I would like to file a bug complaint but my school blocked discord:
reloading is resetting wounds when you have the max wound reducing curse, that or something is passively lowering wounds (ps. passive wound lowering items or creatures would be cool but hard to balance)
say, when an item or ability says it increases certain damage by some percentage, like lets say, 50%, does it mean it increase the TOTAL damage that the attack or ability does (so basically increases 50% of a 300% attack for a total of 450%) or does it only add a 50% extra from the base percent? (a 300% attack would then become a 350%?)
It would be of the total, So if you have 10 Str, and use an ability that deals 200% Str dmg, then the "damage" is 20, which is increased by the +50% to damage to the final 30 damage total.
Another Important Bug Fix Patch & Also Resources for Standard Mode:
-Defeating the end boss in standard mode now drops 1 obsidian and either 1 wood or 1 stone.
-Added best Loop to the stats displayed on the main screen. Warning Stats may be wiped in future updates though!
-Fixed Station Upgrades allowing you do the 3rd tier occasionally when you don’t actually have enough resources.
-The selected station effects should persist for an ongoing run regardless of it you build or change stations in the village before reloading the save.
-Fixed being able to sneak monsters out of the village
-Fixed being able to interrupt the transition out of the village, sometimes leading to a bland screen.
-Fixed monsters in the Meadow sometimes flashing on screen during screen transitions
-Fixed the Monster Total Label in the Meadow for displaying -1 possible monsters
-Fixed bug where Monsters in the Meadow would be lost when entering then leaving the village
-Fixed a bug that could allow multiples of the same monster egg to be sent back to the village
-The Reduced Max Wounds curse will now alway ensure you have at least 1 wound left after it is applied (Can no longer cause game overs when taking it when wounds are near the limit).
-Fixed a bug that caused one or both items in the forge to appear over the map
-Enemies that spawn with Arcane Wands can no longer permanently kill your monsters
-Fixed a minor visual error when enemies fire Arcane Wands
-Updated Gora’s Entangling Roots description to no longer say it poisons. (No mechanical changes)
In the scutter's vice move it says it attacks a monster, does that mean supposed to attack an ally or enemy? The chikia's coordinate move is also like this.
Hi. This comment is for Jay but also for everyone curious. It's been a while since my last run and the foreseeable future doesn't look like it's gonna give me enough time to play a lot. I wanted to say thank you, Jay. The last months have been very hard for me. I struggled with depression and the lack of a good job gave me lots of time to think about stuff, but not in a good way. I had very bad thoughts and focusing on light-hearted games and series helped a lot, and this game played a major role in this. So thank you for the help. Seeing these little monsters grow up to defeat evil void creatures has been a delight, and a little like seeing myself struggling with my demons. I recently found a good job and with my therapist I am working to find a better state of mind. I no longer have much time to spend on this game, though, as I have to work and I'll be busy with other stuff too. Maybe I'll do some more runs here and there, but maybe not. Dunno. I know I didn't have to write anything and I know we don't really know each other, but I really really loved this game and I hope it continues to grow, because it's lovely and it helped me quite a bit.
So, thanks Jay. Wish you best with everything <3
And to everyone else, enjoy this gem. Best game on itch for me, not only because it helped me but simply because it has a great gameplay and it's fun af.
Im so glad to hear that playing VM could provide some comfort for you when times are rough, but Im even more happy it sounds like things are getting better. A dev couldnt ask for a better player, your enthusiasm, skill and thoughtfulness has definitely made the game better too. Dont worry if you cant play for abit, we will always be here when you get back (and who knows, maybe there will be some new things to try then). But for now I know you'll do great out there! :D
(Also, Im really considering making the Mabek alt skin into a full new monster in the future. If you want to, you can give them a name)
Thank you so much for your kind words <3 I hope I'll be able to come back one day, I would love to do so.
And... wow, Mablack a full new monster? That's amazing! :D A name... Uhm... I always called him Mablack for funsies, but for a full new monster I don't think it would work. It's inspired by Anubis, so I think something about him should do the trick. Here are some random ideas I can think of:
- Anewbie (It's literally a new monster, so it's "a newbie" around the others. Ah! Get it? :P)
- Hearubis (Fusion of Heart+Anubis, because of the Weighing of the Heart of the egyptian folklore, done to dead souls before entering the underworld, to see if they were worthy)
- Duatis/Duabis (Fusion of Duat+Anubis. Duat is the name of the egyptian underworld, where the dead souls reside. I think it sounds cool. It's also similar to "dual" and the fact that the monster is born from another one, Mabek, seems fitting to this fact.)
