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(1 edit) (+1)

reached loop 45 now, on loop 42 a hydrim died, last loop 3 monster died in the last zone and I had to use an abillity, the boss now does visible damage about 15% of my monsters HP(4.5-5k each of them) with their abillity, run is coming close to an end slowly I think if I do not change stuff around maybe dispell for enemies and or defense items


Loop 45 is insane tbh

(2 edits) (+1)

4/6 elemental I think is what is getting me past the ascetics together with the armor and the 3 whispering skulls and tempered items that give them massive int, I think I will go for 6/6 now with the scutters

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So I'm thinking about using the remove a monster champion blessing, the enemy summoning item. and chip for giving it an item. Maybe tuskal to benifit from it's death?


nevermind, it only applies at the start


but it was a good idea, I thought about putting 5 or 6 windcutters on a para to see the effect

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I actually did that once, 3 double windcutters is pretty huge speed, but I ended u[ going for 2 double windcutters, and a winducutter + flux-shield or manablade so it becomes invulnerable almost from windcutters and flux-shield makes it even more tanky, or manablade for damage. I suppose you could also use the silencing lantern but I didn't find that it was needed, when I did it I got to loop 10, but got a little bored and the rest of my team was less optimized


I won't lie man, I was a bit confused as to why you would use energy banners, but they are actually pretty broken

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way back I usually put the cheap mana on hit rune on a mudgill, tuscal or a tizik

but banner just seems more efficient, spyglass cheapened them a bit in comparsion


If you were trying to get as far as possible, you might also just 2 double windcutters, and windcutter/other item + bonebiter


debuff would ruin that one I think  or do debuffs miss too?


debuffs cannot miss (even if its an On Attack effect and the attack "missed")

(1 edit) (+1)

hmm, I guess you would either have to have a pretty souped up hydrim or give it prism?

Edit: but prism would remove the zephyr buff, so maybe not that

(1 edit) (+2)

I haven't executed it yet, but I am thinking about starting with 1 Tiziks, 2 Skimanders, and then saving eggs for 3 chips. The idea would be the Tiziks have the swapping upgrade, and chips would be swapped a bunch and stun enemy a bunch

(1 edit) (+2)

A fun idea that I don't think the tizik would swap fast enough for

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we did that during halloween for the candy event, one skimander+chip plus a hydrim and tizik were kind of enough, seras is better than another chip because seras can do the auto heal thing during swap for 50% int

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isn't that just for itself though?

I recently lost my progress so I can't check the compendium, might just take pictures of each ability

(1 edit) (+1)

here it heals the ally, chip and skimander switching back and forth heals both of them for 50% of seras int each switch


loop 38 the build is still stable, wounds were from fall damage and elective looting, so far the second best build I had outside of the skimander one it is still the same run I posted the other day

(1 edit) (+2)

Pretty neat scutter dps is pretty crazy, what item is on the hydrim? It's a little hard to see

(3 edits) (+1)

the hydrims got 6 items in total each, 3 items fused together, one item pair merged with HP one with 500 aura, you get the option in the ? in the third zone 

fused for HP ( whispering skull+ spyglass) then for 500 aura ( shackles+bonebiter) and finally the one they carry is a (giant shortsword+ banner of energy)

the whispering skull give me an easy bonus for the elemental bonus defense, the heal and early it helped tizik, the spgyglass for tactician 6,  shackles for the bulky and the growth of str and defense, bonebiter for the percentage dmg, giant shortsword two hit two enemies, banner of energy to mutually assist for heal and managen


bonebiter is pretty essential, huh?

(1 edit) (+1)

because the build is weak on DPS , the scutters got a bone biter fused as well just that they got a finisher on top, giant shortsword to hit more obviously, tizik got a heart of the ocean to give me the 6 aqua bonus, the double cast thing  as well


that's ridiculously high! 


I feel like the champion blessing, remove a monster for perm buffs isn't ever useful because you can't get a full team if you use it


I tried it once and then never used it again, maybe with that one item which summons other monsters and mabek? 


I guess thats a potential build, why mabek though?


wasnt he the one that spawned a mote  or was that some other one?

