by giving hydrim silence vow so it couldnt heal poison, putting skim in the back and keeping it away from tizik so it couldnt go crazy and removing all my items I am able to check my stats. Dw i reloaded and killed targoth in a few seconds right after this
2 whole new stats (technically 3 because crit dmg will also have some things that boost it). also dodging avoids the effects of most "on attack" abilities
lol thanks. I havent savescummed in like 15 loops so when I saw there was no forges anywhere in the final path before the boss I just said "screw it" and sold everything for 8000 aura so hoard wyrm could do the rest
progress *shouldnt* be lost if you refresh (unless something happens to the browser cache/cookies or saving fails). It autosaves each time you select something on the map. In this version there is a bug with seras when fighting faceless that can freeze it, so for now just try to keep him from being targeted by their Start of Battle ability.
that's a weird thing actually, you can't look at stats or synergies without starting a run, HOWEVER, you can just check by picking 2 random eggs and then forfeiting (although it's still kinda odd you can't do it in the village). also, how have you not gotten jumped by 6 adepts and died at this point, and without Bulky? that's an amazing run.
The constant stuns from the top row are a really big help in allowing my team to win with the other side barely getting off an attack. The crab is the surprise MVP as its attacks bypass defenses so it remains lethal at higher levels.
thank you, yea one of the planned points for the next update is improving the compendium, including adding more things besides like Synergies. Will take some overhauling to get there tho lol
is it literally even possible to lose with with this build. unfortunately the only way to get yourself some more of that Lucky would be to use Freedom on 2 Chip's minimum, but since you're already late game (and knowing there aren't any items that give you lucky) i think this is all you can get :(
ive noticed and won all the flips in a row for the event a few times but it seems to have capped out at lucky II, it doesn’t bother giving me the synergy alongside the 400 aura anymore for some reason
so one way you can help maintain a haunted strat is using the Supportive super, it recovers 1 wound for each monster revived (meaning you actually heal 1 extra since the first was ignored from haunted)
pretty reliable until it isn't, mainly because since you'll be using the super to elongate the run rather than to save yourself from hard encounters, it's very likely that you get unlucky and just get squadwiped by 4 adepts anyways lol.
The greater blessing gives you an item that when used on a monster removes them from your team, giving 10% of their stats to the other monsters and dividing up their synergies to them as well. Also if you didn't have that monster in your village it sends their egg there too.
so apparently my common sense stopped sensing for a good 5 minutes because i didn't even HAVE the thought that resetting my computer would wipe my save if i didn't make a backup one. you know what my smooth brain did do tho? backup the game, ONLY the game.
Oh I'm sorry, it seems you enemies were under the impression that you get to attack :)
(This one is a switch-based team with Chip and Skimander as the core based on chip's multi-stun when switched + Krog handing out additional stuns. Also eliminates the pain of having to switch manually.)
I went Hydrim as opposed to Gora because Gora's main heal heals adjacently, which wouldn't really work on this team and at a certain point getting as much healing as possible is more valuable
smth that could also work is giving one of your monsters a Ring of Power (probably for Chip) to quickly accumulate Super and use the Supportive Move to nullify wounds, its a bit of a dangerous approach but could definitely do some wonders
Pretty much the "gain super faster" blessing run-ified, or just the average double Tizik experience. You really weren't lying when you said Tizik was the best for soloing, and i still don't get why Pyris or Chikia are even there (the true MVP of the run really was Haunted 1). And ofc we can't forget the ol' reliable beeg damage Scutter with a Mega Pulverizer (and a fused Harvester with smth else), a classic.