- Anenrir (Fusion of Anubis+Fenrir. I also love norse mythology and it could be a nice idea to add some chains in its design to make it a cool fusion of the two legendary entities)
- Hungrim (Fusion of Hungry+Grim. Anubis was a Jackal-inspired god of death and graves, because jackals are scavengers and they ate the dead bodies not buried well enough. In egyptian mythology was another god that ate the souls of the dead, but this monster doesn't have to be Anubis straight up and you could see him as a grim devourer of souls and void creatures!)
- Judgikal (This name sounds silly, but I put it anyway. Anubis is a Jackal god that Judges souls with its scale, so I think a fusion of Jackal+Judge could be right for this monster)
- Majackal (Fusion of Magical+Jackal. Could be neat for a Magic+Haunted monster, which is a terrific starting synergies combination!)
These are just some thoughts, I thank you for your kindness but I don't want to impose anything, your game is your game.
Thanks again Jay, hope one day I'll find some time to return. Farewell for now <3
The distortion storm (that gives 2 random effects) fused together my witch's cauldron and a chargestone, even though I never encountered or saw a chargestone in that run.
yeah, well you win some you lose some, synergies are essential in the late game, and any of them at tier 3 can make or break a run (for my current run tactician 3, sabateur 1 and haunted 1 made it)
also jay i have an idea for a new game mechanic: reforging. these reforge items can give certain stat boosts, like a heavy tank reforge stone that gives massive defense boost but a reduction in speed and the like. thanks <3
Love this, and i was wondering. Is it possible to get each synergy to max? at least right now? i know some easy ones are nature, aquatic, tactician, but what about others?
thank you, it is possible to get any synergy to 3 though some may require specific evolutions or items. Getting every synergy to 3 at the same time is not possible though lol
yeah i learned in the run after that (lost right before loop 4 final boss), that that is how you use chip/skimander/snake to their maximum potential, I am also a moonbeam karakai person rather than razorshell after my best run ever
XD I am not sure if I can lose, so I decided to kill myself and finish the run... Some funny things I have seen...
Full tecniccian and teanccious with the inmunity helm and everyone with spyglasses. Fused and refused with things like the +4 in mana regen. I forgot to rec some of my guys but they have like 21 in mana regen...
XD I think my game got a few bugs but It was so funny
I was still worried about the strength of Iron Will and this proves that was warranted xD What is going on with the enemies' equipment though? Were items stuck on screen from previous battles? Or did they appear with that many? (either way something is really wrong)
hahahaha Actually game is pretty good. I found that if I press F5 between intersections the game repeats things like shop items or question mark tiles.
So I decided to make the most of it, getting in all the rounds only the objects that I was looking for in the store and the question marks that I wanted... In the third zone I repeated until I was able to fuse in all the question marks that I wanted... XD
HOWEVER, If you press F5 many times, there comes a point where the game gets buggy, all the monsters appearing in one round TWICE IN THEIR SPACE... I used this because on top of that it also repeated the items they had equipped, thus easily obtaining the items I wanted to merge many times ... what I didn't realize is that it was also repeating the curses I had for the loop XD look to the left at the number of curses I have!!!
Overall, the monsters carried many legendary objects on them, but I carried so many spyglasses and immunity helmets that they couldn't get to hit me... as a curious fact, it also doubled the affinities. XD
Try to press f5 around 20 minutes and the bug will apear.
The game is amazing, I've been really addicted these days. I hope it becomes famous and the whole world ends up knowing him. It's one of the best roguelikes I've played in my life :)
Something is still bugged with monsters showing that they're in the middle of an attack (Relatedly, what's a turn gauge? I've always wondered what Krog's "reduce the target's turn gauge by 10%" meant) when they have high speed, even when a battle is currently not occuring. For example (besides the Omega Harvester that's equipped) Chip is fused to an Omega Bloodmist Mask, so he has like 237 speed in these pictures. The white bar jitters, going randomly up and down (but never past 50% full). This happened with the Bloddmist Mask before, and I'm not sure if it's a visual bug or something else
Just a little on going run. Karakai's moonbeam and Gora's healing in general are carrying the team. Lol.
The 3' lv Nature Synergy reached thanks to the double Mudgill's ability feels a bit like cheating, but aside from that I'm pretty happy ahahah
I don't know how far I can reach. This team is strong but it does not feel invincible like some of the old ones I made. Right now the real problem are the "Accursed" enemies. They almost or totally wipe out the team when I find them! I don't understand what's making them so strong. Like, I understand they being strong, but this strong? The fact that everything happens in an instant makes me think it's their active ability that deals a lot of dmg around, but I don't know, I'm not sure.