(1 edit) (+2)

yeah that's mabek I think, I feel like it would be better to get a haunted synergy, and get whatever monster benefits from a death though, because the summoned enemy might die a lot?

I might also be going crazy, but I think there is a way to give an item buff to a monster without any items? not sure if that would work on the summoned monster


If I am right about being able to give an item buff to monster without an item, I think there may be a bug that would make the build pretty broken


when I tested it some monsters that spawned had pretty broken abilities but they gave you a wound when they died...... what is the item the forrest lord gives you? I only tested the blessing thing so far


Honestly pretty fun game, I have lost my progress a couple of times, but I have come to find that it doesn't matter  that much anyway. I'm honestly just really glad that the developer is active in updating the game and responding to people, I havently really  made any team compositions yet,  but I had a geist, scutter, and seras combo that had pretty high single target dps


Is there any difference between the 2 mabek forms or is it just cosmetic?

(1 edit) (+1)

just cosmetic!

for now >:D

(2 edits) (+3)

how the hell do i summon tama with the cheese

EDIT: i found out and for those of you that dont know, you get it by holding onto the cheese untill you go to a nest, and then a "Strange Egg" option will apear, and it has a 100% chance of a tama hatching out of the egg,


Since my last run died (loop 19) I tried to change the hydra for more dmg resistance and it is working like a charm so far. Now I got 4 elemental synergy, 6 bulky and 6 aquatic and still the 6 tactical. 

the tizik 

the hydrims are all build like this, whispering skull, spyglass, shackles, bonebiter, giant shortsword and then I plan to give them the banner of energy

the scutters, started out with them so I fed them guardian and bulky each


how do you get 3 or  more of a monster?

(1 edit) (+2)

for 2 you can use the the village building with the egg and then you got a chance to get two of the same at the start just reload until you get them, for more than 2 you keep them as eggs in your inventory and then hatch them all at once

it is a bit of a handicap as  you have to survive with weaker and less monsters the more you want to stack them and you have to pool aura to pay for the egg sense to gurantee you get the same

what does hatching them all at once do?


if you got a monster its eggs can no longer appear so if you keep the egg inside your inventory for the moment you can collect multiple monsters of the same type


I think I have found something quite interesting. Using the nest and 2 radiant aurites, I have 2 krogs which set all enemies attack gauge back by 10%. now i add a tizik with a few hundred int and arc so both my krogs become less like amphibians and more like machine guns leaving the enemy unable to normally attack. Now I have reached this point before but I did not realize that giving enemies any more mana regen  that necessary really sucks because it allows my enemies to counterattack  much faster. So, no pact blessings and hopefully I leave them sitting ducks. This is my theory, now please tell me what I have omitted .


wyrmlet, gheist and  strigeye can steal enemy  mana but I found it to be not efficient enough in comparsion to dps+mitigation , if you take the blessing the first some run the enemy only gets +0.5mana I think instead of one but you might be right that it is not worth it

(1 edit) (+1)

Iam a certified 6/6 bulky believer now for infinite mode. Bulky is the most hollistic and best upgrade you can have, followed by tactician I think.  Chikitas ability and or tactician  makes it bearable to give your backline permanent shackles as well. With kabu and slag as village monster plus krog in the team  you got three bulky already. Its my least cheesy best build so far. Chikitas average speed abillity  is one of the strongest and most versatile abilties which is  criminally underutilized I think if you combine it with shackles or slag with notorious low speed.

Using seras for dps now it is no skimander though, krog for debuff length extension and debuffing with his aoe attack. Reforging all the items because I had bad luck with item merging with the monster lead to hydrims with 2.6k HP during combat.

everybody in that team is bulky but chikita

(1 edit) (+1)

that seras is putting out alot of attacks! but yea bulky is really strong there's a reason it's item has a penalty :D

(2 edits) (+1)

after the first fusion it is now doing 45% gave it the banner and  double cast circlet

on top of the fused two target hit sword and finisher it got, I think I give it a  bone biter and that 200% defense thing after cast for the last two just to test 