never had i ever thought that getting jumped by some scavengers of all things would end my almost 19 loop run huh, yet here we are (and yes, Urso DID become practically inmortal from like loop 6, thats Gourmand for y'all). "why does the Tuskal have an Iron Will" i figured that defensive synergy would fit better in a build where, you know, 80% of the team were guardians (and unfortunately his damage was nonexistent)
ring of power? it sure does have some (poor Urso sticking in with less than 1% of the damage). huh. who could have thinked that spamming an active that heals the entire team at once and stacks on top of itself would make you nigh inmortal, then there's also Scutter who almost deals half the damage on his own. i absolutely love this game
thank you for making this game, although i do have a lil nitpick: yknow how the game begins to give you rarer items the further you go into the loops right, well at one point the items begin to not actually be useful or outright worse (even if they are legendary) and are practically there only for free aura, not that it's bad i just think maybe there should be a way to get more advanced/evolved items apart from tempering; a good idea i think would be adding either rare or even legendary alts to common items like wind slicer for example (the only item that benefits parra's skill is also a low tier). even if it was just doubling the effect or smth like that it would make the progression so, SO much better in general (also tempering the effects of items should cap out at 5 in infinite runs and *maybe* letting the loops give you more blessings past 6, perhaps?)
even with all of that, this is an amazing game and i hope you continue working on it for some more time!
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by giving hydrim silence vow so it couldnt heal poison, putting skim in the back and keeping it away from tizik so it couldnt go crazy and removing all my items I am able to check my stats. Dw i reloaded and killed targoth in a few seconds right after this
hey jay, it's about to be next year in a few days, could we have some spoilers pls? (no pressure, definitely).
christmas skins and foods are coming back
Slower game speeds for strategizing, neat
A buffer when damaged and a debuffer when damaging, awesome
CRIT AND DODGE?!?!?! IN MY AUTOBATTLER!?!?!? incredible
2 whole new stats (technically 3 because crit dmg will also have some things that boost it). also dodging avoids the effects of most "on attack" abilities
Finally can deal with those damned extra scavengers (you sure are putting a lot of work into this update huh)
it is already the largest update so far, just available time has reslly decreased
5 digit health :)
O: I dont think ive ever seen player HPs break 4 digits
that is one HELL of a stacked wyrmlet.
lol thanks. I havent savescummed in like 15 loops so when I saw there was no forges anywhere in the final path before the boss I just said "screw it" and sold everything for 8000 aura so hoard wyrm could do the rest
Beat loop 30 boss in a few seconds. Ill send vid on discord idk how to send here
That fight must've been something huh
tizik skim solos this game. Skim deals 90% of my damage every battle
loop 33 and enemies are still getting two shot by skim
With instantly shredded def and near 5 attacks/s, figures
broh, you still think in fix the full screan mode? or do some kind of screen size selection?
it is not fixed yet but is definitely something I will work on for this coming update
Which did you go for
jay what is the little chat bar that i get at the top of my screen? is it something to type commands with or smthing
that is the debug console, there are a few commands
thank you Ghostly Smith, very cool
bug: whenever you have the haunted synergy and one of your monsters die, if you use a supportive super to revive them, you recover a wound
its a little bonus :D
How do you get Nessa? Please help.
thats pretty tough to find :D I hope the crown helped
My game froze and I don't want to reload the tab and lose my progress. What should I do?
nvm I figured it out
progress *shouldnt* be lost if you refresh (unless something happens to the browser cache/cookies or saving fails). It autosaves each time you select something on the map. In this version there is a bug with seras when fighting faceless that can freeze it, so for now just try to keep him from being targeted by their Start of Battle ability.
my team thats almost unbeatable my guys never ever faint
its probably the sunglasses, too cool to faint
I tried a little harder
im die
tuskal is an absolute CHAMP
What's crazy is Tusk used to be even stronger xD glad to see they are still getting good useage
can you add a new discord link
here try this one
this one didn’t work either
hm thats strange, we still have new people joining regularly, Im not sure what would be causing that.
I tried my best
and you did great 👍
What does silence do
it means the affected monster wont be able to cast their active ability (and often times wont regenerate mana either)
how does the meditation garden work? I put a monster in it and started a new run, but none of the monsters had the synergy? I don't really get it.
oh nvm figured it out
a few of the village buildings work that way (giving an item at the start of run)
had a good run
dang 9 loops well done
will there be more updates?
or are you working on a diffrent project?