Any insight is appreciated on the matter.
Aside from that, it's going pretty smooth and it's fun :)
Uhm... No, it can't be that. I continued the run a bit and the effect is instant. They cast and BAM, half the party is dead and the rest is badly damaged. I think they simply do a lot of damage all of a sudden, at a certain point, when they cast. Dunno.
Not complaining. They are strong and I'm happy my teams can't reach infinite god mode every time. I just don't understand what's making them that strong.
hmm it could be due to how high their base int is, which would be getting alot of bonus due to the percentage increases of looping. Also theyre always in pairs so if they both get to cast is ever more of a burst
I used the Miraculous Elixir on Wyrmlet (with Magical Manipulation) after the boss battle, right before starting a new loop. When I went to the next loop (after losing my unequipped items and aura, choosing a curse, and gaining another Miraculous Elixir), the effects had worn off even though I hadn't fought anything yet.
I wanted to wait until my super orb was fully charged up so I could use it, then use the Miraculous Elixir on Wyrmlet, and then be able to use the super orb again. The problem wasn, the boss got defeated before it got to 100%!
When Karakai uses Moonbeam, even if they don't change position (because the closest enemy is in front of them), Thorn's Barbed Hooks effect still causes them to Bleed, which is quite annoying.
Are you sure? I'm using it on a run right now and it does not seem to do so. But maybe it's suppressed by some other ability and I'm not noticing it, dunno.
Argh when I summon a scavenger with the Void Beacon it doesn't get buffed (due to multiple loops of endless where the enemies become more difficult), but when an enemy summons a scavenger it does get buffed!
The void beacon kind of sucks in endless because the helpful enemies I can summon have like a tenth of the stats of the other enemies :(
Some weird stuff with overlaying using the Compendium. I hovered over Chikia and then moved to the Circlet of Acuity that was equipped on one of my monsters, causing both texts to show up/
Bug Report: The Charmweaver didn't actually take my power charm when changing it into a Banner of Power, so I still have the charm as well as gaining the banner.
Bug with Radiant Aurite: Double ability for Mudgill!
I gave Mudgill the Radiant Aurite and they got Feeding Frenzy two times! They already had that ability. I did so to get Chunk and Hunter's Quarry. Don't know why Feeding Frenzy triggered again. It apparently counts for the "Nature" synergy count, so I don't think it's just a visual glitch.
And I thought Radiant Aurite was already too good, now its giving even more abilities lol. Ty ty found what is causing it. That was literally the only ability it would happen to too so great spotting
I'm missing all of the items in the top row of the fifth page in the compendium besides the two forge sparks, and they're all from events. Are these events extremely rare, or do they only show up in endless, or are they from a seasonal update, or an option in an event I've never picked before, or something else?
So like the "one monster copies the highest hp in the party" blessing? I avoided those because I thought it would be completely random. It does make more sense that I would recieve an item that lets me choose which monster. I'll do another endless run sometime and see.
I do want to talk about the chest/jug mimics, because I feel like they're pretty weak overall. Their casting abilities are cool and unique, but often I hope to get one instead of a normal jug or chest because it means they won't disappear. They're never enough to do any noticeable harm. I guess it's probably because they're more supporting characters, helping their allies, instead of being dangers up-front. To be fair, I think they have a chance of showing throughout the three areas, and it might be hard to balance the difficulty when it changes from area to area as the monsters improve.
I do agree somewhat, im hesitant to make the much stronger because i do want elite battles to be a more dangerous choice. hmm maybe the mimics should just start with full mana when they transform hm hm
Perhaps the mimics should have lower mana cost overall so they benefit their allies more, and have less mana cost the more loops are completed so they scale even more in difficulty
First attempt at an endless run, did pretty well but I didn't realize there's no more aurite after loop 3 so i was stuck with second form Pyris. The main strategy for me was to go all out on karakai, because it's moonbeam is super powerful and I managed to fuse a circlet of Acuty on it as well IN ADDITION to Chip's Replica which gave it another one, which meant it could do moonbeam three times. This meant basically neverending damage, which basically carried the run along with a few healing tomes I picked up, healing the team over and over. Finally, Chip's Alchemize ability, which I hadn't used in a while due to a (perceived) bug where the bonus stats didn't seem to show up, very likely boosted my monsters' stats in the long run.
One thing that was really nice was that the extra space on the Karakai (so that Chip's Replica would work) allowed me to keep an extra item after the boss fight, which I could later sell for more aura in the next loop, basically replacing that greater blessing that allows me to keep 200 aura each loop.
Gotta love Karakai's Moonbeam <3 And circlet of acuity is the best legendary item for sure. Together they are amazing <33333 Love this team.