I suck at this game but whatever little I understand makes me love bulky too.  I had a run where I just kept shackles on one of my monsters the entire time and by the time I got bored at around loop 16 (amazing for me unfortunately), 4 of them had 4k hp and at least a thousand strength. Since I really relied a lot on shackles and had a lot more strength than def, bulky 2 helped me almost as much as bulky 3


my bulky team just exploded against some enemy team on loop 19, some reflect abillity or something I think, normally if you do the non infinity mode the best was always to go for 3 fully evolved monster if you got problems with that, last year all you had to do prior to the nerf was use a tuskal to beat hard



Im not entirely sure whats happening to our good sir but it does not seem fun. Faceless is also painful because of the ability stealing


yes never place the tizik front center it just exploded you

I love this


This is incredibly fun and addicting, I hope to see even more updates and expansions!(The great Drip Pigeon approves)

thank you! dont worry there is a nee patch in development right now


I don't think the tama is part of the compendium, not sure if it just wasn't added or if it's a bug


"its a secret" doesn't work as well because tama can spawn in your initial roster so the whole cheese -> egg thing loses the  impact, not sure if it is working as intended


yea so it was a secret but currently hes just available all the time due to a critical patch i had to put out where I had already made it non-secret.  I will revert it to secret next update but it will be that it can appear in team select if youve used him at least once.

Speaking of tama, I was trying to do a build with 2 tamas to see if I could just throw defensive mouselings on everything , I'm not sure if it is intended, but allies with mouselings don't benefit from scatter.

this is coming in the next patch

(1 edit) (+2)

this game is awesome, a monlike autobattler is a smart combo and the gameplay is really engaging. just enough strategic depth to force you to pay attention while still being relaxed enough to more-or-less always be winnable regardless of RNG. it hits my light strategy “thumbnail-level difficulty” sweet spot – just tough enough to require you to read the thumbnails and pay attention to what they say.

music is awesome and the atmosphere in general is really great, love how stark the tone shift is between zone 1 and zone 3. game in general really makes me want to try all the monsters and build teams around different synergies. thanks for making it!!


thank you, thats really kind to say :D im really you noticed how I wanted the zones to feel like theyre getting more treacherous as you travel further. 


yes you definitely succeeded there! especially after my first run where i died on the boss, starting back in the forest again the contrast really struck me. definitely gonna play some more today!


What happens if you use a radiant aurite on a wrymlet?

same thing as everyone else, its only selectable evolution abilities 


I forced the run to end, it was basically just clicking the last 7 loops I didnt even look at the loot anymore but had fun, my village is still poor +3 sync and +10% shop, 5hours for loop 30, the first 10 or so took the longest, then I had all the fusions and didnt even look at the loot and it was 30minutes for 7 loops or so


max tactician synergy is amazing 

(5 edits) (+1)

started a new more optimized skimander build, chikita stacking speed mask,  dual chains for build up and then as endgame ripper+mana blade +spyglass + bone biter is currently my plan, had 4k hits I think it could go higher with the  below 50% thing and the build is pretty early

tizik got  the double cast now so 1-2k is regular

plan changed to giant short sword, mana blade, ripper(maybe bonebiter instead), finisher, maxed out strength on one skim and got the whispering skull +100 for the scutter, 10k is now my regular attacks

tama would be better than scutter, the chikita is done

18k with finisher


that is pretty absurd lol, yea the way the +% dmg stacks on those will probably need to be addressed 


didn't you nerve it once already because of me  or is it just my imagination that it was 5% way back?  good that you made spyglass rare very deserved , allot of fun with the changes and no more 5-7 item fuses for one monster my highest was 5 once I think, the item system removes confusion if you got multiple monster of the same type, my next attempt for a build would be to just stack 5 master sai with one bonebiter or to play around with the cast percent damage increase that should have potential to deal damage


i think so, yea. The next change wouldnt affect early game with it, just either cap how much spd difference it can do and probably address how multiple sources of +% dmg work.  ie if you have 100 Str, and get +100% dmg from skim and +50% from finisher currently it does them sequentially so 100 +100%->200 +50%->300, instead of 100 +150% -> 250.  these can really compound quickly, especially since you could stack up multiple finishers etc.

(1 edit) (+1)

Not having them multiply with abilities makes them boring probably, it should be limited I think so I do no stack only master sais?  I know that the effect of the spyglass does not stack tested that last time.  

