are pretty convoluted lol. Once you hatch them theyll appear the same as any other monster
Im curious, other than mamu and tama, who else is there?
i look forward to the eventual tizik nerf as he trivializes so much of the game with his ability set
now thats gonna be some fun times, and Karakai will finally be useful yipee.
dont forget that adaptable makes a max speed skimander deal 24.5x damage. That defenitely didnt let me kill loop 60 boss before it could use its super
Oh and I definitely didn't cheat in all 20 curses and 6 loop 200 fire tyrants and beat them all in 30 seconds with a half str, half speed skim and less than 2k health on everyone
Yeayea, i believe you
I am tempted to create a yt channel just so I can send the vid lol. If Jay is here he can confirm?
Wow, i... i had never thought about that
Idk why you would need this but this equations lets you figure out how much it would cost you "A" to reroll "R" times: A = 12.5R^2 + 12.5R . I just used simple integral rules to find it :)
this cat completely invalidates everything you say
hey! It's me! the person who just lost 15 hours of their life!

i was doing this run on the Xbox browser, took a break, and when i came back the run was literally too big to load up LMAO
anyways heres highest recorded stats ig....
should mention, this was at the end of loop 8!
also also public safety announcement do NOT attempt this run it actually hurts your wrist alot especially if your doing this fast
dear god, and here i thought Tizik was broken, turns out Urso was the true Vanguard Monster all along.
its the power of team work that is the op all alonggg
yeah he ran this infinite food woad nessa idea first, and I thought of a more optimized version of the run that lets nessa die like 10 times every battle. But then he decided to put 3 nessa's on his team and use moon shrine to make his urso supportive so he can spam life force 20 times per battle and get 500 food per fight
that is the most insane yet creative nessa usage i have ever heard of
attempt #3 started btw!

heres the stupid bear at the end of loop 3 + team comp!
Loop 3 800+ stats is crazy work
yeah things escalated quickly. Before he was trying to turn nessa into egg and rebirth it so he only got a few food per battle lmao
erhm ackshually i was just throwing her into death..
Just full death is better, the egg takes too long to wait for.