Two little thoughts/tips:
1. Chip's Replica is very strong generally, but I advise against it on an infinite run, because you should have the time and resources to find items around. It is incredibly useful on regular runs though!
2. Try to always get aurite shards on their tiles, when they come up, and ALWAYS use the "Rescue" option when you defeat bosses. This way you not only are sure to reach 6 max lv monsters at the end of the 3' round, but you get to "sense" and choose from three monster without paying the first 50 aura that you usually pay in normal egg tiles!
I see you are already pretty good with getting the right synergyes around, so I'm sure you'll be able to use the "sense monster" well! :D
So it turns out that fusing the Healing Tome with a monster, and then equipping the Unraveling Prism, both removes my monsters' poison and heals all my monsters.
That makes sense, I was wondering why it was healing different amounts when I didn't raise Parra's Int- it was because the amount of healing from the Unraveling Prism wasn't tied to Parra's Int at all! :O
I found an event in endless that is just a buffed version of the normal snake dealer event, is it a secret event or are the deals just better because I've done so many loops? Or is it because I found the normal snake event once and the *special* snake event twice so far in my endless run?
Got him a second time and the one I chose before was "not in this pact", which I think is intended but it's just weird how his deals are so much better than the other one's.
There's a weird yellow visual bug that occurs every so often, not just to Karakai but to other monsters too. I'm pretty sure it's related to the (also yellow) "!" that enemies sometimes get. It might be due to the "all monsters start poisioned" option in endless mode, but it's hard to tell.
Wait, it might be the chance to take no damage from the tier two lucky synergy, because I got the lucky synergy on Karakai from the coin flip event and it doesn't seem to show up on my monsters without the synergy.
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I used to think Slagg sucked, but then I put a radiant aurite on it
I beat endless mode with it and an ice wand wyrmlet
(and moonbeam karakai)
now time for calamity (sigh of dread)
lol he'd be really good if you beat endless with him!
did beat calamity with him tho
Say could aqueous form get a buff? it's a really underwhelming ability, it should at least heal more or last longer to stack.
bug report, when sending strygeye egg home, the str will appear red
probably has something to do with pack rat ability's str appearing red too
Quick but important bug fix patch
-Fixed the Scavengers curse from sometimes allowing you to drag them to your team
-Fixed a case where the title screen would freeze
-Fixed tempering not affecting wands’ abilities (Lightning Wand, Flame Wand, Glacial Wand, Arcane Wand)
-Fixed Wound Count display not updating immediately upon taking the curse that lowers it.
-Fixed a potential overflow error
arcane wand on high int equals NUKE LAZER. I like it more than moonbeam, and I am an avid user of moonbeam
also defense pierce makes it good for lategame, how do you get this legendary cheese?
PS. did you remove savescummng or am i just unlucky on legend item battles
nvm cheese is from (stop reading if you don't want spoilers)
Cheap shops from falling caves
Also save scumming is still possible, legendaries are just pretty rare
just like cheese (can appear in any shop)
yeah, the cheese is OP, thats all i can say from experience and within confidentiality
I would like to file a bug complaint but my school blocked discord:
reloading is resetting wounds when you have the max wound reducing curse, that or something is passively lowering wounds (ps. passive wound lowering items or creatures would be cool but hard to balance)
I beg to know what cheese is supposed to do, i gave it to Urso but i noticed NOTHING
its a ~secret~
but why dont you try carrying it around with you for abit :D
but if you want to know exactly ill let you know
hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm ok then
but if you want to know exactly ill let you know
:0 yes pls
Find Cheese in Store, buy and carry it to a Nest Tile, one of the options should be different (Weird)
say, when an item or ability says it increases certain damage by some percentage, like lets say, 50%, does it mean it increase the TOTAL damage that the attack or ability does (so basically increases 50% of a 300% attack for a total of 450%) or does it only add a 50% extra from the base percent? (a 300% attack would then become a 350%?)
It would be of the total, So if you have 10 Str, and use an ability that deals 200% Str dmg, then the "damage" is 20, which is increased by the +50% to damage to the final 30 damage total.
thanks, btw i really love this new update, now there's more to strats to explore
Im very glad to hear that, ive always hoped to provide interesting choices at the very least :D
Another Important Bug Fix Patch & Also Resources for Standard Mode:
-Defeating the end boss in standard mode now drops 1 obsidian and either 1 wood or 1 stone.
-Added best Loop to the stats displayed on the main screen. Warning Stats may be wiped in future updates though!
-Fixed Station Upgrades allowing you do the 3rd tier occasionally when you don’t actually have enough resources.