I played the first version of the game years ago was that even on itch? I remember how I did pyris 999 speed  with 2 or 3 manacost in the infinite continue mode, or endless stacking of para money bonus with zero balancing concerns.  Mudgill was trash in comparsion because the cast animation was too long. 


one possible way is make ones from the same type of ability add together ie 3 finishers = +150% but then it would still multiply with other types like Skimander.  This is how spell vortex was updated. the game has  only been out for 1.5 years, dont make me feel old yettt 


why is skimander not seeing more play? he hits like a truck


extreme speed skim is kinda op at the moment lol

(1 edit) (+2)

I find his swapping pretty annoying but he is still pretty op

I just gave it mana blade or  a different abillity or do you mean the occasional swap back?


The swap back, though I'd imagine you planned for that in your build so it would be less annoying

I gave one skimander a manablade so it never casts and the other got a healing tome or something to replace their swap ability, with swap back I mean when the enemy does the cast thing and I lose dps as the speed bonus was position sensitive

(1 edit) (+1)

I tried SniperArchery's Urso engine  and its pretty broken with litterally anybody


I managed to get to loop 17 with it and then gave up because it was so boring

(4 edits) (+1)

Tama looks very fun and interesting. First run after month of not playing it.

mana gen with hydrims into tizik for feedback loop to 999 speed and def(repulsor)

the old trick of dumping the self stun masks on chikita to then average the speed, it is one of the best ways to run shackles as well I think but I dont know the new meta

krogg can stop normal attacks nearly with speed and 4th evolution

the build is a bit low on dps as I have fused everything into managen/speed/spell power (a dual +100 int skull on the krogg)

just thought about shuriken with that speed and tizik and if stacks but

got a vorpal harvest +10 now


who would win? legendary scythe of soul reaping or 1 speedy ninja boi 

this is a pretty advanced build but looks like it still went pretty far!  Krog is great as a damage dealer late game


speedy bois

also  most dmg was 0 and sometimes a monster would take something like 67 dmg and its 100% of the damage


O: For a second I thought they all had tailwinds for maximum speed.  These are much more dangerous. 

the 2 parras laying flat on the ground was pretty funny in the first image.  

how did you manage 4 of the same monster, or is that just a visual bug and you only got 2?


i give up

even without my items, my monsters are near invincible 



lol even with items my monsters die



I stopped playing for a week and my (non iron will) record got broken


really nice team though!


+95.00001% bonus dmg for enemies  or enemies get  +95.00001% bonus dmg

hmm I should probably use some formatting so it doesnt show those weird floating point imprecisions

my mudgill has done nothing but suck. Dealing 5% of my total team damage is impressive for it. How can it become good

(1 edit)

shackles (only if you have at least 1 other bulky monster though)

you can use it as a meatshield 

also mudgill's chunk ability deals dmg based off the targets hp so it is always good in late game 

turn it into a machinegun with improved mana stone

+3 improved mana stone


how is my pyris consistently dealing more damage than my tuskal. I find that pretty impressive

(2 edits) (+1)

wait, can you clarify why the energy charm works so well with mudgill? because im new to this and not smart

energy charm triggers from each of mudgill's attacks, and it's active ability makes it attack 4 times.  If you can get the mana cost low enough it can basically refund its full cost each time its used


good lord that has potential. Thank you for explaining that veritable treasure trove of power. I thought hunters quarry was good lol

hunters quarry is better for a more supporty role :D (unless you throw something like an energy banner on him to give abuncha mana to allies)


PLOT TWIST: we are the bad guys, as we go on further in endless, the enemies get desperate because we are repeatedly killing them. The bosses are not really bosses anymore, they are just trying to protect their villages. Further on, we completely exhaust all natural resources, thats why the campfire and nests stop appearing



I think its funny how a few ascetics can do more damage to my units than targoth spamming armaddon


yep, with my mudgill build, basically spam attacks and energy charm gets mana being fully charged for the next cast, the ascetics melt my fighters faster than i melt theirs.