I am working on a new update but things have been busy here so it will still be a bit before it is done
ill just leave you guys to wonder how i got two nessas onto the same tile. (also join the discord server)
xD thats a pretty powerful note
thank you Ghostly Smith, very cool
Fun game! I finally beat it with only one monster. Might try the same challenge in hard mode but IDK.
wow thats a really tough challenge, well done, especially on the middle difficulty.
now thats some dedication (Urso is ofc the best for these kinda runs due to Gourmand)
really loved the game! It's very catchy, i'm waiting for the next update!
thank you :D
Awesome game! my second infinite run was pretty good.
nice, thank you, it's good to see you were using your supers too many people forget :D
yea, i use supers either for nuking bosses or attempting to save myself from enemies suddenly hitting the power ceiling before me d:
what build were you going for?
Fun game! I can still do a few things to optimize this team :)
One suggestion is to make checking stats and synergies on the village page. If that's already there, make it more intuitive.
that's a weird thing actually, you can't look at stats or synergies without starting a run, HOWEVER, you can just check by picking 2 random eggs and then forfeiting (although it's still kinda odd you can't do it in the village). also, how have you not gotten jumped by 6 adepts and died at this point, and without Bulky? that's an amazing run.
The constant stuns from the top row are a really big help in allowing my team to win with the other side barely getting off an attack. The crab is the surprise MVP as its attacks bypass defenses so it remains lethal at higher levels.
thank you, yea one of the planned points for the next update is improving the compendium, including adding more things besides like Synergies. Will take some overhauling to get there tho lol
so im going for full synergies via equipment fusion/synergy items
is there any way i can obtain more of the luck synergy or am i unable to
is it literally even possible to lose with with this build. unfortunately the only way to get yourself some more of that Lucky would be to use Freedom on 2 Chip's minimum, but since you're already late game (and knowing there aren't any items that give you lucky) i think this is all you can get :(
tizik speed buffing hyrdrim makes hydrim get everyone more mana
more mana means more healing and speed buffing + the added bulky/tizik defense bonus to make stuff way harder to kill
you can also pair it with bonebiter for constant max hp damage and just melt even the strongest enemies with max tactician synergy defense piercing
the things you can get away with by just having tizik in a build are insane 😭
tizik is the goat as always.
very powerful build lol, Did you win the coin flip event? Getting 3 winning flips in a row in that event gives 1 mon [Lucky] as well
now that's a cool detail
ive noticed and won all the flips in a row for the event a few times but it seems to have capped out at lucky II, it doesn’t bother giving me the synergy alongside the 400 aura anymore for some reason
it can only happen once! (Lucky actually improves the odds of events like that too so it would become very easy to keep stacking it that way lol)
I would like to see the Haunted group get a buff, the wound system really hampers building around them.
i find it rather silly that Haunted seems to be either a bad build carry or a Gheist nuking device. no in between.
so one way you can help maintain a haunted strat is using the Supportive super, it recovers 1 wound for each monster revived (meaning you actually heal 1 extra since the first was ignored from haunted)
pretty reliable until it isn't, mainly because since you'll be using the super to elongate the run rather than to save yourself from hard encounters, it's very likely that you get unlucky and just get squadwiped by 4 adepts anyways lol.
also jay, how is development going?
been pretty busy but, in the middle of a pretty important system
oooh, neat.
What does the 'freedom' buff do?
The greater blessing gives you an item that when used on a monster removes them from your team, giving 10% of their stats to the other monsters and dividing up their synergies to them as well. Also if you didn't have that monster in your village it sends their egg there too.
I love this game so much! I have spent hours playing and i'm still finding new things, great game. cant wait till the next patch.
im glad you are still having fun, there will be lots more to discover once its done :D
What level do stats max out at btw?