-The selected station effects should persist for an ongoing run regardless of it you build or change stations in the village before reloading the save.
-Fixed being able to sneak monsters out of the village
-Fixed being able to interrupt the transition out of the village, sometimes leading to a bland screen.
-Fixed monsters in the Meadow sometimes flashing on screen during screen transitions
-Fixed the Monster Total Label in the Meadow for displaying -1 possible monsters
Bug fix Patch!
-Fixed bug where Monsters in the Meadow would be lost when entering then leaving the village
-Fixed a bug that could allow multiples of the same monster egg to be sent back to the village
-The Reduced Max Wounds curse will now alway ensure you have at least 1 wound left after it is applied (Can no longer cause game overs when taking it when wounds are near the limit).
-Fixed a bug that caused one or both items in the forge to appear over the map
-Enemies that spawn with Arcane Wands can no longer permanently kill your monsters
-Fixed a minor visual error when enemies fire Arcane Wands
-Updated Gora’s Entangling Roots description to no longer say it poisons. (No mechanical changes)
How can I gather obsidian? Is it found after defeating the third boss of a loop (requiring endless)? Or is it just super rare?
correct its from the 3rd boss
In the scutter's vice move it says it attacks a monster, does that mean supposed to attack an ally or enemy? The chikia's coordinate move is also like this.
they both target enemies, but I can see how that language isnt following the correct conventions, I'll update it, ty!
Hi. This comment is for Jay but also for everyone curious. It's been a while since my last run and the foreseeable future doesn't look like it's gonna give me enough time to play a lot. I wanted to say thank you, Jay. The last months have been very hard for me. I struggled with depression and the lack of a good job gave me lots of time to think about stuff, but not in a good way. I had very bad thoughts and focusing on light-hearted games and series helped a lot, and this game played a major role in this. So thank you for the help. Seeing these little monsters grow up to defeat evil void creatures has been a delight, and a little like seeing myself struggling with my demons. I recently found a good job and with my therapist I am working to find a better state of mind. I no longer have much time to spend on this game, though, as I have to work and I'll be busy with other stuff too. Maybe I'll do some more runs here and there, but maybe not. Dunno. I know I didn't have to write anything and I know we don't really know each other, but I really really loved this game and I hope it continues to grow, because it's lovely and it helped me quite a bit.
So, thanks Jay. Wish you best with everything <3
And to everyone else, enjoy this gem. Best game on itch for me, not only because it helped me but simply because it has a great gameplay and it's fun af.
A hug from Italy!
Im so glad to hear that playing VM could provide some comfort for you when times are rough, but Im even more happy it sounds like things are getting better. A dev couldnt ask for a better player, your enthusiasm, skill and thoughtfulness has definitely made the game better too. Dont worry if you cant play for abit, we will always be here when you get back (and who knows, maybe there will be some new things to try then). But for now I know you'll do great out there! :D
(Also, Im really considering making the Mabek alt skin into a full new monster in the future. If you want to, you can give them a name)
Thank you so much for your kind words <3 I hope I'll be able to come back one day, I would love to do so.
And... wow, Mablack a full new monster? That's amazing! :D A name... Uhm... I always called him Mablack for funsies, but for a full new monster I don't think it would work. It's inspired by Anubis, so I think something about him should do the trick. Here are some random ideas I can think of:
- Anewbie (It's literally a new monster, so it's "a newbie" around the others. Ah! Get it? :P)
- Hearubis (Fusion of Heart+Anubis, because of the Weighing of the Heart of the egyptian folklore, done to dead souls before entering the underworld, to see if they were worthy)
- Duatis/Duabis (Fusion of Duat+Anubis. Duat is the name of the egyptian underworld, where the dead souls reside. I think it sounds cool. It's also similar to "dual" and the fact that the monster is born from another one, Mabek, seems fitting to this fact.)
- Anenrir (Fusion of Anubis+Fenrir. I also love norse mythology and it could be a nice idea to add some chains in its design to make it a cool fusion of the two legendary entities)
- Hungrim (Fusion of Hungry+Grim. Anubis was a Jackal-inspired god of death and graves, because jackals are scavengers and they ate the dead bodies not buried well enough. In egyptian mythology was another god that ate the souls of the dead, but this monster doesn't have to be Anubis straight up and you could see him as a grim devourer of souls and void creatures!)
- Judgikal (This name sounds silly, but I put it anyway. Anubis is a Jackal god that Judges souls with its scale, so I think a fusion of Jackal+Judge could be right for this monster)
- Majackal (Fusion of Magical+Jackal. Could be neat for a Magic+Haunted monster, which is a terrific starting synergies combination!)