fortunately since mudgill is aggressive he recharges super bar rlly quick, and i am very conservative how i use it, so everytime i meet a team melting build i just use grand guard. Seras i originally thought he could work out with poison damage but at the speed mudgill melts the enemy his damage is irrelevant


armageddon.exe has stopped working

that was great editing, not a scratch on your team


good lord that is a loooot of synergies


if meditation gardens didn’t have a limit i would try obtaining every max synergy 


this team is lasting surprisingly long 


thats just because tizik turned him into a machine gun. I was more suprised about slaggs healing capabilities

(2 edits) (+1)

Im pretty new to this game so hopefully you can understand my suprise in dealing damage in the 8 digits. Turns out great heavy shackles really is op and my krog and slagg really thrived because of me stacking pulverizers, shattershards and living armor on them . I saw my krog deal 200k damage in one battle and my slagg heal 62k hp in another. Crazy for me

dang thats really high!  Most of Krog's damage comes from his hp when you get that late in the game


just made a really wacky healing based team


this is a no dying allowed zone


Rats are cool, I need more Rats

I just drew abunch of little rat adventurers for a sprite pack actually lol


GASP GIVE RAT i am a part of the rat gang

you can see one of them in the preview screenshots :D  the others have different gear (warrior rat, archer rat, wizard rat)


slime lords

bottom left slagg was fused with holy tome and mana shield


wow im really surprised to see an ULTIMATE DEFENSE type team go that far!


Mine is 4 defenses and 2 supports, also how do you have 4 slaggs? I want to test something with wyrmlets if you can have that many, also I know a perfect route that gives you all 6 at max evo, its complex tho

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i got 4 slaggs by getting slagg eggs from 2 bosses  and 2 nest used egg sense  (i didnt use any eggs until i got all 4) also i know know to get 6 max evo i just got too many wounds and got worried


add a monkey to this game and it will be perfect



or maybe some new haunted, maybe a haunted+aquatic and its some kind of sea monster

yeah adding a kraken would also be good

(1 edit) (+2)

couldnt play recently because parents blocked computer but now i hacked the mobile guardian  hehehe >:D 

This game is now pretty wonderful, i think you should get this game on steam because its pretty cool


thank you :D after the next update I do want to start trying to work towards a steam release hopefully


got a new OP build, which is mudgill equipped with maxed energy charm, which allows its ability to compensate for its mana


loop 7 and he has 500 str


make a mega shackles and his strength will go rapidly, and since you are using a cast build, he won't need speed at all!

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darn he has like 4k hp now and maxed def and str


finished loop 23, maxed out atk/def on all monsters finally, kabu bug reached 999 speed, defense, and int, but atk won't max out for some reason. I want my run to end so I can attempt to use mudgill and scutter in the engine, means i'm gonna have to waste some item slots on shackles though to max bulky


I have had a Dire realization, Krog is the best character in endless, even more than scutter and mudgill. Radiating him gives him slam and stagger, along with bellow+chorus, meaning he is a minor healer, deals thousands of damage per cast at max power, but more importantly

he reduces all enemy turn gauges by 10% per attack, and with beatdown triggers from max speed urso that happens faster they can attack... You see where this is going, and could have made my run immortal if I didn't Radiate Tizik


PS finally got a +20 weapon

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thats a crazy high weapon O: 

permanent disables are something I want to try to avoid, hmm


I save foods and items for a whole run then sell them all at a cheap forge and upgrade my items so I don't have to scrounge around for food to boost my stats, but the only stats that matter left are my tizik's int.


PS im on loop 25 now


i mean that is kinda hard, maybe you should add like a innate (every (insert disable) reduce the effects caused by disable by x%) like on the bosses, because without the gradually reducing effect of disables dealt to a enemy, with enough mana regen/speed/stuff you can always move fast enough to outrun the duration


also wyrmlet with the elixir thingy and the magic manipulation allows for a extreme boost of power on every monster during moments of need, and healing salve can heal 12 wounds every use (assuming max amt of monsters)


wait omg... thats true!

realizes I haven't used miraculous elixer in 20 loops...

Wyrm is very good with Elixir and Salve though it should only be applying on 2 other monsters instead of the whole party currently.  (So 6 wounds unless something is broken lol)


ah, i havent played in a while, in the past i remember the ability allows for the potion effects to be cast on everyone.


solo run

wow, parra is a squishy mon too!  thats impressive.  did you go for haunted in the early game?


no haunted

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