999 for everything besides hp and mana. hp is 99999 and mana is 15
so apparently my common sense stopped sensing for a good 5 minutes because i didn't even HAVE the thought that resetting my computer would wipe my save if i didn't make a backup one. you know what my smooth brain did do tho? backup the game, ONLY the game.
this is me rn
i'll replay when the new patch releases :')
oh no, restarting *shouldnt* clear the save, unless there is some automatic cookie/cache clearing going on
i think i misworded lol, i mean resetting in the way that i literally installed a new OS xd
oh ha yea that'd do it. Saves are located in AppData/LocalLow/JaysGames if you ever need to back them up in the future
ok thx dude
(This one is a switch-based team with Chip and Skimander as the core based on chip's multi-stun when switched + Krog handing out additional stuns. Also eliminates the pain of having to switch manually.)
Going all out on the switch build, love it. seras makes skim hit pretty hard too. Did you use a radiant aurite on krog?
this would basically be a single-target permastun if you included Gora into the mix xd
I went Hydrim as opposed to Gora because Gora's main heal heals adjacently, which wouldn't really work on this team and at a certain point getting as much healing as possible is more valuable
smth that could also work is giving one of your monsters a Ring of Power (probably for Chip) to quickly accumulate Super and use the Supportive Move to nullify wounds, its a bit of a dangerous approach but could definitely do some wonders
Cast Cost? hardly know er'
Pretty much the "gain super faster" blessing run-ified, or just the average double Tizik experience. You really weren't lying when you said Tizik was the best for soloing, and i still don't get why Pyris or Chikia are even there (the true MVP of the run really was Haunted 1). And ofc we can't forget the ol' reliable beeg damage Scutter with a Mega Pulverizer (and a fused Harvester with smth else), a classic.
I see you increased the difficulty too, even more impressive
yea :D
never had i ever thought that getting jumped by some scavengers of all things would end my almost 19 loop run huh, yet here we are (and yes, Urso DID become practically inmortal from like loop 6, thats Gourmand for y'all). "why does the Tuskal have an Iron Will" i figured that defensive synergy would fit better in a build where, you know, 80% of the team were guardians (and unfortunately his damage was nonexistent)
Poison can get pretty scary if you win fast, but its good to experiment with different builds :D poor urso tho :c
also, hydrim tear (if urso wanted to he could've taken the whole void army on his own but his team was holding him back :c)
aw lol I had seen the tear but didnt realize it was hydrim
ring of power? it sure does have some (poor Urso sticking in with less than 1% of the damage). huh. who could have thinked that spamming an active that heals the entire team at once and stacks on top of itself would make you nigh inmortal, then there's also Scutter who almost deals half the damage on his own. i absolutely love this game
Teamwork is just as important as damage :D glad you are having fun, thats a great run
thank you for making this game, although i do have a lil nitpick: yknow how the game begins to give you rarer items the further you go into the loops right, well at one point the items begin to not actually be useful or outright worse (even if they are legendary) and are practically there only for free aura, not that it's bad i just think maybe there should be a way to get more advanced/evolved items apart from tempering; a good idea i think would be adding either rare or even legendary alts to common items like wind slicer for example (the only item that benefits parra's skill is also a low tier). even if it was just doubling the effect or smth like that it would make the progression so, SO much better in general (also tempering the effects of items should cap out at 5 in infinite runs and *maybe* letting the loops give you more blessings past 6, perhaps?)
even with all of that, this is an amazing game and i hope you continue working on it for some more time!
thanks, I always enjoy hearing feedback. Also I am currently working on the biggest patch to date! Still some time til its ready though
ain't no way bro, a new update?!?! this is gonna be the best game ever!
there are some teasers in the discord
This team is busted, i haven't had even remotely close to scare up to this point lol
now thats a bulky team
What do the different colored monsters do?
The alternate appearances for the player monsters you get from completing their quests? They are just fun little variations to mix it up a little