These are just some thoughts, I thank you for your kindness but I don't want to impose anything, your game is your game.
Thanks again Jay, hope one day I'll find some time to return. Farewell for now <3
thats a great list to consider!
The distortion storm (that gives 2 random effects) fused together my witch's cauldron and a chargestone, even though I never encountered or saw a chargestone in that run.
that result creates chargestones when there aren't enough items in your inventory ie if you have no items it gives you a double chargestone
Murky pool is to strong I got harvester at the beginning of the game and then i got 2 more harvesters some time later.
it does have the best chance of giving a legendary out of any event besides the one that always gives one :D it can also give you a common item tho
will this ever get ported to mobile?
there is a chance but no promises
it got worse
there should be an item that is better the less synergies you have
yeah, well you win some you lose some, synergies are essential in the late game, and any of them at tier 3 can make or break a run (for my current run tactician 3, sabateur 1 and haunted 1 made it)
Name: Lucksucker Amulet (Bad Name)
for each synergies tier you don't have give your monsters
10 hp, 10 attack, defense, 5 speed, -1 mana.
Makes synergies rarer to get(like the opposite of the loop reward that copies a monsters synergie)
are you gonna be adding more monsters in the future?
If there is it should be haunted
yea! no promises on when tho. next patch is focusing on a specific feature
also jay i have an idea for a new game mechanic: reforging. these reforge items can give certain stat boosts, like a heavy tank reforge stone that gives massive defense boost but a reduction in speed and the like. thanks <3
nice :D
also that is an interesting idea, like specialized forging
Love this, and i was wondering. Is it possible to get each synergy to max? at least right now? i know some easy ones are nature, aquatic, tactician, but what about others?
thank you, it is possible to get any synergy to 3 though some may require specific evolutions or items. Getting every synergy to 3 at the same time is not possible though lol
also, does ability damage increase actives that heal? like hydrim's?
nope! there are a few things that specifically boost healing tho not many
Gengar COUGH COUGH I mean gheist absolutely dominated the first loop on the run im currently on, I think this is the one where i beat the third loo
I got trevenant too, still lost though on third loop final boss, can't seem to beat them, but i nearly beat them this time
Spooky teams are fun, Good luck! remember to use the swap in battle to prevent some wounds
yeah i learned in the run after that (lost right before loop 4 final boss), that that is how you use chip/skimander/snake to their maximum potential, I am also a moonbeam karakai person rather than razorshell after my best run ever
tectonics chip plus skimander plus seras = godlike mobility and damage
momentum plus omega harvester plus mega power ring equals rapid falcon punches
and i got a last wish mabek, a woad, and a balanced wyrmlet for good measure
XD I am not sure if I can lose, so I decided to kill myself and finish the run... Some funny things I have seen...
Full tecniccian and teanccious with the inmunity helm and everyone with spyglasses. Fused and refused with things like the +4 in mana regen. I forgot to rec some of my guys but they have like 21 in mana regen...
XD I think my game got a few bugs but It was so funny
I was still worried about the strength of Iron Will and this proves that was warranted xD What is going on with the enemies' equipment though? Were items stuck on screen from previous battles? Or did they appear with that many? (either way something is really wrong)
hahahaha Actually game is pretty good. I found that if I press F5 between intersections the game repeats things like shop items or question mark tiles.
So I decided to make the most of it, getting in all the rounds only the objects that I was looking for in the store and the question marks that I wanted... In the third zone I repeated until I was able to fuse in all the question marks that I wanted... XD
HOWEVER, If you press F5 many times, there comes a point where the game gets buggy, all the monsters appearing in one round TWICE IN THEIR SPACE... I used this because on top of that it also repeated the items they had equipped, thus easily obtaining the items I wanted to merge many times ... what I didn't realize is that it was also repeating the curses I had for the loop XD look to the left at the number of curses I have!!!
Overall, the monsters carried many legendary objects on them, but I carried so many spyglasses and immunity helmets that they couldn't get to hit me... as a curious fact, it also doubled the affinities. XD
Try to press f5 around 20 minutes and the bug will apear.
The game is amazing, I've been really addicted these days. I hope it becomes famous and the whole world ends up knowing him. It's one of the best roguelikes I've played in my life :)
Im really glad youre enjoying it :D also that makes me feel better the bug wasnt just happening in a normal run lol
Something is still bugged with monsters showing that they're in the middle of an attack (Relatedly, what's a turn gauge? I've always wondered what Krog's "reduce the target's turn gauge by 10%" meant) when they have high speed, even when a battle is currently not occuring. For example (besides the Omega Harvester that's equipped) Chip is fused to an Omega Bloodmist Mask, so he has like 237 speed in these pictures. The white bar jitters, going randomly up and down (but never past 50% full). This happened with the Bloddmist Mask before, and I'm not sure if it's a visual bug or something else
yea that is a visual bug due to high spd, it never came up before all these really high stats were possible
I was so close to getting all the Regional blessings but I was just missing the one where monsters do +30 dmg on their first attack. :(
I wonder if something special comes up if someone actually manages to get all of them
Double Dark Glyph was a terrible thing to pick in Endless.
And I got the rest of the pact blessings too! Are they really blessings if they benefit the enemies too though? ;D
wait the dark glyph appeared twice still? hmm
they do help you more than the enemies!
One appeared before the most recent bug fix update and a while after it updated I got a second one
Just a little on going run. Karakai's moonbeam and Gora's healing in general are carrying the team. Lol.
The 3' lv Nature Synergy reached thanks to the double Mudgill's ability feels a bit like cheating, but aside from that I'm pretty happy ahahah
I don't know how far I can reach. This team is strong but it does not feel invincible like some of the old ones I made. Right now the real problem are the "Accursed" enemies. They almost or totally wipe out the team when I find them! I don't understand what's making them so strong. Like, I understand they being strong, but this strong? The fact that everything happens in an instant makes me think it's their active ability that deals a lot of dmg around, but I don't know, I'm not sure.
Any insight is appreciated on the matter.
Aside from that, it's going pretty smooth and it's fun :)
its most likely them spreading Pyris' ignite back on your entire party, they are really dangerous vs him
Uhm... No, it can't be that. I continued the run a bit and the effect is instant. They cast and BAM, half the party is dead and the rest is badly damaged. I think they simply do a lot of damage all of a sudden, at a certain point, when they cast. Dunno.
Not complaining. They are strong and I'm happy my teams can't reach infinite god mode every time. I just don't understand what's making them that strong.
hmm it could be due to how high their base int is, which would be getting alot of bonus due to the percentage increases of looping. Also theyre always in pairs so if they both get to cast is ever more of a burst
quick patch to fix an issue that came up with radiant aurite after the last patch, also alchemize wasnt giving int so that should be fixed now too
I used the Miraculous Elixir on Wyrmlet (with Magical Manipulation) after the boss battle, right before starting a new loop. When I went to the next loop (after losing my unequipped items and aura, choosing a curse, and gaining another Miraculous Elixir), the effects had worn off even though I hadn't fought anything yet.
Currently that is intended, potions effects end when changing encounters. (cause they were causing problems with saving)
You have to use potions during the fight, not before :D
I wanted to wait until my super orb was fully charged up so I could use it, then use the Miraculous Elixir on Wyrmlet, and then be able to use the super orb again. The problem wasn, the boss got defeated before it got to 100%!
When Karakai uses Moonbeam, even if they don't change position (because the closest enemy is in front of them), Thorn's Barbed Hooks effect still causes them to Bleed, which is quite annoying.
Are you sure? I'm using it on a run right now and it does not seem to do so. But maybe it's suppressed by some other ability and I'm not noticing it, dunno.
EDIT: No, you are right. It happens.
Argh when I summon a scavenger with the Void Beacon it doesn't get buffed (due to multiple loops of endless where the enemies become more difficult), but when an enemy summons a scavenger it does get buffed!
The void beacon kind of sucks in endless because the helpful enemies I can summon have like a tenth of the stats of the other enemies :(
Yeah, there are some items and strats that can be good in normal mode but not in endless. The beacon is probably one of these.
Some weird stuff with overlaying using the Compendium. I hovered over Chikia and then moved to the Circlet of Acuity that was equipped on one of my monsters, causing both texts to show up/
Bug Report: The Charmweaver didn't actually take my power charm when changing it into a Banner of Power, so I still have the charm as well as gaining the banner.
Bug with Radiant Aurite: Double ability for Mudgill!
I gave Mudgill the Radiant Aurite and they got Feeding Frenzy two times! They already had that ability. I did so to get Chunk and Hunter's Quarry. Don't know why Feeding Frenzy triggered again. It apparently counts for the "Nature" synergy count, so I don't think it's just a visual glitch.
And I thought Radiant Aurite was already too good, now its giving even more abilities lol. Ty ty found what is causing it. That was literally the only ability it would happen to too so great spotting
Oh wow ahahah, I was lucky then! Thank you for all the good work, as always
I'm missing all of the items in the top row of the fifth page in the compendium besides the two forge sparks, and they're all from events. Are these events extremely rare, or do they only show up in endless, or are they from a seasonal update, or an option in an event I've never picked before, or something else?
all are from endless greater blessings besides the 3rd one. 3rd is from a new event thats pretty hard to find.
So like the "one monster copies the highest hp in the party" blessing? I avoided those because I thought it would be completely random. It does make more sense that I would recieve an item that lets me choose which monster. I'll do another endless run sometime and see.
i tried to specify when things will be random, but I can see how its unclear. But yea, its an item, and a really good one at that lol
Lots of comments in one go ;)
I do want to talk about the chest/jug mimics, because I feel like they're pretty weak overall. Their casting abilities are cool and unique, but often I hope to get one instead of a normal jug or chest because it means they won't disappear. They're never enough to do any noticeable harm. I guess it's probably because they're more supporting characters, helping their allies, instead of being dangers up-front. To be fair, I think they have a chance of showing throughout the three areas, and it might be hard to balance the difficulty when it changes from area to area as the monsters improve.
I do agree somewhat, im hesitant to make the much stronger because i do want elite battles to be a more dangerous choice. hmm maybe the mimics should just start with full mana when they transform hm hm
Perhaps the mimics should have lower mana cost overall so they benefit their allies more, and have less mana cost the more loops are completed so they scale even more in difficulty
First attempt at an endless run, did pretty well but I didn't realize there's no more aurite after loop 3 so i was stuck with second form Pyris. The main strategy for me was to go all out on karakai, because it's moonbeam is super powerful and I managed to fuse a circlet of Acuty on it as well IN ADDITION to Chip's Replica which gave it another one, which meant it could do moonbeam three times. This meant basically neverending damage, which basically carried the run along with a few healing tomes I picked up, healing the team over and over. Finally, Chip's Alchemize ability, which I hadn't used in a while due to a (perceived) bug where the bonus stats didn't seem to show up, very likely boosted my monsters' stats in the long run.
One thing that was really nice was that the extra space on the Karakai (so that Chip's Replica would work) allowed me to keep an extra item after the boss fight, which I could later sell for more aura in the next loop, basically replacing that greater blessing that allows me to keep 200 aura each loop.
Chips alch was bugged a few patches ago, but its all fixed now. I love the idea of a super beam build
Gotta love Karakai's Moonbeam <3 And circlet of acuity is the best legendary item for sure. Together they are amazing <33333 Love this team.
Two little thoughts/tips:
1. Chip's Replica is very strong generally, but I advise against it on an infinite run, because you should have the time and resources to find items around. It is incredibly useful on regular runs though!
2. Try to always get aurite shards on their tiles, when they come up, and ALWAYS use the "Rescue" option when you defeat bosses. This way you not only are sure to reach 6 max lv monsters at the end of the 3' round, but you get to "sense" and choose from three monster without paying the first 50 aura that you usually pay in normal egg tiles!
I see you are already pretty good with getting the right synergyes around, so I'm sure you'll be able to use the "sense monster" well! :D
So it turns out that fusing the Healing Tome with a monster, and then equipping the Unraveling Prism, both removes my monsters' poison and heals all my monsters.
Thats the Prism doing the Healing :D, Dispel replaced the Holy Wave of the Tome.
That makes sense, I was wondering why it was healing different amounts when I didn't raise Parra's Int- it was because the amount of healing from the Unraveling Prism wasn't tied to Parra's Int at all! :O
I found an event in endless that is just a buffed version of the normal snake dealer event, is it a secret event or are the deals just better because I've done so many loops? Or is it because I found the normal snake event once and the *special* snake event twice so far in my endless run?
so the normal 4's numbers go up with each loop, when you have all 4 the special one can appear. (Its mistakenly appearing more than once atm tho)
Got him a second time and the one I chose before was "not in this pact", which I think is intended but it's just weird how his deals are so much better than the other one's.
There's a weird yellow visual bug that occurs every so often, not just to Karakai but to other monsters too. I'm pretty sure it's related to the (also yellow) "!" that enemies sometimes get. It might be due to the "all monsters start poisioned" option in endless mode, but it's hard to tell.
Wait, it might be the chance to take no damage from the tier two lucky synergy, because I got the lucky synergy on Karakai from the coin flip event and it doesn't seem to show up on my monsters without the synergy.
yep! lucky dodges get a little ~ and crits get a ! nice spotting :D
Jan 3 2022, occasionally in endless a loop consists of 1 area instead of 3
thats very strange, which area does it go to? (So like you start in area 1, and after beating the 1st boss the Loop restarts again?)
The area was the second one but I did get a second blessing and the thing seemed to be normal after that.